Apple CEO Tim Cook assured workers that >Apple does not support Trump's immigration >policy and the company is prepared...

>Apple CEO Tim Cook assured workers that >Apple does not support Trump's immigration >policy and the company is prepared to lend them >aid.
>"Apple would not exist without immigration, let >alone thrive and innovate the way we do," Cook >said.

That's the whole problem, Tim - you should have hired more American workers...

Other urls found in this thread:

>wanting American workers

kek, the reason every tech company is against the anti-immigration bills is because there just aren't enough good or even decent American programmers.

From my experience, there isn't many good non-american programmers either.

There are plenty, but you have to pay US salaries. Corporations do not care about locals, or about immigrants; they care only about the bottom line.

>good enough
translation: works for half the pay and half the efficiency

There just aren't many good programmers period. Especially not at applel.

Are you fags straight from reddit?


this desu.
Everyone else is just a butthurt dumbass that couldn't get a job.
Companies hire people based on their talent.

I quit IT out of pure frustration out of the uselessness of these foreign workers.

Every single one has multiple degrees and a bloated resume but never fucking learned basic common sense or has any ability to work off the flow chart. Nobody knows how anything works and you can never get even the most basic of information out of them. It's a fucking mess.

> There are plenty
Not if you don't count the usually useless diploma mill "graduates" that so many US universities spit out.

> but you have to pay US salaries
You know, the immigrants that are good enough to demand US salaries (and that tech companies REALLY, REALLY want) seem to increasingly don't want to be in the USA anymore if they can go to Europe or Asia.

Even in instances where it comes with a higher cost of living (for instance, Google's much growing campus in Zurich, Switzerland).

Obviously you don't need every last of them, but there is possibly a bad trend here away from being an inspired immigrant-friendly nation with great projects and easy to deal with policies to great annoyances and general legal insecurity.

Look folks, I gotta tell ya, we got the best corporations. Nobody has corporations as good as ours. Like, my son uses computers, he is so smart, just ten years old, amazing, and we have to get tough on the cyber and the cyber corporations. Now we can have good corporations, very smart, for you, the people, but you gotta make sure that they are paying their dues, you know, and we are going to get tough on the cyber and the cyber.

Our programmers are smart, they are the best programmers, nobody has programmers that are as good as our programmers, and my uncle - terrific guy, went to Harvard, really smart - he says that we can have the best cyber corporations in the world, as long as we get tough on the cyber and the cyber, and the cyber is tough, I know it is folks, but believe me, once we make sure that corporations prioritize Americans - great people, by the way, the best people, really wonderful - then we will be making the cyber great again.

>useless diploma mill "graduates" that so many US universities spit out.
Every university around the world. US is not unique in having tonnes of CS/IT grads who are useless: Every other country produces them as well.

Most (read: every) tech company realized that the average programmer doesn't actually NEED a degree in computer science. Programming is just a technical skill, like carpentry. Anyone can learn it. Mathematicians are programming. Physicists are programming. Chemists, data scientists, statisticians, and investors are programming. It's cheaper to hire someone out of a "coding bootcamp" in another country than it is to hire a white college graduate with a bloated sense of importance (with a bloated paycheck to match) because he spent 4 years learning the theory behind "Hello, World."

You'd think that if you hired the graduate you'd get the better programmer but that's actually not guaranteed to be the case anymore. The tech companies got smart, and American programmers will be left behind unless they get smart too and pull themselves up by their bootstraps.

Of course.
>tech companies are full of liberals
>immigrants are cheaper
>won't hassle you as much about working conditions or other things because they're happy to be there
>a lot of people who can generate value can also say fuck you, work for themselves and make more on their own terms and their own time so no one can ever really own them

They don't just have their politics but also logic and economics on their side in this case. This is an easy call.

>Every university around the world. US is not unique in having tonnes of CS/IT grads who are useless: Every other country produces them as well.
Some have a few atrocious universities, and then every country has some universities -or people- that are just kinda too theoretical and focused more on the skills relevant to doing some (maybe a bit dated) science than solving problems in a bit more loose engineering fashion. And usually there is not much of an assurance that any person is good at dealing with any co-workers.

But the USA has something special with those HUNDREDS of diploma mills that are worse than what you'd expect vocational training administered by a single 75% drunk and sleeping teacher to yield.

Either way, the domestic market just doesn't have enough competent people to support the US companies' usual bit for worldwide operations and market domination.

Americans were left behind when they started taking abstract courses and believing it gave them malleable skills.

You wouldn't believe the amount of shilling that goes on, even here on Sup Forums where future grads are raving about how their abstract course is SOOOO useful. Then they hit the market, realize they have an empty portfolio, no one wants to hire them because their 'dream' companies already have oldfags for the abstract shit and just need more hands on coders.

Oh, and to top all of this off, the grad is demanding a ridiculous starting salary because MUH TUITION LOANZZZ.

No wonder every tech company has turned to shoving foreigners into a bootcamp and then hiring them.

