Is ham radio the most autistic tech related hobby?
Is ham radio the most autistic tech related hobby?
Other urls found in this thread:
>A hobby based entirely around communicating with others
K keep me posted
Ham is #2
Lots of girls are into ham radio, so no
Tune into 8992 usb HAPPENING
there is nothing autistic about this
They probably get lots of attention for being a girl with a sexy voice, meanwhile in reality they are 400 pound slobs
Most of them are autistic old men, but a few are actual tech niggas who actually develop shit like communication protocols.I like to fuck around with rf but I would never join a ham club because those guys are worse company than far sjw whores.
>women can't be autistic
ham radio is cool and good
>women can't be autistic
this autistic girl had to celebrate her birthday alone in the arcade cause no one she invited would come
>Are you winning honey?
this has to be bullshit
i guarantee some faggit white knight would gladly accompany m'lady
i didn't need the feels today.
That's not autism, those are genuine feells
I hate you for posting this
>given life on easy mode
>still fail
how why
I think you are talking about the internet...
This seems like the only rational answer.
If ham radio is autistic, then the internet is x10 autistic.
It is but it's also gonna be one of the only means of communication when shit finally goes down.
No. Speaking from experience, gamedev is the most autistic by far. Surprisingly, hobby programming language developing isn't very autistic at all. OSdev, not so sure.
Hams were the original Neckbeards and Wizards, show some respect you millenial piece of shit.
That would be the MIT model railroad guys.
only if you have your shit sealed in EMP-proof bags and own a hand crank. otherwise you are fucked like everyone else.
in 5 years all of this autistic looking equipment will be incorporated into a single smartphone app called iHam Pro
who were also into ham radio. the original autistic dorks before digital computers really came onto the scene were fucking around with radios, the telephone system, and model trains. not so much anymore but there used be a ton of ham radio satellites launched into LEO and you could talk to someone pretty far away for a couple of minutes as it passed over you.
Isn't autism a disorder/illness that also can be manifested with extreme human contact?
nice one, dad
there's not gonna be time for any country to trigger an EMP
It's pretty autistic. I never talk or contribute to HAM threads because its just full of idiots spouting memes that have no idea about what they say. The attention to absolutely every detail is what makes it fun for me.
>who were also into ham radio
Fair point.
>there used be a ton of ham radio satellites launched into LEO
The awesome thing is that we may see hobbyist smallsats become financially tenable in our lifetimes. Since such things more work than most people are will to do on their own, it could make meatspace hobby clubs matter again.
Using the most inconvenient method possible in order to talk to the world's most dull people (if you actually make contact).
No thankyee
Wrooong. Her parents would have not left her alone if that were the case
You forgot Thinkpads.
No. Model trains are.
enjoy being isolated once the bombs fall pleb. I will be ordering my japanese waifu
probably cant wipe her ass or something
only if you'Re making a big deal out of them
>is radio autistic?
>Are hammers autistic?
As fuck.
My buddy was fucking around with packet networks (cool stuff), set up something like 1200 baud connection. Over SSH.
What hammers in the area did?
Started sperging and tried to doxx him because ssh encryption and "i can't listen what you do :
>most dull people
dullest people.
I ham radio like a discord but for oldfags
Why even use ham bands?There's literally hundreds of MHz totally empty after digital tv arrived
haha, of.. course not.
pretty much this.
hammers are complete spergs.
it's a "no fun allowed" hobby.
for that reason I think of CB as a better alternative.
Nothing funnier than talking shit over CB with your mates on the highway only to hear a cop join the banter.
Doxx you? Do you even know what you are talking about?
CB is absolute trash, and so are you.
care to tell me about this setup?
fuck yo regulations
It is always fun when your mates imply you did a crime over CB.
There is one thing that really pisses me off in our modern world and society.
Nobody ever takes in mediacompetence into the equation. Somehow everybody thinks more is better and easier. It gets harder the more shit you have to handle. Back in the days you were left or right. Nowadays you are left, right, alt-left, alt-right, gay, bi, hetero, black, jewish etc.
That can make it harder than easy mode looks like.
I am seeing this on other people as well as on me.
