Is this list good or does it need some changes?
- firefox
- picotorrent
- sharpdevelop
- kodi + quasar
- mpv + youtube-dl
- dopamine
- keepass2
- bleachbit
- 7-zip
Is this list good or does it need some changes?
- firefox
- picotorrent
- sharpdevelop
- kodi + quasar
- mpv + youtube-dl
- dopamine
- keepass2
- bleachbit
- 7-zip
blackbird for privacy and performance
That looks shady as fuck. I use ShutUp10
Kill yourself, desperate winshill
user windows 7, wsus, aegis and tinywall
I seriously can't think of a reason to stick to Windows if all you use is FOSS. I've been in this situation before. When I find that a Windows computer I own only runs software that is available on Linux, I switch to Linux. I've never been disappointed by that decision. The only appeal of Windows these days it its software (incl. video games.) If you have a reason to abandon the sinking ship that is modern Windows and all its forced telemetry, forced updates and bad UI decisions, you should take it.
It's also worth mentioning that if you support the ideals of free software, you will know that you will never have acceptable levels of freedom or privacy on Windows. Installing sketchy meme shareware, like whatever the hell "ShutUp10" is, will not help.
I can.
This was an issue back when you weren't born yet. It's not anymore.
check again, faggot
I've checked multiple times when this has been posted over and over again by clueless idiots. File picker thumbnails have been working for years, faggot. Not to mention file manager thumbnails as well.
I don't want to spoonfeed you, but I'll give you a hint: there are other desktop environments besides Gnome and the most popular distros are already using them. That problem has not been an issue in years for most people.
>gets called out for being a retard
>moves the goalpost
>le goalposts
Who is this issue affecting? Why was it ever mentioned? If you can't answer both, at least answer one.
what a retarded thread
There is no reason to use windows if all you use is FOSS. Windows is for proprietary software.
You forgot OpenOffice/LibreOffice. They're just as good or better than Microsoft Office 99% of the time, and office suites are something that's likely to be actually relevant to the average user.
How is sharpdevelop nowadays? How does it compare to the bloated VS?
No they are not. There is no alternative to Excel.
Adding one line to your rc.local is not difficult. If it scares you away because it's text based instead of graphical, you are too stupid to have freedom or privacy.
This is not an issue if you use KDE. Every time this GTK file picker issue comes up and someone suggests using KDE, some other faggot always pretends that KDE isn't an option, but it is. I use KDE on my primary computer and it just works. Since GNOME and GTK are going down the shitter, switching to KDE is something every GNOME user should consider.
In any case, these are minor UI issues. If you cared about FOSS, you'd know that freedom and privacy are more important than some cherry-picked UI nits. If you don't care about FOSS, don't contribute to a thread about FOSS on Windows. Yes, it's nice to use FOSS software on Windows, and it's better than the alternative of using proprietary software on Windows, but it's still a half step to using free software on a free operating system.
>>Adding one line to your rc.local
Did you read nothing in that pic except for the last 4 words?
Who am I kidding, it's just another example of lintards feigning ignorance in order to avoid addressing the actual problem.
I have a Windows desktop and use a lot of FOSS software, and a lot of proprietary software, none of which I paid for. Call the cops, i don't give a fuck
Well, the actual problem is that you need to git gud. If you can only take a half-step to defend your freedom because you are too stupid for text-based configuration, so be it. There are legitimate reasons to use Windows, like if you need professional proprietary software like Photoshop or InDesign, or even if you need Windows-only video games. Just finding the configuration difficult is not an excuse. After all, any Pajeet can get Red Hat certified. It is not difficult.
>linux is better than windows at something
>windows is better than linux at something
>th-that's just the price of freedom! it's not the OS's fault you're retarded!