> Americans were left behind when they started taking abstract courses and believing it gave them malleable skills.
It does. Plus it ensures that people are able to solve difficult problems and work hard. If you make the bar sufficiently high. Which they apparently usually don't.

> No wonder every tech company has turned to shoving foreigners into a bootcamp and then hiring them.
Never met anyone who's been in a boot camp? They're hiring ready-to-use for more difficult jobs.

I generally see it more as a HR / Mr.Manager wants an easy life thing.

Maybe the top 20 or so US universities are very likely to give you some clever, well-educated people. Perhaps they're still autists with poor manners, but they ought to be able to any typical jobs you push their ways.

Everyone else? WAY higher chance of being an incompetent bum fuck than the average foreign student graduating off a decent Chinese / German / Swedish or whatever university, or an employee of a skill-wise related foreign country that wants to leave said company.

That's the whole point you gaboi. If Apple was forced to hire American workers who didn't go to MIT or Harvard and who demand a 300k salary plus health insurance, 401k and a private parking spot and paid vacations when they can hire Suckdeep from India who's a better programmer and a harder worker but is willing to work for far less money and doesn't give a fuck about job perks?

This is capitalism. When you apply for a job, you're competing with other workers for employment. If you were too stupid to get into MIT or Harvard then too bad, because there are at least 100,000 Asians more qualified for the job you want than you are.

This. We elected the consummate "I got mine, you get yours" capitalist and every company is pivoting accordingly.

What's wrong with legal immigrants? Every American nobel prize winner in 2016 was an immigrant.


There is a law against testing workers for competence in USA. Dunno if it applies to tech companies, though. Because I hear they ask you to program fizzbuzz or whatever.

>There is a law against testing workers for competence in USA
>Employment testing is legal as long as a professionally-developed employment test is administered according to the test developer’s intended use.

So it's true, apple is literally a panjeet company...

brb cancelling my iphone 7 plus order

Hey Sup Forums what's the best android smartphone out there right now? price is not a problem


What phone is the white mans phone?

fuck this stupid world

panjeets are everywhere infiltrating all aspects of life while they we are focused on terrorism

Samsung/Nokia feature phone.

A non-bastardized BlackBerry

well, you pay pajeets less.. so 2 pajeet > 1 american

>people voted in trump because they were angry at companies for hiring shitloads of immigrants
>companies proceed to hire more immigrants in spite of what people want

>implying Trump didn't win because Hillary would've if he didn't

Would I be wise to short Apple stock right about now?

Unless you're willing to go full /biz/ and spend a lot of time and effort, and risk quite a lot of money, to be a trader, you shouldn't be shorting anything.
inb4 plebbit

This explains perfectly why he won the primaries

>>Oh no we can't hire poo in looks anymore our company is going to go down the drain (literally)
Apple is a shitty company and deserves this

short means you expect it to go down??? who the fuck knows.. they just released MBP to the hipsters and might refresh iMacs, this might boost them somewhat

But all of the talented people are Indians. Now all the big US companies that provide thousands of jobs, some of them for white people, are going to leave for India.


>But all of the talented people are Indians
KEK, Pajeet

>and my uncle - terrific guy, went to Harvard, really smart - he says that we can have the best cyber corporations in the world

Yeah, companies give Indians the highest average salaries in the US just for shits and giggles.

Face it white man, your time is over. Your prosperity has made you weak and lazy, and now you refuse to compete with actually driven and talented individuals.

why are you shit posting? dont you already do enough on the street?

this is a decent thread tho.
Am currently aborting my CS degree bc of Rajesh overload. U kno when u look back on your life in your 60s, I wont be the guy who thinks "yeah ive spent thousands of hours of my life trying to communicate more efficiently with culturally unacceptable, antisocial, small, ugly men about why they shouldnt stare at the fucking executive assistant during meetings.

Currently looking for a 1st-gen-pajeet free profession. Im not concerned about race but the cultural differences.

>Your prosperity has made you weak and lazy, and now you refuse to compete with actually driven and talented individuals.
it's scary because its true

>Face it white man, your time is over.
This is not nice.

>Racial discrimination is BAD when it affects me, but it is ok when it affects others

So even though I'm a fucking white male, I'm Canadian and I want to get hired by a US company that's willing to get me a green card. If so many companies are looking to hire foreigners for cheaper wages, what's the best way for me to find jobs from American companies? I'm willing to work for a lower wage then what they would pay an American, at least until i get my foot in the door. Or am I not brown enough to qualify?

People forget that Steve Jobs is actually a (half-)Syrian kid that was put up for adoption because his biological grandfather wouldn't have his white daughter be with a Muslim.

Obviously, Steve Jobs very likely wouldn't be the guy Applefags glee over if it weren't for his adoption. That really shows that nurture is way more important in someone's life than nature.



>it's only bad if others do it

This is like the American political doctrine since the banana wars.

“It's only terrorism if they do it to us. When we do much worse to them, it's not terrorism.”
― Noam Chomsky, Media Control: The Spectacular Achievements of Propaganda

I am also from the glorious northern kingdom of Canuckistan. Anyone who says our country isn't brown enough hasn't set foot in a big-box retail store recently. Or been anywhere in public in Brampton.


