Tfw I fell for the Western Digital meme

>tfw I fell for the Western Digital meme

I'm gonna buy Toshiba and Seagate from now on. They're cheaper aswell.

this shit is starting to break down after only 504 days wtf



My WD Blue is a bit slow but has treated me well through the years.

BenQ or bust, bitch.

I have a 6 year old WD black 500GB running fine, did you buy a Blue or Black model? If you're trying to run your Drive 24/7 a WD blue won't cut it

dis nigga gets it

pic related

>1 sector after 12.1k hours

however, even the best die... eventually

You guys want seagate? i will give you seagate.


oh boy
do yourself a favor and listen to




WD fails more than gook brands, but only 1 bad sector doesn't mean anything. I'd be more worried about why your disk doesn't have spare sectors at all; maybe stop buying bottom shelf models?

>look at my baby shit

Is fine too, those 1334 sectors are literally nothing. I have a Hitachi that came with 350,000 bad sectors out of the box; it's just normal that sometimes they have a few damaged sectors from manufacturing. The spare space got rid of it and the disk now has over 55,000 hours; I have also overwritten it to wipe data at least a dozen times and it's still working 100% fine.

>my only storage drive is a 1tb 5900rpm wd from 2009
>I've been meaning to buy a replacement for the inevitable failure since about 6 months ago
>I can never justify the price to myself as my old HDD is over 10 years old and still at 100% health so why shouldn't this be as well
>I know this is coming to bite me in the arse one day but I'm still doing nothing

>I have a Hitachi that came with 350,000 bad sectors out of the box
> it's just normal that sometimes they have a few damaged sectors from manufacturing.
That is not normal. You bought a heavily damaged drive.

ayy lmao

Why is my power on count so high comparatively?

Because you toggle your HDD on/off after every 2-3 hours?

Actually, that's about right now that I think of it.


>tfw the Western Digital meme has kept me from having to buy new hard drives

Works fine on my system, OP