Let's just say that you had to leave your house tomorrow for an indeterminate amount of time and could only take one USB drive (I dunno, 32 or 64 gigabytes or something) with you. What would be on it?
Let's just say that you had to leave your house tomorrow for an indeterminate amount of time and could only take one...
literally just porn?
a linux live iso image
what distro? would you put anything else on it before leaving?
>what distro?
Slax or Slitaz, since they're both designed to run as a live system.
>would you put anything else on it before leaving?
Maybe the source code of some projects I'm working on.
And I also have some pdfs on programming and maths that I could put on there.
I'm not sure though if additional files on the usb could fuck up anything when trying to boot the iso from it.
yeah I was wondering about if that would screw up the boot too. Cool though, those both seem like nice distros
my thougths exactly
What game is that?
PGP key
a select few porns, probably only genderbender anime
Maybe my memes folder
and my Documents folder
the backup of the past 5 years of all the distros i put my crap on, mainly the tax returns etc.
fuck the distros, my data is all backed up to the Drive. oh yeah, Mint 13 boot up because a 64 flash drive is rendered my hard drive.
The private keys for my servers. Maybe my ebook/music collection.
All of my code is already online.
dwarf fortress.
Debian system with Steam and BL2 installed.
Couple of tech manuals
Python and Eclipse compilers
My schoolwork for the week
The All-Embracing Library ftp://joelixny.ddns.net/The%20All-Embracing%20Library/
Probably what's left on my iCloud and Google Drive.
Depends on what the scenario is. Assuming you're using internet cafe/library computers and it's a 128GB drive, which most of mine are...
I've got a server at home so most content is available to me online if not on GDrive.
For everything else I would probably have a portable version of VirtualBox or VMware with Linux, MacOS and Windows VMs already personalised on it. That way I can just sit down, run my VM and use it like it's my own computer
OP here, this is the type of thing I was hoping to find from this thread. sweet.
as the inconformist cunt I am I want to put more order to it, but the guy hosting the server is not around
is pretty good thou, I read as much as I can and don't want to waste my time with less than god tier quality, of course it depends on whose criteria but that is why I try to be open minded as not to miss some goodies
Will my home computer stay on and will I have ssh access to it? I can't think of anything so important I'd need to take it with me on a flashdrive, really. As long as I can take at least one of my ThinkPads with me, I'd probably be good.
However if I can't access my computers remotely, can't bring a ThinkPad, and I really do just have a flashdrive containing whatever on it, I think the choice is obvious. Some sort of LiveUSB of GNU/Linux so I can make someone else's computer usable, or get a new one up and running quickly.
What am I looking at here?
I will take the USB Killer instead
linux live cd... if i can partition it then I'd have my emacs set up on there. probably firefox mobile. loads of good porn. some music.
honeslty 64 gigs is a fucking lot
>Python and Eclipse compilers
decent screwdriver and 128gbs usb drive
Implying its an encrypted drive:
linux live cd (puppy or DSL or whatever distro that runs in ram)
keepass database of all my credentials
some emulated arcade games
pen testing tools
some porn films
rest would be filled up with music, prob Kanye
> Kek
the source code to sweetOS
I'd finally figure out how to partition it to have both windows-compatible file storage and a liveCD. It's been a bitch to figure out.
I have my offsite backups set up so that I can completely recreate my normal setup from anywhere on the planet with a few machines and an internet connection,
Since so many of us decided on basically a liveUSB, can we turn this into a discussion on how to do stuff like this:
It's pretty simple to choose x distro and dd it to a flashdrive, but things like persistence and partitioning it to have things besides the ISO on it are a lot more complicated. I was just about to install a new distro on my laptop, so I'm currently thinking about what a really nice LiveUSB would look like, and how to make it.