See this wat do
See this wat do
press the gas pedal, hard
Interject him for each one of the "Linux" stickers without GNU.
install linux immediatly
Congratulations on your added insurance premiums.
Pull up besides him, roll down my window and say: INSTALL GENTOO
run him off the road and give him a hug after
And Sup Forums still says linuxfags aren't mentally ill
Considering the fedora stickers probably yell sudo yum update car and see what happens.
there is literally nothing wrong with any of those stickers.
Go back to whatever board you dragged yourself from.
it's dnf now
I'd just like to interject for a moment, what you refer to as....
Oh really? What an odd thing to change.
good thread
Put a Windows 10 sticker on it
Literally an average Sup Forumsentleman user driving his car
What's HPR?
Why are americans so cringey?
That car is way too new. Replace it with a ford escort or a 1990s corolla or civic and you'd probably be closer to the truth.
Lacks another sticker like
>If my car were an OS id be running FREE
I swear I remember a tripfag on Sup Forums that had an old blackberry, a thinkpad running the memest distro and a ferrari (forgot the model)
Something with pokemons.
>my gamer fragged your honor student
you cant make shit like this up
Parents like these need to get shot
Tell bill to get the mac ready, flash my custom windows 98 logo rims before emptying a mag into the drivers side door
"Windows defender could have saved you!" Bill would yell as we sped past blasting onestop and tossing AOL floppies out the window
Was that the guy who made it big on bitcoins or a different guy?
No matter what the bumper sticker says it makes me cringe that someone would ruin their car like that.
Not him but i can afford it idc, it's fucking worth
Man I thought I was being tacky putting 1 sticker on my car, but this is like a whole other level.
Good post
>this is indian land
we killed them and took it. has this guy been sleeping for 400 years?
>fuck israel
would cruise around the hood/10
well, thats one way to get rid of scratches
>thread all suggests hitting the other car, probably out of autistic rage
>Boy those linux fags are mentally ill ECKS DEE
Is today some off day from high school or some shit?
No but apparently it is national bubble wrap appreciation day. Why the fuck is that even a thing?
Sup Forums is an undergraduate level
>thread all suggests
What did he mean by this?
That is an insult to undergraduates everywhere even the womens studies majors.
This, box him in, make him listen to your interjections.
Only needs a MAGA and an anime sticker to be top cringe.
MAGA is high test gtfo nigger
Literally honk as long as I'm behind him.
>buying a proprietary car
it's also less effective. It's a mess. Pick one or two things that are most important to you and other drivers will be much more likely to read them, instead of just thinking "Man, look at that jalopy"
desu parents who brag about their cunt turds not flunking out of third grade suck too
I vomitted a little..
Most Sup Forums users are 12-16 years old
update his kernel
Ask him if he runs proprietary ECU firmware
I'd say that's an accurate statement. Here's some proof:
t. linux fag
t. menstally ill crying while typing post
I don't know why a "technology enthusiast" would drive an american car. You'd think they would be smart/weeb enough to know they should be driving a reliable nip machine
>Inb4 hurr da focus is british ferd
You know what I mean
follow him and when he stops, give him the interjection speech
Take picture, post on Sup Forums to troll linux fags.
>temp tags
>faded and peeling bumper stickers
This guy literally just bought the car with all those stickers already on it. I feel bad for him having retards rolling up on him saying stupid shit.
Shut the FUCK up, cunt.
dumping search results from duckduckgo
Now these are what I call mentally ill t b h f a m
that one sticker made everything else acceptable.
it isn't since it's a different thing.
>not think differently
>fuck israel
>i'm not a nugget
>bob marley
I like you.
How you doing Matt? Hope all is well.
>being a whitehat
>Ford Fusion
Do literally nothing because that type of person is the exact type of person I'd expect to see driving a shitty old economy Ford.
holy shit this is bigger cringe than those shitty priuses plastered with "coexist obama 08 #I'mWitHer FeelTheBern " stickers driven by your average numale
surprised there isn't an arch sticker there.
Get raped and kill yourself, you retarded fucking faggot sack of nigger shit with down syndrome.
I voted for hillary too please like me too
this actually looks cool
it's severe autism - the car
My car broke.
"Did you read the associated manpage?"
No, but I just want to-
> click
Wonder to myself when this faggot is going to fix his 3rd brake light.
How is it worth it? You just gave him a new car and he's liable to sue.
I'm terribly sorry for interjecting another moment, but what I just told you is GNU/Linux is, in fact, just Linux, or as I've just now taken to calling it, Just Linux. Linux apparently does happen to be a whole operating system unto itself and comprises a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Most computer users who run the entire Linux system every day already realize it. Through a peculiar turn of events, I was misled into calling the system "GNU/Linux", and until now, I was unaware that it is basically the Linux system, developed by the Linux project.
There really isn't a GNU/Linux, and I really wasn't using it; it is an extraneous misrepresentation of the system that's being used. Linux is the operating system: the entire system made useful by its included corelibs, shell utilities, and other vital system components. The kernel is already an integral part of the Linux operating system, never confined useless by itself; it functions coherently within the context of the complete Linux operating system. Linux is never used in combination with GNU accessories: the whole system is basically Linux without any GNU added, or Just Linux. All the so-called "GNU/Linux" distributions are really distributions of Linux.
Get my homies and do this:
Yell at him for using a proprietary automobile.