Nice backpedaling, faggot. You made a retarded post and got BTFO
>that's just the price of freedom
Well it is. If you care about FOSS, you understand the benefits of a free operating system. If a handful of tasks are more difficult on Linux than they are on Windows, it's probably still worth it. Even if these tasks are more difficult on Linux than on Windows, they're objectively not difficult. and they're certainly doable if you care about FOSS. They're also way easier than removing all the telemetry from Windows 10 (and even if you think you've removed all the telemetry, it's very hard to know for sure with non-free software.)
Whose fault is it that you're retarded, anyway? It's not mine.
Well if windows is worse at something, there's no excuse of windows being the price of something
>there's no excuse of windows being the price of something
There's a term that normal people use and it's called productivity/3rd party support
I thought productivity/support was included in "stuff working well"? If something isn't working on windows, it's not really contributing to productivity is it?
You can't rice windows as well as linux but I imagine that aspect doesn't belong as part of productivity, fag.
I'm just saying people say that less productivity is the price of FOSS. If something doesn't work on windows then what is that the price for? That's why nobody ever says "that's just the price of X" when windows doesn't work
>If something doesn't work on windows then what is that the price for?
Everything else still working better than on linux, I'm guessing.
Why would you usse foss on a OS that is infiltrated by every inteligence agency there is.
Honesty, if you are using windoes there is absolutely no reason to uses foss aside from the case where it is better then the alternatives
>update my Linux system
>nothing works
That's when I went back to Windows.
aside from it being free(gratis), more trustworthy, less likely to fuck you over or sell you out, and able to be customized, extended or edited if it doesn't do what you want
>less likely to fuck you over or sell you out
Your OS is already doing that why care?
Have you even read my post?
>aside from the case where it is better then the alternatives
>someone is fucking you therefore you should let everybody fuck you
I am sure a stupid Trump law will force Microsoft and other entities to share all their software sources.
Building Win10 from sources: 140 days!
Building Visual Studio from sources: 170 days!!!
Building Microsoft Office 2016 from sources: +9999 days!!!
I am sure this is why they still don't make them open source.
Every Microsoft software are bunch of glued shits.
I still use Windows for school because I haven't found a Linux driver for my printer (Canon iP6600D) or my old wireless mouse that works right. Basically the only reason.
who the fuck even uses excel ?
I hope you didn't try to install "Linux" with a Ubuntu 9.04 CD. :^)
Please just use a modern distribution!
thats the reason why you shouldn't use rolling release distros.
This. OOSU10 and DWS_LITE are necessary for Windows 10 users
It seems that all the O&O software bundle crapware!
This reminds me of the countless cleaners, defragmentators and optimizers for Windows XP.
If you have to tweak the OS so much, maybe the OS isn't that good after all. You should probably reconsider and try macOS or Ubuntu for once.
>DWS_LITE website
It seems it's Russian platform for geeks and retards.
There are tons of alternatives.
You're just a a stupid biz cuck who needs muh GUI to do anything useful with muh data
I use Transmission-Gt (Ubuntu like) on Windows.
Evince Document Viewer (Ubuntu like for PDF) instead of ugly Adobe.
MacOS is now even crappier than WinXP.
It's easily the slowest operating system now. :(
Look at all the optimizers/cleaners in its retarded software store!
Install Ubuntu.
Become suddenly slow.
Stupid error message every 5 minutes.
The mouse freeze randomly and needs reboot.
Fans become reactors randomly.
Upgrading packages doesn't work suddenly.
Installing package from .deb doesn't work and freeze the system.
if you don't want to deal with that bullshit on linux use a stable distro.
Installing software on linux distribution is such a pain now!
Last time I upgrade Ubuntu/Archlinux/Fedora the speed was terribly slow.
On windows the software website are often full of ads to pay the servers.
BUT it's not a problem now with CHOCOLATEY.
System administrators are HAPPY and can get a FAMILY/GF.
Yes like Debian Stable Gnome2 with 7 year-old software ...
>MacOS is now even crappier than WinXP.
>It's easily the slowest operating system now.
