> the current state of Enterprise level software on the Linux
the current state of Enterprise level software on the Linux
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What happens if you want to save another image that is also named "file.png"?
That's a new feature that you can directly copy paste an image into Sup Forums before posting. I think it might require Sup Forums X but not sure.
Windows is absolutely trash for Enterprise Environments. We made the switch to Oracle Linux this month.
t. Someone who actually has a job.
so you really mean:
>t. pajeet
> t. someone that only runs servers
Let's talk about real software.
Yes real software, not your liberal arts movie maker software.
> He unironically believes most people give a shit about running servers
Nigga, like 99% of the forum here is only about the Desktop anyway.
Do you actually know what an enterprise environment mean? Or are you just spewing shit you don't actually know about.
Judging by your OP, I'm guessing you aren't old enough to know.
I am NOT talking about servers, kid.
I see.
Sup Forums-Technology should really be renamed. It's overrun by millennials today.
shut up pajeet
Nice meme.
You're right. No one here wants to discuss anything "complex" because they can't understand.
source on pic?
Pirate copy of Photoshop most likely
im curious what is the "other"?
osx server most likely
> Fake and gay
You right now.
Other Linux is almost certainly UBANTO
Novell Netware
>Fully 87.7% of the physical servers and VMs in the Spiceworks network (which are mostly on-premises) run Microsoft Windows Server
They're just talking about their own servers you moron.
Oh look the shill is back
No, they are talking about their clients' servers, you fucking morons.
You're the only one shilling here, freecuck.
>The company's free proprietary software is written in Ruby on Rails, and runs exclusively on Microsoft Windows.
Hmm, I wonder who those clients might be.
that's some grade "A" damage control there f a m
>I wonder who those clients might be.
They're businesses, corporations, enterprises.
Of course the vast majority of their clients will use fucking Windows on the server when the software they make only works on Windows. Jesus Christ you're retarded.
Or maybe they only make the software for Windows because so few businesses run Linux that it would be a waste of manhours to port it. Not to mention Windows has better APIs for management and monitoring, so it's easier to code for it.
>one third of servers use Linux, slightly more than Windows
>this somehow isn't enough
Source for that claim? It doesn't sound right.
Posting fake and gay stats.
Ms server is used in some places exclusively but in total Linux just dominates enterprise (whatever that means let's say businesses with over 100 employees who use a server for core infrastructure)
No one uses Ms server seriously because it's a huge pain in the ass to manage and very costly.
And cost isn't even the issue, all of the stock market runs on Linux (and in some cases a bsd ) all core internet routers run some form of Linux or bsd.
Ms server is okay if you only have one of them at a small company (doing only Ms dev), it is a total disaster when you have 10 or more.
Even Ms heavy shops I know deploy to Linux.
>in total Linux just dominates enterprise
Care to explain why I have only seen a couple Linux enterprise servers in my entire 20 plus years IT career then?
Winshill BTFO
You're getting it reversed, it's small businesses who use Linux because they can't afford Windows.
Big businesses can't afford the downtime and steep learning curve. Linux's TCO grows exponentially faster than Windows'.
Every big business out there uses Exchange, AD, Sharepoint, etc.
>try to click the source
>page doesn't exist
Possibly because you learned to maintain Windows servers so that's what you workj with.
Nice damage control, but it does. Stay rectally shattered.
Sure does.
Anyway, that article also links to this article, which proves it wrong.
Next time try reading more than the headline.
It's true that I learned to maintain Windows servers, but I've also worked extensively with Unix and Netware. That doesn't explain it.
That nigga is literally grasping at straws, nobody buys a server bundled with a different operating system than they ultimately wanna use. Reason? Because otherwise they don't get manufacturer support. Stay mad.
Also, you providing that link proves that you were able to open the first article and the link was working. Why did you lie?
You got a ms cert deploma so only daft companies hire you?
They use that for one single deployment all their core business - their bread and butter, what makes the money roll in - relies on Linux.
The joke is even their exchange server is a VM running on Linux.
Majority of VoIP deployments are on Linux platforms (bastardized versions of Linux but Linux none the less)
Hell your desk phone boots Linux.
Just looking at web server stats shows the majority are Linux .
Most windows file sharing I have seen is samba (though that's my experience and probably not the norm)
Government is all Linux for the back end.
I bet you have your ms certs proudly hanging on your wall.
I was talking about the link to the source, which is this
The article is not the source.
wow its fucking nothing kill yourself freetard.
>damage control
Nice buzzwords.
>Majority of VoIP deployments are on Linux platforms
Wew, that explains why it's so easy to hack VoIP systems to spoof caller IDs to do robocalls and shit.
>literally have schools for it
these are mutually exclusive
wtf are you talking about op blender runs fine on gnu/linux
But my blender runs NetBSD, user.
At least check your spelling and grammar before you immortalize your idiocy in a picture.
there is a decent amount of stuff but it's admittedly pretty bleak. we still lack a production-quality video editing suite, for example. you might be surprised if you do a bit of research though.
Working in geek squad isn't a career.
