Have you disabled hyperthreading yet, Sup Forums?

Have you disabled hyperthreading yet, Sup Forums?

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i've never owned a cpu that supports hyperthreading

actually narrowly missed it, now that i look into it
used mostly intel cpus up until my 1.7GHz P4, HT came to P4's a year after my model
my next cpu was an athlon 64

Why would I ever disable hyperthreading?

I'm using an FX6300, so yes.

Why would you disable something that you specifically paid a hefty pricetag for? That's like buying a happy meal only for the cheeseburger and throwing everything else in the trash. It would have been cheaper just to buy the burger itself.

>food analogy

>pay $100 more for hyperthreading
>disable it

Why would I do that?


No, why would I disable a feature I paid for?

>operating systems not supporting it
not a problem in $__CURRENT_YEAR
>energy inefficiency, especially on ARM
not an issue on desktops

No, because I bought a CPU that doesn't have hyperthreading. Didn't see a reason to fork over the extra cash. Fuck the "i7 gaymen" meme BTW.

What are the benefits of hyper threading on a modern OS?



OP's just throwing out bait. There is no reason to disable it.

No i havent makislut

fuck off now.

Two save about two million dollars on Oracle licensing.

Why would I ever do that?

So where are the drawbacks in 2017?

Obviously. It sucks gay balls.
>tfw it's just a matter of flipping on/off in CMOS


I wish I could disable hypertension.

Hmm, doesn't jump anywhere so I can only assume that there are none.

Thanks for clearing that up.

dumb makiposter


It does increase power usage and temperatures by a small amount but it's offset by the significant increases in efficiency. In general it's better leave it enabled unless you run one of the handful of tasks that don't benefit from it or if you want better power usage and don't mind losing a decent amount of performance.