His motherboard is vertical

>His motherboard is vertical

Enjoy your GPU sag

*her (。>﹏

GPU PCBs are meant to be flexible

iGPU user here

I don't mind a bit of sag, babe ;)

>literal disease tier girl
Opinion discarded.

>Best girl

>Bullying Marika

Really jigs my jags desu

Fucking tell me about it

Such a shit series

>Not making a custom GPU bracket

>owning a dGPU


>GPU sag
Literally impossible unless you didn't install it properly

It's a real thing.

It's caused by huge retarded heavy GPUs.

>buying huge retarded heavy gpus.

Hey OP you know that you can screw your GPU into the case, and it'll take almost all of the pressure off of the pcb connector, right?
You're also aware of how resilient PCBs are to a bit of flex too?

>>His motherboard is vertical
>Enjoy your GPU sag

you mean horizontal?

that's why you bolt it to the case you absolute retards.

>not buying reinforcement

bout an accelero xtreme iv and that shit came with a support bracket that covers over, and needs 5 screws to mount, no sag tho.

lol your dumb

in case anyone wonders, they're made out of fiberglass. the same material football helmets are made out of.

No, it's not bait. He's just sperging out like most other Sup Forums autists who spew opinions that aren't their own.

t. Retard that never screwed his GPU to his case

Literally use a fucking wooden stick.

shut up faggot

>he doesn't use Military Grade™ mainboards with tiny clips to hold the gpu

That reinforcement is sagging.

Stop using cute anime pictures to make fun of people.

>His GPU doesn't have a backplate
Being this poorfag

I have a horizontal motherboard. Sure it takes tension off the GPU and the CPU cooler, but in exchange it takes away a lot more space on my desk.

fuck off dead girl

>buying reinforcement

rip best girl

My sapphire(tm) 390x nitro with my anus rog gaymer board don't have this problem. Honestly though, I'm surprised there's zero sag after such a long time with that huge ass card.

don't bully her


Shut the fuck up.

>posting a slut

>best girl

this tickles my Mettwurst

I dont feel like opening up my case, but I used zip ties

Zip ties through the frame holding the fans (windforce that has a bunch of holes) and tied it to the case in an empty 5.25 bay.

It works great

How do I do that faggy face on mobile

Don't bully you faggot

>Too stupid to stack two unused PCI I/O shields and put them under graphics card.

Copy paste. (。>﹏

very carefully (。>﹏


>not supporting your GPUs EXCLUSIVELY with Tabasco sauce bottles


>His GPU and Motherboard aren't parallel to each other

kek (≧∇≦)/

End yourself, piece of shit weeb

extremely underrated post

Cute nails

>doesnt know what parallel means


Nice. I've seen something similar to this on youtube. I used to have a triple fan Windforce card, so I know that it's pretty long.

its sagging off the case not the pcb

He is technically right though

>anime poster

All that 'effort' and the card is on air. Sad!

>in anime board

Nobody cares about the PCB, it's going to be replaced next year. We care about the aesthetics and not triggering OCD.

Both my motherboard and GPU are horizontal

Mini itx wins again

as someone studying material science, your post triggered me with how autistic you are.

What now?

>tfw mini DTX is basically dead

Not just technically right. Physically right, when you look down from above.

If he wasn't right then that would be like saying that railway tracks aren't parallel, and that would be straight retarded.

I flip have my case flipped upside down every second month to counter act this issue.

My first sex was a girl named Marika. Good times...

Hmmmmm.... Got me thinking


>literally got my RX 480 an hour ago
>major sagging
>prop it so it's level with GPU Jack™
>motherboard screams with GPU error codes
>remove the support, all is gud

Guess I'll just let it hang in there.

Shit that didn't happen general?

You got me, it wasn't a GPU Jack™, it was just some plastic that was the right length to straighten it out. The rest is true though. Sorry for my deception.

If you can afford a card that requires a 3 pci slot cooler you can also afford water cooling

>His GPU is so old it's sagging


This is a COMPLETE non-issue.

Enjoy your pcb breaking idiot

>things that never happen

Enjoy your CPU fan propelling the case around the room like a helicopter,


The user he's replying to said to enjoy a dumb thing that's not going to happen so user did the same thing back

>not having case screws

>having a pigfat GPU
>not having a backplate

>Implying that helps

fucking this
what's the point of spending thousands on a meme-ass water loop if you're just gonna leave your gpu bone stock like that