>tfw you have your own pirate radio and trigger hamcucks
>someone makes a ham thread
>dig out heathkit hw 101
>power it up, call my hardcore hamtard neighbor an old cunt
>take pics
>post on Sup Forums
>put it away and wait for a new ham thread
Also ignore my purple AR
Instead, check out this piece of 70's sexyness
how do you stop yourself from spending all day triggering hamcucks in this manner?
it would be a problem for me
very nice
however you lose points for not even including a "sup Sup Forums?"
Shit happens, kids are evil, if you forget to invite Jenifer and she is firend with Laura and Rachel, those two will not come because it will hurt their friend all this causes a chain reaction where no one will come.
Pro tip, onli invite friends, not classroom "firends"
That 400 pounder must be an exception. I present a girl doing high speed
Any hobby where you can be a slut, there are women.
I mean just look at this QT. Lots of attractive women are into radio hobbies these days.
spent my last birthday alone eating takeout pizza and playing genesis games.
I was as sad as she is. I feel for her.
Greentext some of it.
>Most of them are autistic old men
I have no idea where you have this idea from.
My impression from my time as a mil. morse code operator was that most of us also took a civilian license. Many hams are former sparks from the merchant marine (where many were female) and the military.
>Lots of attractive women are into radio hobbies these days.
It was when I studied to become a morse code operator.
>these days
Besides actually saving lives, AM radio is an awesome way to spend your free time.
>these days
>current year-33
>she's gone cock-eyed
It is an Elecraft portable HF radio, one of the best there is. I want one.
I thought about getting my ham license until I figured out who was on the radio. Everyone you hear sounds like asperger's or autism and I realized they were the people you'd be communicating with, so I bailed.
I am impressed. How do you tell by listening to the morse code that the sender is autistic?
When I served I could tell by the fist who was transmitting. Everyone has a characteristic fist. I just never knew you also could tell if someone was autistic.
Considering that ham is the predecessor to bbs I'm sure it's completely filled with autism
b-but i'd go
>having your birthday party at chuck E cheese
>having a birthday party that isn't a house party with booze
>being unattractive
>wondering why nobody wanted to go
Definitely autistic
Well, fuck.
that's pretty sad.
that's a nice looking array of antennas.
Wow thats depressing.
I didnt ask for this feel
>When I served
no one cares, you retarded welfare queen.
There is absolutely nothing good about having a license.
1.callsigns are no authentication (anyone can pretend to be you)
2.As soon as something fucks with government-owned links, hams are the first to be rounded up and interrogated.
I've seen it happen 4 times now.
If you wanna chat or exchange files over the air,get Lora modems.They can achieve extremely long range with less than 1W output in urban conditions, and some even have built it encryption.
>being unattractive
idk dude...would definitely tap
Those 'facts' are seriously fucking stupid.
>terrified of squirrels
Whom dulltest
Not when things like /bst/ and /guts/ exist, sorry OP.
ham radio hobbyists are usually old men. one of my EE instructors is really into it and some of his radio buddies come into his office occasionally and they look like they are 70 year olds
No, gaming is.
what is that itty bitty keyboard?
i like to listen to HF, and i like SDR radio software, i love Linux but SDR software on Linux sucks and lacks features, so i keep a laptop with Win7 for just that purpose, i have HDSDR running with a SDRPlay which is cheap but lots better than those RTL-SDR dongles, i am thinking about buying a CloudIQ from RFSpace soon for a little over 600
what entry level SDR do you recommend?
I'd hold her hand and kiss on on the cheek :~3
how did they "try" to doxx him? if you've got someone's callsign you have their name and address through the FCC license lookup if you're in the US.
but yeah, hammers are a bunch of old fuck "no fun allowed" pieces of shit like the other guy said
>As soon as something fucks with government-owned links, hams are the first to be rounded up and interrogated.
I've seen it happen 4 times now.
spoon feed me please, i don't know what you mean by this.
Rapoo or rappo
this thread summed up
It becomes so when the radio directly interferes with my speakers in my home
Also this shit looks outstandingly over engineered can't you just use an antenna and your computer
Not what my parents told me
Why must they tell lies