>current state of macOS
Current state of macOS
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The fuck is fizz buzz
Jesus christ you have to go through all that bullshit just to open a third party program?
enjoy your trojans
>current state of current state posters
why would anyone unironically use a mac?
I guess it would be fine for social media and grandparents, but then why wouldn't you just buy something cheaper?
At least with wangblows you have games and customizability.
And linux gives you freedom and customizability.
What does macOS give you? Training wheels and overpriced hardware?
right click it you stupid fuck..
Pretty sure you just have to click the lock and then "Open Anyway"
cmd click it then you stupid fuck
Just click open anyway you dumbass
Unix based system that is not a driverless bugfest where you need to bring the terminal up every 5 minutes to fix some retarded shit.
Native support for adobe shit for content creators and pretty much every IDE or tool for devs. And if you actually want to use the terminal homebrew is awesome too.
>muh gayms
No, you don't.
You can open finder, right click the program, and select open.
This option will be gone in 5 years
The fun thing is, you can always run the binaries inside the app on the command line bypassing this security stuff. It's just a protecting for normies so they can't run photo.jpg.app
I get most of Sup Forums can't afford apple products, but there is nothing wrong with the current state of macOS, certainly not that stupid shit you posted that can easily be bypassed with the 'allow downloaded apps from anywhere' option
>can easily be bypassed with the 'allow downloaded apps from anywhere' option
That option doesn't exist anymore.
There are only the options for 'App Store', and 'Identified Developers' apps. 'Unidentified' apps now have to be manually approved for every new app you want to use.
It has been on a slippery slope for years now. I do not think that Apple's Mac market would survive too long if they removed the ability to run unidentified binaries completely though, unless possibly Microsoft decided to do the same thing.
>paying a premium to use the shittest os on the market
Some people are really dumb.
This is bullshit. The option is still there.
why do you have to rightclick it? why cant you just click it to open?
I'm fairly certain it hasn't been an option for a couple of OS updates.
Here is a screenshot of the same preferences window on Lion.
how do you put an image in the filename?
>Unix based system that is not a driverless bugfest where you need to bring the terminal up every 5 minutes to fix some retarded shit.
This can be applied to pretty much any of the major distributions.
That way you know it is from an unverified developer.
>mactoddlers aren't trusted to handle their own computer
People are surprised at this because?
really made me think
It's even a bigger pain in the ass with Botnet 10 when SmartFaggot kicks in and tries to tell you what you should or shouldn't open.
so Ubuntu
you have to make a couple of clicks to install free software, no biggie
This, they can't bother to get a cert? So you end up having to right click on the thing and choose open.
Gay thread, gay OP. Now HERE's some retarded bullshit:
Seems pretty easy for people that are not retarded,
You are obviously retarded OP, so do not follow those instructions. Otherwise, you will get a virus because you are retarded.
wow so hard
no it won't you fucking drongo.
>not breaking every 5 seconds because of the huge amounts of packages installed by default doing all kinds of things you didn't ask for
I wish ubuntu users would just fuck off and learn to use a proper OS.
>t. mactoddler
ah yes, arch is much more usable. In fact why don't people just use the linux kernel to build their own OS?
all it takes is one terminal command to get the option back: osxdaily.com
>it just werks
>just go through all this bullshit to run a simple program
this is optional
bottom line is: you can use any software on mac easily, mac is the fully functioning operating system, just as powerful as any other OS
>one terminal command
>'all this bullshit'
It's just an ever increasing attempt to save dumbasses from themselves, at the expense of mildly inconveniencing experienced users. It annoys me but it's not a big deal as long as I can continue to change it back how it was manually.
>all this bullshit
Right clicking on one thing or selecting one option in the sysprefs, once. Wow what a load of work.
>right click
No mactoddler is ever going to figure that out.
That's once per program senpai
Post wallpaper pls
One individual time for each program, if you can't be bothered to go into the system preferences.
You gotta do once for each program in system preferences as well
I actually have a MBA with macOS, been thinking about just switching to Windows instead of dual booting, since I spend most of my time in Windows
Though most of my other machines are running Devuan, i only use the MBA for Windows/macOS-only programs
>You gotta do once for each program in system preferences as well
Ah, they changed it since I last poked into that option. Anyway, so what? This is much better than, say, forced updates like WinToddlers endure.