Are you on github Sup Forums?
Open Source Fun
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No they keep changing my code
only to shitpost on the issue tracker
No. Apparently, to host something there, I must allow forking (i.e. theft of my code by communists) and I mustn't deny code from SJWs who want to change un-PC words in my code.
So, fuck'em.
is this the github hate thread now?
this is the head of diversity training at Github.
i like how they start off with a racist comment
at least no.6 adds up
Is there an online git that's not ran by SJWs and allows for read only gits for public projects?
just host ur own git server
This board seems more tech enthusiasts than hacker elite.
why do you seem surprised?
popular news give you a different idea?
>Sup Forums - Technology
>surprised to see tech enthusiasts
GitLab rules.
GitHub drools.
People like you are the reason Trump won.
I bet you don't even understand why ``all lives matter" is problematic.
>People like you are the reason Trump won.
Thank you.I voted for President Trump and even have a MAGA hat and have worn it outside many times. I also donate money to NRA and GOA.
Have a pic of POTUS and FLOTUS. It's on me. Enjoy!
>the girl that stirred up this shit continues to be one of the main people in node.js's technical committees
>I can't find any contributions involving actual code
Yes, I have a bot that runs a troll account.
While not Github related I wanted to share this with the people in this thread.
[cut]Lightning Talks Day 2 [33c3]-G81hQOpdV2Y
>there is a great majority of white people which is one of the biggest issues, and we would really like to change that in the months to come
jesus fuck, what a cuck!
>tfw I was a woman in tech before all the SJW shit and now people assume I'm only here because of my gender, not because I can write code
woman ruining things for other women is certainly nothing new
Radical feminism is the destruction of feminism. Sorry, femanon.
sorry user, feminism and SJWs are the fucking cancer of western societies. democrats radicalized all these groups through something called "identity politics" (look it up) and now the cultural marxism (look that one up as well) has taken hold of so many societies and companies.
ps: are you white? apparently, white women are the biggest obstacles to diversity in the workplace. lol
>ps: are you white? apparently, white women are the biggest obstacles to diversity in the workplace. lol
Yes. Never would have thought it was all my fault, I just wanted to write code and have good coworkers. I guess that makes me racist and sexist
What feminism used to be about was great. It is a great shame that the word has been hijacked.
of course
>Yes. Never would have thought it was all my fault, I just wanted to write code and have good coworkers. I guess that makes me racist and sexist
These people are fucking insane. They're fascists. They are brainwashing people and are forcing everyone to abide by their ideology and if you don't, they call you all kinds of derogatory terms. But it looks like it stopped working and the tide is turning against this nonsense.
Let's just hope this insane cultural "revolution" is stopped.