Is Bill Gates just an overrated and lucky billionaire?
Is Bill Gates just an overrated and lucky billionaire?
"It's complete Igor. A Microsoft computer in every home. Every school. Every office. Every government. Just say the word and I will activate Stage 2."
wanna know how I know you're fat?
He actually seems like a really cool guy. Donates fuck tons of money every year to charity and just flat out throws money at people once in a while.
True story: at my gradeschool we had a handfull of (at the time) really high end Dell Optiplex workstations running Windows XP only 6th graders had access to while the rest of the school was still on decrepit windows 98 machines. According to my homeroom teacher, those PC's were >$2,000 apiece and were donated directly by Bill Gates. He had a picture of the two shaking hands.
Bill gates would stay awake for three days straight working nonstop then pass out wherever he was with is clothes on from absolute exhaustion, and then when his body woke him up he would just stand up and start working again.
Sure luck probably had something to do with it but Bill Gates was a very hard worker. And very smart too.
Bill is the reason you all are able to shitpost here. Btw he donated like 80 or 90 % of profit to charity so buy buying windows you are also buying a dinner for a poor parentless child
>buy buying windows you are also buying a dinner for a poor parentless child
that's exactly what I don't want to do.
we have to stop overpopulation
Overpopulation isn't even a problem right now.
Do you want children to starve because of a meme?
>Overpopulation isn't even a problem right now.
Africa can't even support itself without western aid, dumbass
Can someone give me a quick rundown on this Igor guy?
That's not even an overpopulation problem.
Maybe if they actually helped themselves instead of stoning each other and grovelling in dirt.
how can they help themselves, if there is nothing there, and the sun kills everything.
They are living in a literal desert where they don't even have water.
We are literally giving them fishes and don't teach them to fish.
And then they are fed up and come to europe to just chillax and get free money.
We literally did the refugee crisis with our humanitarian aid.
Absolutely this. Also most ONGs are cancer
Luck played a part, for sure. So did being a ruthless businessman.
He was lucky in that IBM couldn't come to terms with Killdall and searched for another guy to find an OS for IBM-PC
Gates didn't have anything when he negotiated with IBM but thanks to Paul Allen they bought QDOS which was a CPM clone from other guy
The rest is history
>Bill is the reason you all are able to shitpost here
yeah because there are no alternatives to wangdows
kys faggot
Overpopulation is a meme like killer bees, 2012, and y2k.
there are?
>He was lucky in that IBM couldn't come to terms with Killdall and searched for another guy to find an OS for IBM-PC
>Gates didn't have anything when he negotiated with IBM but thanks to Paul Allen they bought QDOS which was a CPM clone from other gu
He also had the great advantage that his millionaire parents were in the same social set as IBM's CEO Frank T Carey. That's how Gates learned about IBM's OS needs and also how he got an intro to IBM.
>He was lucky in that IBM couldn't come to terms with Killdall
The story goes that the IBM crew arrived, dressed in blue suits, white shirts and wingtip shoes. They took one look at the hairy, bearded guys wearing Hawiian shirts and culture clash took over.
the call that saved microsoft
Pretty much.
He founded Microsoft and had it doing fairly unimportant and unprofitable stuff like porting programs between different computer systems.
When IBM decided to make the PC they approached him to make the OS. This was probably because they thought Microsoft was the original author of some of the programs they ported but nobody remembers for sure anymore. Bill bought DOS from another company then sold it to IBM with a contract that gave Microsoft some of the profits from every computer sold.
At least the Gates foundation is actually useful