Why do overseas Pajeets write such shitty code??

Why do overseas Pajeets write such shitty code??
How do I convince my technical director to let us hire another in-house dev in place of the pajeets?

I'm a web dev, and we constantly have to go in a fix pajeet's broken code and shitty half-assed css. It takes almost as long to fix what our pajeets deliver to us than it would for us to do ourselves. Not to mention they don't structure their html very well.

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Just do the math. Document everything, prove it with numbers.

>Why do overseas Pajeets write such shitty code??
Because they are inferior low-IQ subhumans.

>How do I convince my technical director to let us hire another in-house dev in place of the pajeets?
You can't. The surprising part is: despite being inferior, they are still more economically viable than you are. Because they are extremely cheap, literally a dime a dozen.

I've seen it time and time again: businesses replace a decent in-house team for a hundred pajeets overseas for a quarter of the cost, and just keep a couple guys around to fix their mistakes.

Isn't capitalism just great?

They all think they're genetically superior and never wrong. Lack of humility leads to frequent easy to prevent mistakes.

They just don't give a fuck.

Yeah I might start keeping track.

yeah, unfortunately i think you're right. Luckily my job hasn't gotten to that point of feeling like i'm doing QA for pajeet every day instead of making cool things, but i guess we'll see how it goes.

Is it your job to fix it? If not, stop doing it.

This is the only answer. let it burn the brown death and keep your resume up to date.

They write shitty code so retards like you can have a job

fix their shitty code with shitty fixes and find a new job

My previous director got rid of all the infosys onshore and offshore contractors we had. I think it is a good thing in general, only problem is that we don't have dedicated people to do busy boring work, and now we have to be on call instead of relying on offshore for night hours. It would be good if we started hiring junior level Americans that could take on some busy work and also grow to be a team asset. Instead we are only hiring people with a good amount of experience...

Infosys is a shit company desu.

>Why do overseas Pajeets write such shitty code??
Because the stupid US firms will accept it.
They have to or admit it was wrong to outsource. Admitting would lead to sacking.

This guy gets it. The problem is capitalism.

Pajeets literally cannot admit to doing wrong. Thr class structure of their nation also makes them insufferable cunts who look down at people who make more money then them (manual workers like construction or electricians). A female indian ambassador beat up a cleaning lady in NYC once thinking we have the same social structure as them. Pajeets are all around shitty people and can see why pakis waged a war with them.

It's not even just overseas

They have no regards for coding standards and insist on making the same mistakes over and over again after you tell them what the issue is, add in poor communication skills and it's a shit show

Most overseas devs are hired through contract agencies because it's a pain to deal with all the international employment laws directly. These contract agencies do not have the right incentives to hire decent programmers.

Any decent pajeets work for themselves, don't do contract work, or move to the US.

Does it work?
Was it on schedule or ahead of schedule?
If yes to both then I am not going to hire local just because [reasons] Bob.

Well,its M$ fault AFAIK.
They used India as HQ for cheap worldwide code sweatshop factory (c++,c#,php)
while westerners are forced to do javva,python and all "artistic" languages.
All in all, India is China of software on acc of m$ sucking cock to their shareholders.


abysmal school system. extremely bad.

india is plagued with incompetents who have been taught outdated/wrong shit for a couple of years and mistakenly see themselves as professionals.

it's a shame because some of them manage to be extremely competent despite this. if they get their shit together they might completely eclipse us (get it?)

>How do I convince my technical director to let us hire another in-house dev in place of the pajeets?
Do Then tell those in-house niggers to not demand so much compensation.
If you show your director the cost of hiring pajeet>cost of hiring in-house is actually higher, and hiring non-pajeets will actually save you niggers money, then you should be good. This is of course your director is not in it for the long game and is just looking to generate big numbers for a short time, get out of your company looking fresh as fuck, and leaving the others to clean up the shit left by pajeet.

>shitting on pajeets but defending pakis
Do you even anything?

historical reminder that the only viable alternative to capitalism is fascism or national socialism for your own nation

>hates hindu pajeets
>defends muslim pajeets

Pakis are more iranian looking than pajeet looking.

thats because youre prolly looking at a punjabi, im told theyre bro teir and have aryan blood
I question its validity though considering islam has a tendency to seep its semitic body into the blood and culture entire races

punjabi because the majority of pakistan is punjabi, there are plenty of intermixing from when muslims in india fled to pakistan during the population transfers after the british lost ww2

>diversity is the product of capitalism
Shoo shoo Shillary.

I just fired an entire parajeet dev team. I had to document every stupid fucking issue from non sanitized inputs to improper DB optimization. I had to get a transition team in place and organize everything myself then present the case. After showing the terrible practices in action and showing how much money we were wasting they approved the decision the same day. It's hell when you have shit devs. The new crew is all US based and right down the road from our offices. It might be slightly more expensive but the new devs do exceptional documentation and don't bullshit me over timelines. Wish I had done this 6 months ago...

Even the ones who work for themselves you have to keep a close eye on! I had these fuckers farming out code to Pakistan after explicitly stating all source and development work must be done stateside. Their devs were d- at best but their QA was piss. They were just cashing the checks and doing the bare minimum and even that was a strech.

You won'y have to do a thing: Trump is about to make it so that companies will be unable to non american labor, no more contracting some cheeseball foreign outfit. Ha!