How much more pleasurable would Sup Forums be if all American IPs were banned from posting?
How much more pleasurable would Sup Forums be if all American IPs were banned from posting?
>be american
>know people in other countries look forward to 6 AM in the USA Eastern timezone so they can start reading the latest posts from America
nice bait OP
it would be the same really
no more "muh datacaps", "muh copyright" and "nothing to hide :^)" shit though
They're nothing but cancer with their anti-anythingnotmadeinamerica attitude
You would have threads that last for years.
Amerifats have thin skin
same applies for every board desu. especially country-related like Sup Forums where americans keep posting shit tier crap like
>we wuz white
>my great great great great grandfather was german im european too
>europe has no culture and is not white unlike usa
I'm never online when they are, so i don't know.
Papierkorb in desktop threads
>less butthurt and shitposting
>way less consumerism
>no muh simlocked contract phone
The board would be a utopia because it'd just be a circlejerk of Pajeets and shills.
Everyone would agree with one another. It'd be a utopia. A horrid, horrid little echo chamber.
and europoors have gaping anuses
>simlocked contract phone
is that a thing?
that's an entire new level of being cucked
god this place would be amazing
fucking ameriblobs I hate them so much
add aussie and britbucktooths
How do you think Apple cucks afford their 900 dollar fruit phone?
Aussies are the lifeblood of this site
only if you stop whining about telstra and your abyssmal internet speed
Stop supporting the chink economy
There would be no one posting in Sup Forums
stop buying literal trash
no until you do free worldwide shipping :^)
>proving his point
ban the entire anglosphere
American Statists are literal cancer holding back technological progress.
Why does the American diet consist solely of burgers and other low quality food, leading to them all being overweight retards?
Because we're above physical labor and stepping outside of the air conditioning.
The conservative right denies anything proven by science. They're not much better.
Good thread.
It would be perfect. Less shitposting, more intelligent discussion. I think hiroshima really needs to range ban all american IPs, for starters it will lower bandwidth and make maintenance less expensive, which means there will be no need to have Sup Forums passes and the quality of the board would improve dramatically. It's a win-win for everyone.
But that's Sup Forums.
>no more american politics
>no more tryhard shitposting
>no more Sup Forums crossover fags
So why aren't we doing this? Board quality immediately increases.
>does that shirt say sup g?
>does that shirt say sup g?
ban all whites
ITT: Europoors and Aussies are mad that Burgers can actually afford real computers
Imagine how slow the board woukd be?! I'd just put a response in the mail to OP and the replies would come faster
2nd times the charm
>bans are technology now
go back to your containment board
what game is that pic from
then no one that could afford a decent PC would post
canada and nz is all he needs to add to the list then
i believe it is someone's reality
wait are you the same faggot from earlier asking what would Sup Forums think if all indian IP's were blocked from the board? Damn. If your are.
Found the thread:
if you wanted the phone poster board where 95% of the content is people talking about which phone they should get, then you'd finally have it
No. I found it ridiculous that that thread wasn't deleted so I made this one.
Sure. We'll stop mentioning that when Jews stop mentioning the Holocaust.
>waah americans