This is simply not true.
>retarded software store
I'll give you that, but every so-called store is full of those, and no sane person is using the app store in a mac for anything other than big-name software and system updates.
They issues with Ubuntu you mentioned are most likely caused by using non-LTS release. Although Linux in general requires some maintenance every now and then, it's still less annoying than having to deal with Windows bullshit.
I wish I could just switch to linux fine.
Problem is:
-I bought my hardware mostly for games, not gonna lie
-I do need Office, LibreOffice doesn't suffice
-I need some way of always receiving notifications for emails that isn't installing a browser extension, because both evolution and thunderbird didn't display them for me
-Windows still has the best music players
Hillary detected. Lock her up! #acidwashedbenghaziemails
What's the windows bullshit seriously?
Is working without single issue a bullshit now?
name 3 features that you need that aren't present in debian stable or backports.
macOS being the slowest operating system is indeed not true.
However it's not exactly "snappy". If you run for instance, on an SSD, hackintosh, win7 and ubuntu, you'll notice that hackintosh is the slowest of them all. Every application or file to open takes about half a second to open, where it takes less on different operating systems.
Not that it matters -that- much, but still it's noticeable.
- Good development environment for the major operating systems.
- Hardware support, yes I don't use a raspberry thing.
- Recent software with less issues.
so you really are just a 14 yo kid or a total retard
Try to have a working pci-passthrough on debian without a single glitch.
It works fucking well on Archlinux with recent (non LTS) kernel.
Yes I have to build my shits on iOS, Android, Windows and macOS.
The tools provided by Microsoft work.
I trust them more than the fat belly retards from the Linux community.
How many Debian mentors are currently paid to mess it with mostly undetectable backdoors?
Debian are full of old Republican fags who can't accept the true facts that destroyed their ancestral doctrine.
WTF, this is just why you should stop using Debian now!
Yeah of course, but the point is the software (games) and fixing it so that it's not so bad. I don't really see the issue
Macos needs a shitload of fixes/tweaks as well and no Linux distro works out of the box. Stop pretending like they do. I have a MacBook and distribution hop on my Thinkpad every couple months
>Try to have a working pci-passthrough on debian without a single glitch.
like the one i have for my gaymen windows 7 vm? yeah, works fine on debian jessie.
i have no idea how the rest of your points is related to features debian stable doesn't have but other distros have, but i have to test my shit on other OSs too. luckily we only support POSIX compatible systems.
Debian! Why debian seriously?
Is it true that Linux users don't have a job and live with their parents and how to install word 2016?
I studied it almost 6 months to get my paid job, yes I am paid to use word, I don't know why people on Sup Forums are so surprised about it.
Computers are not humans, almost all people who use a computer do this for their job! It's more suitable to use a tablet or smartphone to read the news, watch videos or play little games on Facebook.
For word novices I advice you this tutorial, very instructive, yes the teacher looks like an "old fag" but she has a cool voice.
>yes goyim trust ous
>our works, no longer you have to worry about evil microsoft spying on you1
>Yes, it's nice to use FOSS software on Windows, and it's better than the alternative of using proprietary software on Windows, but it's still a half step to using free software on a free operating system.
How about the most important step?
Actually getting shit done on your computer.
Not really.
It's pretty modular nowadays, since they had to restructure the OS to be able to dev it on multiple platforms fast.
And it's gonna be even more unglued once they finish transitioning the clusterfuck that is explorer.exe into composable shell and the new file explorer.
Serious question.
Why would you use FLOSS on Windows?
I mean, you are already using software that denies your freedom (by a large gap mind you), so why would you use free software for the rest of your tasks?
Citation needed ...
Freedom is not that limited, your doctrine is not freedom!
Why quasar over pulse? No aggro, just not that familiar with kodi builds.
What is pulse?
If you mean pulsar, quasar is its successor:
Pulse is just a basic build I got using the ares wizard. Seems popular