If i get the comptia+ certification and just keep learning and gaining experience will i be ok in life?

If i get the comptia+ certification and just keep learning and gaining experience will i be ok in life?


Nope. It's garbage.

>only comptia+ cert
>be ok in life

As a start though than i move onto other ones ;~;

waste of time

Not at all. You'll be stuck as a neet forever [spoiler] just like me.[/spoiler]

I gotta try

I got two of those shitty certs in high school

If you wanna live off a cert at least make it CCIE

The answer to any question of the form "If I just do X, will I be okay in life?" is "no", for all X. You don't get a guarantee and the only constant in the world is change.

Get something besides an A+. Just an A+ will mean about as much as having just a highschool diploma. Also be social. For god's sake be social. Become friends with any IT you know, especially those more experienced than you. The more social you are and the bigger your human network is the more likely you are to hold a job and be okay in life.

Related question, program I am in is scheduled to get me my net+, sec+, CWNA, and Microsoft server certs as well, but also learning Linux server things as well through hands on stuff in roughly a year's time, how fucked am I?

>For god's sake be social.
>The more social you are and the bigger your human network is the more likely you are to hold a job and be okay in life.

So would you then say it's true that there are no good jobs for autists and introverts who very much don't want to do that?

For sure.

Im studying everything like crazy to become good at everything until i find what i should specialize in

If Comptia+ is shit then what certs do you anons recommend?

>posts videoime
kek no

noire > nep
you fucking skank

A+, S+, N+, and microsoft certified professional certs. Maybe throw in a cisco cert in there for good measure.

Point is a single cert will only get you an entry level job in IT. Good for paying bills but not for making a career out of.

Where I live you don't even need certs to do be a basic IT monkey. All you need is a high school diploma to be Technology Specialist.

How do you recommend getting the certs?
The only ones I got we're the ones in highschool and I don't know how to go about getting them on my own

>buy cert study book
>read it at least 3 times from start to finish

All dogshit.
RHCSA or OSCP, the rest are all pajeet certs.

I meant like how do you take them?
Can you take them online or do you have to go to something like a local university that hosts them?

You're stupid.

No, those certs have actual value instead of those pajeet comptia certs that are only a b or c questions that anyone can braindump.

you go to a testing center

if comptia certs are so fucking useless then why are they expected when applying to most IT jobs? HR will trash your shit if they don't at least see a A+ cert for many IT jobs.

Do I have to drive to the nearest one?
And..... talk to people?

But maybe people don't want to be a script kiddy or work with red hat sys admin shit.

Dude, it's just a test. It's not like they'll make you drop your pants for naked supermodels to rate your dick in front of millions of people.

Talk to the coordinator and take the fucking test you dumb autist

Because HR are dumb fucks and you don't want to work there anyway.

What are they going to do besides ; network engineer, sysadmin, security, programmer ?
Those are stable routes to go, comptia A will not get you any of those same with networking or security.
You want to get a cert that is actually relevant to what you want to do, getting as many certs isn't the right way and will cost you money.
If you want to do windows sysadmin you get the Microsoft certs or if you want to become Linux sysadmin you get the RHCSA ones or networking you go Cisco route.
There is no need to study for useless certs such as comptia.

Also note that certain programs will get you those but they are dumb as shit, why would you study for windows certs if you want to be a Linux sysadmin or the other way around.
Learning your profession isn't about getting as much certs as possible, it:s about gaining the right knowledge with the right cert for your profession.

>tfw got a ComTIA A+ and walked right into a great job
>tfw lost that job and have been NEET for nearly a year
>tfw have another job interview tomorrow for a job I will never get

So, user, definitely get the A+. You won't have made it right away, but it's the first step if you have nothing else. From there, the job you get might train you up in a specific direction to do other things. If you get more certifications without any experience, that will unsettle people, and also you might get the wrong ones. There's no point getting a bunch of IT security certifications if you're going to wind up doing networking, and vice versa.

Did you have any experience when you got that job? And how did you lose it?

It's better to go to a community college for sysadmin/programmer analyst. CompTia certs are useless.

I had job experience from other jobs that weren't IT jobs. My most recent job at that time was selling printer toner over the phone. A recruitment company found my CV online and got me an interview with this company. While I was there, I was clearly very passionate and enthusiastic, because they suggested I could do a different job there, which I had a separate interview for and got. However, this might also have been because that company demanded that everyone be a graduate from a top university, and graduates who have been to top universities but have completely failed at life are pretty rare.

A few months later, the company got a new CEO who decided on all sorts of changes. Among those changes, they got rid of our internal IT repairing-shit department and combined it with the software development people to make >DevOps. With that, they got rid of maybe a third of the old repairing-shit department, including me, the guy who was comically underqualified but still learning fast like a fucking madman. So I left with 2/3 of an MCSA and five months of experience, neither of which have been any help at all in finding me a job so far, and I doubt tomorrow's interview will go anywhere either. But wish me luck anyway!

not unless you're highly skilled. if you're not highly skilled then you have to rely on your social skills.

Good luck, user

What position are you interviewing for?

You book it all online. You go in, and talk to a guy who is usually just sitting there on his own looking bored. He will take you to another room with windows that he can look through to see you aren't cheating. There might be some other people doing other tests in there, or there might not. All in all, if you can't handle even that tiny amount of social interaction, I don't think any job is autistic enough for you.

Data centre jobs are the least sociable IT jobs, but even those require some occasional talking when clients show up or whatever. There's a place near me (UKFast, I forget what they actually do specifically but you can look them up) which struggles to fill night-shift positions, because fuck working a night shift. You could try that as a first step.

1st Line IT Support. There's a data centre near me that has like ten companies, each with 5-10 employees, all doing hosting for most of the rest of the city by the looks of things. It's basic gimp shit, but I need to know about the cloud (spoiler: I don't; I've read up a bit about Microsoft Azure and AWS but that's it), as well as CentOS (haha, I have a CentOS virtual machine on the very computer I'm using to type this!), Nagios, and some generic shit that I can probably do. Most of the things I have claimed to know about are things I have been vaguely exposed to in the past, but everyone lies a little bit so hopefully it will be daijobu. Besides, if I need to be some top-tier network engineer from the very start, it wouldn't be listed as 1st-line, would it? Or so I hope.

The problem isn't that the job requires talking to people. The problem is getting in there. I've lost so many opportunities because the person they hired is someone they already knew. You need that human network so you can get hired in the first place. Then you can be quiet and reserved and do your job well. Though it would still benefit you to befriend the janitors and secretaries at the company once you start working.

You're fucking retarded if you think anything less than something an enterprise architect needs is worthless

That's a fucking lot for 12 months. gg

Says the guy without a job

So having the proper certification, is it enough if you have only a high school diploma to get your foot in the door? Or do you need to have a graduate diploma?

pls respond

Make a thread tomorrow user and tell us how it went

An associates would help if ur from the US of A

>if you can't handle even that tiny amount of social interaction, I don't think any job is autistic enough for you

Officially, you don't need one usually, but it definitely helps.