The perfect laptop doesn't exi-

>the perfect laptop doesn't exi-

Other urls found in this thread:

pic unrelated of course


Guaranteed (((you)))s

>the files are on this flash drive, user
>shit, I left my USB adapter dongle at home today

>One usb port

Need a laptop now since my $80 11" Thinkpad broke, but I know Apple is probably going to refresh this in April with kabylake, maybe a thunderbolt 3 and 16gb ram model.

>no touchscreen






i like my surface book.

As somebody who works with a mac almost every day, it isn't jealousy I feel for people who buy this shit. It's pity

>as somebody who
Stopped reading
You have to go back

>ThinkPad X1 Carbon
>2 USB 3 ports
>2 thunderbolts 3
>2 USB type-C
>SD slot


>listing thinkpad as a pro
wew lad you've taken the b8 way too hard

What the fuck are you going on about, m8?

Literal autism

>dual-core processor (not even kaby lake)
>no 10-bit HEVC and VP9 HW decoding
>have to have a bunch of dongles at all times
>can't use any existing TB3 devices
>can't use USB and wifi at the same time
>keyboard shallower than a hollywood slut
>keyboard louder than a sheboon nigress
>proprietary SSD
>memetouch emojibar
>no USB-A
>no escape
>soldered ram
>tamper tape on battery screws



high effort, but i didn't read it or click that link
maybe if you put that much effort into finding a job you could actually afford a nice apple laptop

I already have a kabby lake XP 13 I paid for in full, I'm all set.

Enjoy your overheating 1GHz dongle book I guess.

>t. dell toddler


>t. dell toddler

this is a tablet with a mediocre keyboard. had this with my nexus 7 in 2012.

>Macbook owner calling anybody else a toddler

Enjoy your $1300 facebook machine and fashion accessory

>t. stinkpad toddler

Thinkpads suck

I have a 2015 macbook pro for work

nice reposting FAKEMEMES

This is even more donglebook than the donglebook "pro"

Memes? Those are critical design flaws pushing away most customers. Why do you think the homOS X market share is taking down to 5%?

>calling a toy a laptop

can't prevent it from shutting down when you close the lid


let me guess...
your work involves taking pictures of your penis and uploading them to gay porn sites from your local starbucks?

How did you know?

>glare screen
try again apple

>matte screen autism

is this real? holy crap how do people even buy this?

>Get ultraportable device
>Can't use it outside due to glossy glare screen

Thanks Apple

its so innovative

Just put windows on that crap.

not entirely true. you can use it outside but you have to turn the brightness up so high you're not getting close to the advertised battery life

it's perfectly bright enough, you can see it just fine
>my crappy thinkpad screen isn't bright enough to see outside, that means all laptops have this problem


>x1 carbon

Racist and sexist much?

yeah its real

>people buy this
those are people who can't figure out what the difference is between 16gb of ram and 16 gb of USB storage; these people are Apple's core demographic


still no USB type A, no Ethernet, no dedicated display connector of any kind, mouse button grade keyboard. basically only good for facebook and light office work.

200 nits is enough as long as your screen is matte. I don't understand why people think old thinkpad screens aren't bright enough to work outside. also, todays thinkpads have pretty good bright screens AND they're matte. not greasy shit all over the screen and if there's dust just wipe it off with your fingers and it's still not greasy,

cappucino nigger get out

Never seen such a fag of a op, literally on a high horse because he has a Mac product , anyone else's opinion mean nothing because op is too busy with Steve Job's dead cock in his mouth

>Inb4 everyone saying I bit the bait

What's ironic is that if steve was still alive this abortion would never have been made

>ITT: Buyer's regret all over the place.

The more defensive you get for the product you're using the more you regret buying it in the first place. Fact is, you'll always have at least one aspect you don't like on your machine. I'm using a T400 and an X220 and I'm well aware of the disadvantages but I never felt the need to preach to people online because I don't even have the time watch a thread for hours, ranting against everyone who doesn't like what I like. OK, bye idiots, I'm gonna have sex now.

Not a problem.

Yeah it's probably okay if you just need a facebook machine/fashion accessory

>the daily macshit shill thread
mfw these paid guys are the same who make the daily Dell shill threads.

>anyone who likes thing == shill



>one port
>still need dongles to do anything useful with it

thats not a 2015 macbook pro though you fucking faggot

You don't need more.

>throttling housefire trash

That's literally 10X worse, enjoy your 1hz CPU

That's not an XPS 15

>source: my ass

>Horrible compromise that tries to be portable and powerful at the same time
If you need something more powerful than the retina macbook you should just go all in with a thicc laptop.

