Fastest and best way to learn Java?

Fastest and best way to learn Java?

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travel to India and find a yogi employed at Infosys

wtf dude

I also want to know

I ordered that book by Liang a few days ago but it hasn't arrived yet.

you = (java && kys())?kys():kys().

deitel books are useless they just got tons of unecessary info

Derek Banas on youtube. He has a 30 minute video covering the basics of java. Way better than The New Boston

start with javascript first.

it's easier to learn and java is based on it.

>java is based off of JavaScript
You're retarded user

Low quality bait pls go

Absolutely ebin.

lol this is bs they are nothing alike

Derek Banas is really bad, he just shits out videos about the basics of languages, without ever actually teaching any concepts or methods.

His videos are litereally like
>here's how you do comments
>here's how you do math
at like lightning speed, trying to get through as much of the language as possible.

But as a new programmer, or a returning programmer, they aren't that helpful.

then which one you suggest

Don't watch a shitty video series, textbooks and practical experience are the way to go.

Intro to Java 9th edition is the best java book bar none.

poor quality bait.

if you happen to understand that meme language too

one of those books should work

literally any modern textbook, but you'll be best off if you can find some kind of uni course to follow along with.

This is a good java book and goes indepth into the language

Oracle's Java tutorial, then read Bloch's Effective Java

wow nice dude you just gave me all amazon books lol thanks!

Learn programming with C then learn bloat and is correct.

sharing is caring


just watch a yt playlist and then try to code an autism text based game with classes and crap etc, then rewatch the tutorials and then code a loo, then travel to india

>a whole book on dependency injection

Thank you for this. You Sir are a true gentleman.

This desu. Often Derek Banas leaves out the fundamental principles or defining features of a language. He's good at teaching syntax like variables, loops, structures but you can literally learn those in a few minutes by looking it up.

I wouldn't recommend learning from him. Or skim through his videos at 1.5x speed just to get an initial feel for the language. As for learning Java, I would suggest picking up a textbook or doing a MOOC or Udacity or something like that.

Read Head First Java