>Windows 8.1 >Start8 >Can CHOOSE which updates I install >No Cortana using 85MB of RAM >No telemetry >No botnet >No automatic driver updates >SSD is fully optimized on 8.1 unlike 7 >Memory is better optimized on 8.1 than 7 as well >Motherboard drivers actually supported >All the speed and aesthetics of Windows 10 >All the stability and desktop friendliness of Windows 7
Why aren't you using Windows 8.1 with Start8 Sup Forums?
Angel Richardson
because my main pc is for gayming I use an amd r9 390 and hitman works quite nicely on dx12
Ayden Rivera
The last uTorrentfag
Landon Scott
Because I like Linux (the kernel) too much.
Joseph Foster
>No telemetry >No botnet
Adrian Butler
I am, my dude. It's comfy as fuck.
But go into the Start8 config menu and remove the profile avatar thing. I did it in StartIsBack but you should be able to do it in Start8 as well.
Ethan Hill
Support dates, pham.
Luke Ross
Jacob Green
Is this shit free?
Angel Cook
Carson Reed
All windows since windows 95 have been backdoored. Look up NSAKEY
Colton Myers
Fucking lewd dude
Dominic Green
where? can u post that wallpaper
Jacob Barnes
So Windows 7 but with some vague "optimization" bullshit
Lucas Morris
no u
Connor Phillips
>aria wallpaper Man of fine tastes >cuts alicia out But not without his flaws
Xavier Johnson
alicia is the worst girl by far akari >>>>>>>>> alice >>> aika > the rest > alicia
Nolan James
I take man of fine tastes back
Ethan Perez
ara ara there u go thats alicia in two words she literally does nothing else the whole show
Nathan Lewis
>cuts alicia out But I didn't. Akira is best girl anyway.
Jaxon Hughes
you on winshit now? I thought you used hackintosh..
Colton Cooper
i think your confusing me with someone else
Jonathan Jones
>anime wallpaper
Normie faggot. Also win8 has telemetry.
Easton Barnes
Post nails
Tyler Ramirez
you have way too many personalities... sorry for asking.
Matthew Rivera
Gonna need that source, user...
Jackson Campbell
hey me too
Nathan Lee
hairy chinese vag
Evan Nguyen
>Start8 >not using Classic Shell Why though
Not if you don't install those updates.
>2500K >16GB RAM
Jace King
>2500K >16GB RAM yes congrats u can read, those are my specs
Dominic Allen
>unironically using composite effects enjoy your input lag
Caleb Reyes
>Have Windows 8.1 + Start8 >Try out Windows 10 LTSB >It's okay, has a shitty looking inconsistent UI, can't see myself liking it much >Try using Windows 7 again >Works great, but lacks multi-monitor features like taskbars and different wallpapers on each monitor, and native ISO mounting 8.1 just feels like a great middle ground between 7 and 10. I've never had any issues with it, and every time I try using 10, I always go back to 8.1. No reason to use that shit right now anyway.