Google mail, 389, Google docs (all which run on Linux)
He's a freetard and GIMP doesn't have a spellchecking feature.
Correction: they run on Google's customized, heavily-modified version of Linux which is not available to the general public.
And that's not Linux? wow
because you exclusively network with MS professionals
competent, ambivalent staff will use whatever is best given the situation and most have little regard for FSF ethics
stop replying to yourself, idiot
That's not the Linux you or anybody else use.
>FSF ethics
>communists talking about ethics
You can't make this shit up!
That's the same kernel and it's linux.
You can stop trying
>Editing the kernel and having custom packages makes it completely different than the distro it is based off of.
It's only based on Linux.
A distro based on linux is not linux
please do not reply to my posts with dumb shitposts thank you
Yeah and Schindler's List was """"based"""" on true events as well.
It's not just a distro. They heavily modify the kernel itself, you dumbasses.
Every distro modifies kernel you dumb faggot
It's not just a small patch, you fucktard. They implement their own fucking filesystem, for starters. Damn, you're dumb.
because you've only seen a very small percentage of servers in your career
>New file system turns linux into NT
Like your level of damage control is truly amazing
inb4 Amazon Linux is also not Linux.
>they changed 0.5% of thing! it's not thing!
you're a dumb piece of subhuman trash
I am the one damage controling?
You're deep in mental gymnastics to rationalize the fact that vanilla open source software does not fulfill the needs of the corporations you pointed out use it in servers ( including Amazon).
You have no idea.
Last (you)
>Hurr durr they modified the kernel for a file system it's not Linux anymore :D
>tfw aspiring linux admin reading this thread
Please stop, you are just demonstrating how ignorant you are. They didn't make small punctual changes, they performed majour surgery on the fucking kernel.
Stay in denial.
you are one dumb motherfucker. it would be pants-on-head retarded to build google on a heavily-modified custom version of windows. no fucking shit the base is going to be linux.
does that have anything to do with the actual market share argument you freetards have been trying sell this whole thread?
It's a very different beast.
ITT: desperate shills who have no fucking clue about Google or any other fortune 500 tech company's software stack.
Freetards r e k t
only the corporate shills are trying to make an indefensible illogical point
just paste the link on the name box of the image
is it good for desktop
>new feature
>requires Sup Forums X
How NEW are you?
> he takes pride in being on Sup Forums
need photoshop/any given professional tool? worry not you can use just some bugged piece of shit software instead! LITERALLY no reason to not use linux.
>heavily-modified version
google have been designing their own server hardware for over a decade, you bet your ass they can manage a few low level niceties in linux
>That's not the Linux you or anybody else use.
and windows CE isn't windows you or anybody else use, doesn't mean it's not fucking windows now does it
I'm not seeing the argument here, "google do things on linux not possible on windows! ergo not linux anymore!"
>They heavily modify the kernel itself, you dumbasses.
as do intel, nvidia, amd, cisco, samsung, ibm, oracle, amazon, and they all contribute massively to the kernel, in fact they're some of the biggest non-linux foundation contributors
but waah, not linux anymore guys! damage control!!
>They implement their own fucking filesystem, for starters.
as have every fucking enterprise and their dog, even facebook and intel contribute to the likes of btrfs never mind who contributes and uses ext4, zfs, xfs or the half dozen extremely specialised enterprise filesystems out there
hell, at the same time google were announcing the successor to googlefs (colossus) they also announced the upgrade from ext2 to ext4, maybe they're just a huge fucking enterprise and are using the best technology for the task, whether they have to make it for their mammoth needs or use off the shelf technology like ext4
>vanilla open source
who the fuck do you think develops and contributes to all these open source projects? google is occasionally in the top 10% of company contributions to the linux kernel never mind all the side projects they contribute to, intel is consistently near the top
>[...] does not fulfill the needs of the corporations you pointed out use it in servers
google made go because they were having trouble with c++, guess every other programming language and compiler better pack up their bags because if go is good enough for google we all should be using it goys!
>You have no idea.
what, and you do? hi larry
>Please stop, you are just demonstrating how ignorant you are. They didn't make small punctual changes, they performed majour surgery on the fucking kernel.
and they contribute some what they deem non-proprietary back into the kernel
>majour surgery
what was it one of you shills said earlier? oh yes, I remember
>At least check your spelling and grammar before you immortalize your idiocy in a picture.
>you are one dumb motherfucker. it would be pants-on-head retarded to build google on a heavily-modified custom version of windows. no fucking shit the base is going to be linux.
so, again, what's your fucking argument? they use linux because they have to but it's also not linux because of unspecified (apart from their file system) proprietary changes they make (despite the huge contributions they give back to the kernel) it shouldn't count as linux
the non-sequiturs with you people is unreal
>ITT: desperate shills who have no fucking clue about Google or any other fortune 500 tech company's software stack.
the only arguments anyone is making about google's software stack is you cucks
>b-but they have industry secret proprietary codons! not linux! btfo! damage control!!
Who gives a fuck about Google, nobody uses Gmail or Hangouts to run their business, companies use Exchange and Lync in the real world.