
How hard is it to get a software/networking internship in 2016/2017 Sup Forums?

Pajeets are gonna be kicked out, free jobs

Software development intern at a large-ish company.

>apply online by filling in form
>they arrange a 'video interview' which was actually just me recording myself answering questions
>ask me to build a programmer to test my skills, file manipulation, took me a day or so
>go for in-person 'assessment day'
>4 of us there for 2 internships
>group exercise to see how we work as part of a team
>1 hour interview, grilled me on the code I submitted, this was pretty tough
>gave a 10min presentation on anything computing-related (I did distributed computing)
>called me a week later saying I got the job

Overall pretty long process but it was worth it. They pretty much started giving me real, non-bullshit work straight away so I actually learnt a ton.

>thinks pajeets are limited to Muslims
>thinks non pajeets can work better or as well as pajeets
Keep dreaming

My sophomore year i was unable to get one. however this year i got interview at all 5 places i applied to, and got two offers after two easy interviews.
so not hard at all.

First internship, my Dad worked at the company (he was sales, not a developer) for 20+ years and I literally got a phone call "show up on this day" and that was it. Paid good and I learned a lot.

Second internship right before senior year at a company that does a lot of outside work with the Big 4. I had a 3 stage interview. First I had to answer some questions on Skype with an HR person. Second I went in for a fizzbuzz whiteboard interview. Third I sat down and they asked me about personal interests, life, see if I would fit in with their culture etc. I got the internship, not sure how many others I was competing against but they had 1 vacancy that summer so probably not much.

I was a software intern a few summers ago and converted the internship into a job.

My experience:

> Thoroughly researched the company and actually used their software for several years
> ran into one of the company's project mangers at a professional conference
> we start talking about software
> I soft-pitch an idea to him for a project that will take about three months to complete
> "That sounds interesting user, write it up and email it to me. My team doesn't have an intern yet this summer and your project is within our scope."
> Write up the proposal
> Email it to him with a cover letter and resume
> wait a week
> get internship


> complete the project
> give a presentation on the project to the company's dev staff (which is a common capstone to an internship at that company)
> various principals are impressed
> get full time offer

tl;dr know people -> get them to like you -> get them to offer you an internship.

Woah are you me? I'm a sophomore hoping for an internship at my Dad's company this summer. He works in sales as project manager and has for like 6 years. How helpful was yours, should I go for it? Only thing I'm hoping is that I can have time still because I'm trying to travel a decent amount over summer as well. Advice?

OP Here, applying for internship at my girlfriends's dad's company (one of the big 5 telecom companies)

How much experience and knowledge should I have before applying for internships?

>Pajeets leave
>So do your jobs

Pajeets are the lifeblood of the American tech industry. Either Pajeets come to America, or the jobs go to Pajeetland.

Late bloomer here, I got into an internship after I finished my master's studies, everyone I attended classes with was already working for like 2 years.

>apply online
>2 weeks later get called when helping my dad at work (he's an electrician)
>show up for a technical interview
>had to bring my own laptop
>hr gal handed me a sheet of assignments
>mostly stuff checking my knowledge of OOP and TDD
>internship was for .NET but they let us use any language and use the internet
>fired up my Debian
>decided to use C++ since it was the only language I know well enough and I had gcc installed
>couldn't connect to the wifi
>forgot how to do basic shit
>spilled my spaghetti
>only managed to do like half of the tasks
>2 weeks later I got a call I got in

Internship was a lot of fun and chill as fuck. Assignments were piss easy and they let us go home if we finished earlier. I learned some useful TDD stuff there and some general .NET stuff. There was only one other intern, so we stuck together through it, played Mortal Kombat every lunch break.

2 months before I went for the internship, one guy I talked to a few times and shared my assignments with at the uni recommended me at the company where he worked in, where I already knew like 5 people. I went for the interview there for C++, only got one technical interview, got hired and I've been there for 4 months now. You're gonna make it OP, just put that ass to work.

If you've ever finished a single project, go apply. One thing I regret is not starting as soon as possible, there's only so much you can learn on your own. If you get rejected, you can always try again in a couple of months and you'll know what to work on.

>take "Business Speech" class required for my degree
>one of the assignments is to write a resume, submit it to a company, go to an interview, then write a review of yourself - what you did well, what you could improve, etc.

I thought I did super shitty during the interview but I got the job. I never would have thought that a speech class would have been so useful.

I wish I had that.


I guess this is harder as you can get experience with software by your own, but experience with network physical equipments, you cannot but anyway

i got an email about a "brand ambassador" position. Each "shop" i complete they will pay me 17 dollars

what the fuck are they talking about?

too much ass kissing if u ask me

How do you anons look for job postings?

What the hell? What company?

I would never put so much effort into a fucking internship.

How it went for me:
> Apply to sw engineering job
> have interview
> get hired with full salary
> start working
> make my first code commits two weeks later

I have one and ive only been a programmer for a year but i did show strong urges to learn vim and the unix environment and i also am ok at networking

How long was the period between you applying and them contacting you?