What are you working on, Sup Forums?
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What are you working on, Sup Forums?
Old thread:
Thank you for using an anime image.
echo $MEMES
You forgot to use an anime image
Fuck off back to your containment board
Anyone know anything about HLSL? I have an array, say {0, 1, 2, 3, ...}. If I access the array directly with array[0], the value returned is as expected, 0. However, if I use an integer whose value prints to 0, say array[index], I get a nonsensical value. What gives? I've been tearing my hair out for weeks trying to figure this out.
An orgasm. Edging 20 minutes so far.
I choose all 3. I choose Rust.
anyone here ever worked with Nest Works, the API Nest Labs publishes with all their bot net devices? working on something with it and I have an odd question someone who knows the API better might be able to answer
>fast development
>being on Sup Forums
>not liking anime
Here u go here's ur wbesite:
>Sup Forums is a safe space
>the promise of good performance but not in reality
>the promise of fast development but not in reality
Makes sense.
>being on Sup Forums
>being this triggered
Here u go here's ur wbesite:
How about no?
I'm making a tiny console for BasicTV (telnet, SSH is planned), enough for uploading and basic TV controls. Any suggestions on how to make it better?
Then reported for avatarfagging. Enjoy you're ban.
>t. Rob Pike who never got over losing in the 70s
Lewd anime images and /dpt/.
>Any suggestions on how to make it better?
add some anime features
>implying Breitbart is bad
What the fuck is going on with Haskell that the toolset is like 350mb?
Does it need to be that big? Other modern languages seem to fit their shit into about 50mb. Yeah I know it's FP but why would that need a drastically larger toolset?
Tell that to my VPN.
java is best fuck off goyim
Limbo is actually a bretty based programming language, famalam.
Reminder that no matter what you choose, you will never program anything as good as the 5MB wonder that is MikuMikuDance.
I think this is as good as can be expected
>Yeah I know it's FP
how is that relevant here?
ghc compiles the code to a quantum state in which all outcomes are predetermined with infinitely fast runtime
Still wondering where you got the idea that that was a single line of code...
Posting from a VPN is against the rules.
Java for safety
this is true. i actually implemented that myself.
You'd have to stream that the old fashioned way
>garbage collected
>good performance
Pick one
>no generics
>fast development
Pick one
Well it isn't but I knew some cunt would come and chime in how that made a difference
Any rule of thumb that can be a guide to know whether a problem is better solved recursively than iteratively? I know fibonacci and file system scanning is better coded recursively than iteratively.
Assume infinite stack.
how do i git gud with python? i failed python algorithms due to having no experience and being a robot. i'm retaking it now and still have no idea how
>Well it isn't
why did you fucking it posting it then?
to be fair it's windows only
Good, except for you accidentally swapped the languages under the "Fast Development" and "Neither" categories.
Fucking FP hipster sodomite.
How can you write some actual useful programs in C?
good, it keeps out the linplebs
iterative is faster in 99% of cases
recursion is useful for solving problems but most of the time recursive solutions can be implemented iteratively with a big improvement in runtime and memory usage.
I just told you you fucking retarded pajeet
quality isn't free user
>he thinks shitlangs like python are faster for development
>using c
top keks
They're equivalent. You can always transform an iterative algorithm into a recursive algorithm, and vice versa.
>3 FP retards are deflecting because their language is shit
Really makes you think...
well yeah but iterative solutions can be reimplemented recursively for mad FP cred
What else would you program for? Mac?
>3 FP retards are deflecting because their paradigm is shit
how do i get good at solving programming problems?
is the solution just experience+books on algorithms?
That's retarded, though.
>he thinks math is retarded
I think you may be the retarded one, friend.
how do i compete with all the chinks as a brainlet in CS?
The recursive version will always be slower though.
Yes, and read a lot of stackoverflow questions and answers.
>mad FP cred
what does that entail? getting called out for having a 3rd chromosome on a tibetan knitting forum?
It isn't, map and filter are actually useful you pajeet cunt
Haskell is shit though
The fuck are you talking about?
Loop through an array list recursively and try not to look retarded.
>doesn't say why it's wrong
10/10 post m80
You are ignorant.
Java 8 is a gift from the gods
And those aren't functional programming concepts. Those are distributed programming concepts.
>map and filter is inherently distributed
>mfw my faggot poo boss is banned from America thanks to Trump
How has Trump improved your life Sup Forums?
Any ideas about what the fuck should I create? I have some electronic parts and a few toys that I could make use of to build something, but I don't know what.
Preferrably, I'd like to do some random gadget for my room that's not necessary, but might be useful.
I feel like there are lots of things I can do, by I am held back by being able to waste my time on other pointelss shit.
should i not be falling for the CS meme if I actually have no interest in it?
>map, filter, reduce
>distributed programming concepts.
Fukken saved.
DIY time rotor
they're pure, higher order functions
>The recursive version will always be slower though.
If the compiler can perform tail call optimization on a recursive function then it will transform it function into an iterative one. This will necessarily have the same performance as the function written iteratively. Therefore the above claim is false.
That's a lame argument since in this case it's the compiler changing it to an iterative version then running the iterative version, not the recursive version. In this case it's still the iterative version that's faster.
I don't know, I don't live in a third world shithole called USA.
>That's a lame argument
It's correct, though.
I don't live in America either. How could my boss be banned if he lived in America?
Where do you live then?
Hi guys, I am making shitty Windows Phone application and I need to ask how to add a shadow to my current text, I am using
And I need a simple shade because of the images I am using otherwise it looks like shit.
>use retarded, unreadable and incomprehensible recursive algorithms
>compiler tries to help your mental illness by converting to iterative before you shoot yourself in the foot
>"look guise, recursive isn't so slow after all xD"
I hope you don't contribute to open source libraries.
Don't you mean USA's progressive backyard full of chinks?
I'm starting to get super interested in the blockchain technology underpinning Bitcoin.
From a programming standpoint, what key concepts should I know if I wanted to make my own blockchain-related software?
Can someone please give me some code review?
>2 pajeets believed him
strength of hashing algorithms is pretty much it, as well as a general understanding of programming
>unreadable and incomprehensible recursive algorithms
Your inferior education is showing.
thanks anons! I hope you and your waifus enjoy happiness for eternity
>B-but it gets compiled as iterative anyway
What is the point of abstractions that result in precisely zero gains?
IF recursion actually results in better readability (rare but I guess it must happen eventually) then fine.
Still haven't seen many examples where it is actually worth using though, so why even bother learning it as a concept?