>Horrible compromise that tries to be portable and powerful at the same time
Must be talking about the entire Macbook lineup

>Can't even finish his post because the keyboard broke.

The new macbook pros? Yes. The old ones were the perfect thickness for a power-orientated laptop.

>800mhz throttling trash
>""""""""""""""""""power orientated""""""""""""""""""""

I wonder about what kind of tech-illiterates makes up Sup Forums's population if an overpriced facebook machine that can handle stress without clogging up the GUI thread is considered to be a "perfect laptop".
Perfect for what exactly?

99% of work? Sure it's trash if you want to do 3d modeling or play games but it's ideal for the overwhelming majority of people. Keep in mind Sup Forums will in the same breath call the macbook underpowered while recommending 5+ year old thinkpads because "CPUs haven't changed so they're still more than enough".

Name one thing the macbook does better than a $150 chromebook for 99% of people.

Look better, that's it.

This. I bought it over the new MBP solely because of how bad they keyboard is. Oh and the stylus is the most realistic stylists I've used.

>Real OS
>Build quality
>More than 32GB of storage
>Great touchpad
>Retina screen
If you use the computer regularly it makes sense to invest in a reliable machine that's not aggravating to use.

He asked for things it does, not things it has

The carbon is a downgrade keyboard wise from other thinkpads, and the touchpad is ridiculously massive and gets in the way. Not to mention no mouse buttons.

>Real OS allows you to run actual programs on it
>Well built so that it doesn't randomly break down when you need it
>More than 32GB of storage to store your programs and media on
>Great touchpad improves workflow
>Retina screen provides plenty of workspace and sharp text alongside accurate colours

>this arbitration is ONLY available on a macbook

Not him but a windows PC would do everything the MBP does, better and cheaper purely because its on a platform that developers give a shit about

So its a luxury device for richfags that don't care about anything processing intensive

Enjoy your chinkpad malware.

>mfw windows 10 performs better on the MBP than Mac OSX does

There's barely any windows devices comparable to the rMB, let alone better. Find me a laptop that's
>1440p screen
>10 hours of battery

It's not even that expensive.

It is pretty expensive

$1300 is a hell of a lot of money for what you get

>t. mactoddler

p screen
hours of battery
XPS 13 or 15

1800p and 4k options
fuck this meme, having fans means your shit stays cooler and can run faster, no overheating thottling bullshit

>Stays cooler
By using a chip that consumes 3x as much power and requires a fan to not catch fire.
>run faster
In a benchmark sure, there's basically no real world performance difference though.

>By using a chip that consumes 3x as much power and requires a fan to not catch fire.
You're fucking retarded, fans virtually draw no amperage. They're one of the most efficient things in the computer since its a simple fucking fan motor.

The chip will outperform running 3 times as fast and having virtually no overheating throttling.

Your Macbook advertises "up to 3 point what ever ghz" and I really doubt it EVER touches that. Fans are superior in every way.

>no real world performance
gee I really wish this thing would process faster
gee I wish this video would stop being so fucking choppy
gee I wish I could get my work done faster if I had a faster processor to run more shit better with it.

>In a benchmark sure, there's basically no real world performance difference though.
In anything even mildly CPU intensive, a real mobile CPU with more cache, higher clock speeds and faster bus speeds will run circles around the Core M shit in every way. Fanless is a shitty gimmick that artificially limits the computer because you can't displace air any faster than the heat can radiate which with aluminum its absolutely shit compared to copper.

>99% of work?
So, you are telling me, Sup Forums consists of accountants and secretaries?

I use Mac for developing and it's shit for the purpose.


>>the perfect laptop doesn't exi-



That's all well and good but why haven't you installed GNU/Linux (or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU+Linux) on it yet? Do you enjoy having your computing be controlled by someone else, especially Apple?

I'm getting a new laptop, is intel 7th gen a big enough improvement over 6th gen to spend extra?

You don't /thread your own posts, silly.

Depends on how much extra

I'm using the "perfect" laptop right now. It's not perfect. I just got it from some tech illiterate friends. I am still grateful that they though of me though.

I have no use for one but I want a Macbook just to be able to use the force touch trackpad. That shit feels like magic, really makes me wish my laptop had it.

>'As a' posting
>feeling so insecure you feel the need to reply to such a blatant shitpost to shore up your retarded virtue signalling
Reddit is that way friend

Anime was a mistake

your birth was a mistake