>willing to get me a green card
They'll give you an H-1B visa. Basically approval for the company to require anything they want out of you. Because they'll deport you otherwise.

I mean, if you know you'll be making enough to afford the green card fees down the road, then go for it. Just know what you're getting into.

this is how you talk to normies

I mean even if I get deported then I'm still just back in Canada so the stakes aren't that high for me to get pushed around so much. But I just don't know the best way to find employers/companies willing to hire foreigners. Do foreigners just apply everywhere with a normal resume/cover letter and pray that the company wants foreigners?


Stay in your own country.
Americans need to just start spitting on and harassing and assaulting foreign workers. Every one of these fuckers that come over automatically reduces all wages and raises the cost of living.
When my new washer and dryer were attempted to be delivered a few months ago, it was two mexicans that could barely speak english, I told them to get the fuck out while pointing an AK at them and called up the store and told them I want it delivered only by people that were born in the US. Ended up being told they only had 1 person in delivery for washers and dryers that was born in the US so I had to get a refund.

wow user, you really need to see a doctor about that stick up your ass

but how would you know if your deliverer is Canadian? Would you point an AK at anyone who just says "ey"? Does this include everyone who doesn't pass the citizenship test? It's all about incentives, and the fact of the matter is they're gonna keep coming as long as companies hire. The real problem is the companies, not the foreigners, user.

>The real problem is the companies, not the foreigners, user.
I know that, but I still see the people as malicious.

Not like I would come to US to do a shitty customer service job, I'd get paid more to do that here in Canada since we have higher minimum wage. Only problem is that the US has the whole tech industry so anyone who wants to get into that from any other country is shit out of luck.

This is why I quit working for Apple in 2012. Dodged that bullet.

Incorrect. Indians write the worst code I've ever seen. So bloated and broken. You can't trust them to know anything other than basic web dev shit like JS to make swirly web page animations and sparkling porn site tier ads. Don't ask a Pajeet to write a simple command line application in C because they fuck it up royally. They also smell bad and their grasp on English is marginally better than that of a 12 year old native speaker. I fucking hate poo in loos.

You stupid sperg, who taught you how to handle a weapon? You don't point guns at people unless you intend to kill them and if your life or someone else's life is in danger. Drink bleach, you animal. You make responsible gun owners everywhere look bad.

>You stupid sperg, who taught you how to handle a weapon? You don't point guns at people unless you intend to kill them and if your life or someone else's life is in danger. Drink bleach, you animal. You make responsible gun owners everywhere look bad.
Because I already have one assault on my record and I got punished worse since I've had a few professional fights.
The law favors using a gun over your own fists and feet unfortunately. I should have been legally allowed to kill them either way though since they were on my property.

>the same as hiring a foreign worker who has no intention to become a citizen
I hate how the left abuses our language.

>I should have legally allowed to kill them either way though since they were on my property
It doesn't work if you invite 'em.

You truly are dumb as a box of rocks.

See . You ordered the washing machine. You asked for them to come to your house, and they had a purpose to be there. You bragging about previous criminal charges shows what a degenerate you are. Drink bleach so that you will no longer be a shit stain in the gym shorts of society.

How the fuck are you this stupid, do you honestly believe that happened? It was obviously humor you gullible retard

Do you know where you are? We've had kids put live hand grenades in toilets and people make posts about killing their wives.

Should I read it "Aplee" or "App-lye"?

In my state it's quite legal to shoot a person for pointing a gun at you. Also it's a felony to point a gun at a person unless you're a LEO or it's in self defense.

I think we have a turbomemer here.

>In my state it's quite legal to shoot a person for pointing a gun at you.
They were on the job and they weren't even citizens. They didn't have guns with them either so I don't see your point.
>Also it's a felony to point a gun at a person unless you're a LEO or it's in self defense.
They were on my property and like I said, they barely spoke english. Pointing a gun at them gets the message across that I want them to leave a lot faster than trying to communicate with them in a language they don't understand.

Be lawyer this political climate is great.

>Be immigration lawyer,try to get them green card or citizenship,failed get paided

More like 5-10 pajeets > 1 american programmer

Of same calibur

What is Microsofts stance?

stance of all big tech companies is the same because they all rely heavily on cheap and easily exploited foreign labor. what is puzzling is that they are suddenly acting so butthurt about something they knew was going to happen... i mean, didn't trump meet with all of these tech companies a couple of weeks before he took office? what did they do at this meeting - compare smartphones?

They want cheaper workers. The corporate need just happens to align with political ideals lot of people have.
Strange times when leftist champion this type of free movement of people. Free movement means unions go bust and wages go down. Free movement means you don't your own educated population because you can just import it.
I'm still for it though. Free movement is what made america great. I'm talking interstate commerce. European single market is a scam, you have hard time selling one product in all these different countries with different languages and cultures, rest of the world is corrupt. This is why US still number one, and pajeets go to US instead of somewhere else. Lot of European countries are much easier to get into, have cheaper (maybe even free) education and social security on top of that, still they are choosing US over Europe.