What are some technology brands you favor or are loyal to?

What are some technology brands you favor or are loyal to?

For me it's mostly gigabyte. Got an i7 870 that's been clocked at 4.3ghz for the last 4 years on a gigabyte motherboard (p55a-ud3r-usb3) with zero issues yet and a gigabyte gtx 670 that's still working great.

I've been using gigabyte products for several generations of computers and I've never had one fail on me yet.

I also like HP laptops. Pretty good Linux support usually and they can be very budget friendly. Also great aesthetics.

Dumb luck I guess. I've had a gigabyte mobo and 2 gigabyte gfx cards die on me (pre-2012.)

Seagate is pretty bad too -- unless you buy their commercial storage stuff.

Loyal to:
Mushkin SSDs (may change now that Samsung lowered their prices.)


Yeah, not saying they're perfect. But I've been really lucky with gigabyte products so I'm just sticking to them until this luck runs out.

Still got a Pentium 3 motherboard in my garage that works and it's a gigabyte.

Western Digital
Dell (for monitors)


Loyal to none, but I favor:
ASUS, WD, Corsair, Gigabyte, MSI, Xiaomi, Sony (only for Cameras though), Antec.

ASUS seems to be the only non-business PC laptop manufacturer concerned with both build quality and quality control; Acer is trying to catch up, especially with their newer all-metal laptops, but they still feel like they're just copying what ASUS did first.

Plus, their ROG line of machines have the best cost-to-performance/build quality ratio of any mobile gaming laptop line.

That and WD, Intel, and AMD, the latter because I'm cheap.

MSI has NEVER failed me. I buy almost all stuff from them when possible.

Panasonic, IBM, Hitachi, HGST, Phillips, Fujitsu


in favor of: asus gigabyte vmoda vortex cooler master mionix realforce harman nikon gskill

Vmoda remotes are great

Had a gigabyte z97 board that died one month after warranty. Not using them again.

Loyal to Sony for smartphones (z3c as my first and only)
Loyal to AMD for giving me incredible returns on the stock market

muh nigga

Gigabyte is pretty based but HP laptops are hot trash



i pretty much only buy gigabyte, asus, or evga if i can help it.


fuck off, canon is better. muh L glass.

I like Panasonic a lot.

Logitech products are always well built

I'd fuck her in the ass while she attempts to sing Kill em with kindness

None because I'm not a consumerist lol

Logitech and AMD

Lenovo, IBM, Apple, Intel, Motorola

I'm a massive Asus and Corsair whore

>being loyle to a motherboard manufacturer

i've never understood it. they all do the same basic shit.

>What are some technology brands you favor or are loyal to?
i thought only consumerist retards do this?

Asus, and biostar. Im really excited to see biostar am4 motherboard. I havent had a biostar motherboard since 2009 and it was the best. I think it was for the am2 socket but I can't remember now. Now all my laptops and motherboards are asus but that might change.

There's nothing wrong with being partial to a brand that's treated you well over the years. Nobody's saying to blindly dive into purchases of said brand, but to consider them first and most likely buy their hardware as it's worked out well for you repeatedly is anything but being a consumerist retard.

bad dragon