What's his endgame?

What's his endgame?

to watch his pan-faced wife get impregnated by a Raja Koduri

pay his bills?

To have you buy a D-Brand skin and host your website with Square Space

steal tech, make money

To shill for every technology company on this planet.

Only the companies that pay him


Don't forget tunnelbear

by doing this

To get as many earrings as possible.

Speaking of endagmes, DBRAND! brand has the best skins bla bla bla....

Hey, this video about Holocaust was only possible due to Dbrand skins.

Bisex at the end of the day

to be saved on my hard drive :3

He Ok in terms of reviewing and tech related stuff but but he does keep sucking on dbrand and Intel's dick

He probably does do what he does just to pay the bills


Shill Intel but Ryzen begs to differ

To make enough money to pay for hair transplants when his baldness really starts becoming apparent. He'd make a profoundly ugly bald guy, and he knows it.

he wants make LINUX great again!!!!

xD Xd xD

>What's his endgame?- 20 posts and 1 image reply shown.
To watch his mongrel kids grow up and become next Elliots.

Raja has standards...

To once again have balls !!!


He's got a great

Suddenly I don't feel like that much of a faggot


>wife refuses to get tubes tied
>wife forced him to have a vasectomy
>energy in his videos are now nonexistent
I want to feel sorry for him, but he gets off on being dominated.

To be the ultimate EVGA shill.

sell his wife to raise funds for completing his gender reassignment surgery

that's jayztwocents' goal though