I know many people get frustrated when updating their PC for the first time after a fresh Windows 7 install. This is a comprehensive zip of all updates needed to speed things up. I've searched the web for an hour to find them all. Install them in the numerical order. If one doesn't install, restart PC and try again.
> Installs file from some user >Thanks for adding your new win 7 machine to my botnet
Mason Edwards
Hunter King
How stupid do you think we are
Aaron Perry
>WindowsUpdates.zip Sounds legit
Jason Rodriguez
I'm not hook'd that easily, bud
William Sanchez
congratulations on inventing the wheel what will not work past next month
Dominic Morris
OP here. If you doubt me you could just verify the digital signature or do a checksum, they're legit. Also, no, the link posted earlier is not enough to fix it.
Lucas Walker
Nice job fag
Kevin Long
Jason Hill
Brandon Johnson
Did they do the same for 8.1?
Landon Cruz
>fix windows Only with linux iso.
Carter Gray
Pic related is the real way to get Win 7 updated easily: >install IE11 >run 1 if not already running SP1 >run 2 in all instances >download and run 3 in all instances, its a link to download KB3125574 which is an update rollup. >from then use Win Updates rinse and repeat until juices run clear
Jacob Cooper
>What is WSUS Offline
Grayson Robinson
Femanon here
I installed your update zip file on my boyfriend's laptop but then when I rebooted it this message appeared? I don't really understand it, I don't use Tor browser, I use the blue E and google.
Kevin Kelly
You'd have to be a stupid son of a bitch to fall for this.
Levi Phillips
>Not just slipstreaming them into the iso so you don't lose time after a fresh install I though I was on Sup Forums
Dominic Lopez
U got REKT
Parker Turner
Install 7, then install these four updates
> [1] Installing and searching for updates is slow and high CPU usage occurs in Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/3102810
Google "XGY72" for key, no loaders or the like needed.
Jaxon Mitchell
Fantastic delivery, user. Thank you very much!
Brayden Murphy
I am going to be putting this shit to the test later better be right or else!
Justin Reed
Thanks senpai
Colton Moore
Does that contain the telemetry updates? If it does, can you remove it?
Parker Ross
good info in this threat.
it sucks that when the newer, more powerful, super duper hardware comes out it will straight up not support windows 7, even though it is technically the same architecture. i honestly do not hate windows 10 -- aside from the privacy issues. i will probably upgrade to the enterprise or ltsb edition. i wished you could customize windows to the same level as linux; i.e., remove features you do not want without sacrificing overall system functionality and stability.
also anyone ever find out what happened to the windows atom table exploit?
Tyler Howard
Noah Rivera
>or else What?
You're welcome
Connor Garcia
>when the newer, more powerful, super duper hardware comes out ...
... install/config super-lean linux distro as your main, then virtualize all your other OS installations, including 2ndary linux+DE for GUI workspace. Mix and match for personal preferences & requirements.
Running around in circles with your hair on fire and waving your hands around while screaming "I don't know what I'll EVER do!" is not going to get you very far in this life, user. Try to grow up a little.
Cameron Mitchell
>dat pic
i image searched that picture.
this is tiffanny star
she was once a cute lil pornstar noob.
look her up now. after hundreds, if not thousands of cocks later, she looks like uttershit.
not to mention she is now a single mother with her nigger baby.
Carter Gomez
>... install/config super-lean linux distro as your main, then virtualize all your other OS installations, including 2ndary linux+DE for GUI workspace.
no thanks i am not going to spend less than an hour configuring my system. i am not going to write scripts for audio or graphical instances
even fucking torvald says he hates doing that shit
so fuck you
Jacob Foster
shit happens when you fuck niggers..
Ethan Bennett
or else nothing you idiot what did you expect. thanks for post tho
Jason Brooks
she doesnt look that bad
Austin Gomez
>get sega pc version of ecco the dolphin >looks like nice game about dolphin saving his friends >quickly turns into a hard-as-nails horror with freaky aliens and shit fucking dolphins, never to be trusted
Jason Wright
that's a different tiffany star
Jacob Butler
Femanon Sup Forums
Pick one
Charles Taylor
There is one. But she's smarter than installing random packages from file sharing services.
Joshua Ortiz
obesity is a disgusting mental and physical illness
Grayson Jenkins
>Windrones will defend the fact you can't update out of the box and have to fuck around with manually installing updates just to be able to use Windows Update
Robert Roberts
>Not posting the high res version Here is a better one.
Charles Walker
LMAO....that literally made me laugh my ass off.
Kayden Lewis
How do I use them?
Michael Parker
You have 'trash' program on thebleft side of yourbwindow. Just drop all the files on it. it will automatically install and tune them 4 you.
Julian Hernandez
I just noticed that I have "Diagnostics Tracking Service" in my services and I don't know what update installed it. I tried using this gist.github.com/xvitaly/eafa75ed2cb79b3bd4e9 but it's still there. Could it be from the January 2017 rollup?
Mason Jenkins
Jeremiah Russell
Me too! Save it, it's all yours my friend :)
Xavier Mitchell
The joke went right over didn't it...
Jonathan Anderson
This. It is now my most useful flash drive.
Leo Kelly
Jace Long
>>Win7 Embedded What does it do? Freshly installed on my pc.
Dominic Ramirez
any good driver update software for a fresh install?
Levi Jenkins
God damn it... I was winning for a good 4 years now
Juan Howard
I installed Windows 8.1 with update 2 days ago.
I decided -not- to update it through the usual means. I installed only a manual update so adobe tools could work, but that's it.
Tell me, am I very wrong in avoiding updates?
Cooper Murphy
confirmed for falling at the first hurdle, you need to update to IE11 first unless you have all those installers downloaded first.
Regardless starting by updating IE should be the first step