College freshman here, just got a macbook pro from my parents BC of the grades I'm getting...

College freshman here, just got a macbook pro from my parents BC of the grades I'm getting. I asked them to return it but they just wouldn't allow me to.

Now I'm a macfag, what do?

rice the fuck out of it until you learn to love it.

Just load a Windows VM onto it.

Where should I start?
I have no idea what I should get/change about a macos device.

Google Ubersicht

Also get iterm2

Use it?

Why are you bitching over free stuff.

Its perfectly capable

You can change the background color. That would be wild!

Get macports or homebrew and become and OSS fag complaining about MacOS not being a crappy Linux distribution.


Boot camp? VM?

Stop being an ungrateful cunt.

sell it or trade it for what you want. If they ask about it tell them that while you appreciate the gift it doesnt work with some of your required programs.

>not wanting parents to waste money on unnecessary trash you neither want nor need is being ungrateful

Mactoddlers everyone.

>tfw too intelligent to use a macbook

install gentoo

1) Macports/homebrew work as package managers so you can act like a foss cunt.

2) Just install Linux, everything justworks™ except for proprietary wifi.

keep that boipussy safe because you will get hit on by fags constantly

You can dual boot using BootCamp

Enjoy your free around with OS X see what is all about. Its kinda neat in some ways. Dual Boot windows, and enjoy your well built free expensive laptop

you know what to do

>won't allow me to return it
Give it back Jamal

learn keyboard shortcuts, and enjoy the best computer you have ever owned.

Install Gentoo on it. Not even kidding.

But why? Are they autistic?

Welcome to the master race. Dual boot it so that you can do everything.

You could even triple boot it if you really wanted to, but I don't think a Linux partition is worth it if you already have macOS and Windows 10.

Stubbornness runs in the family.

>t. mactoddler

I love this insult, it's so easy and even easier to filter than my list of pepe md5 hashes, keep it up!

It's a fucking computer. Use it. Learn paradigms that isn't the Microsoft way.

Go to Settings and enable Hot Corners

Ignore the autistic screeching from third-world plebeians

>t. mactoddler

Sell it, buy a ThinkPad.

mission control....
hot corners...

Get comfy
MacOS is pretty fucking good
It's much better than Windows desu

It's a nice laptop. I don't own one myself and I probably wouldn't buy one with my own money but I would be happy to get one for free. You can load windows or linux or whatever the fuck you want if you don't care for mac os. You'll just have to carry a couple dongles in your backpack unfortunately because of the usb thing. Although I rarely ever need to plug anything but my power supply. I wirelessly upload files and pics to my computer and I don't use flash drives anymore for portable storage.

good luck with the shit random battery life

>t. mactoddler

Congrats. OS X is Unix. Sounds like your parents are telling you to grow the fuck up already in more way that one.

A lot of people are saying I should install windows/Linux

Does anyone know what Linux distros and windows versions support the fingerprint sensor?

I keep on searching stuff, but I'm getting nothing conclusive

it is riced out of the box you dumbo