Old Thread: Post your simple/small/stupid questions here
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/sqt/ - stupid questions thread
How come some things get softer when you heat them, and some things get harder when you heat them?
This is literally blowing my mind.
Can I connect a RGB led strip on a RGBW pin header?
What is the diference between dlna and ftp?
I set up ftp for usb hdd connected to my router. FTP download speed is horrible probably because router's cpu cant handle it. Will i get better speed from dlna?
Is there a way to make VLC recognize a click to the video area as play/pause like MPC does?
Dlna is for media streaming, ftp is for transferring entire files
Most things transfer from solid to liquid as the atoms in them become excited by the heat. Your dick becomes harder because the neurons in your brain are reacting to the heat of the cooch.
To kick off this thread,
I have a very nice question
I picked up some large speakers recently
Like, they have an RCA jack
They are 8ohm, and thus I am worried about what will happen if I plug them into my motherboard's integrated audio. It is my understanding that that is far too little impedance and will work like a "short".
But what I'm wondering is
my motherboard has 7.1 audio
And if you attach power sources in parallel, they share the load
so would hooking up a 3-way splitter to the Front, Rear, and Side jacks, to merge them into one Omni Jack with 3x the regular per-port amperage, be enough to power 8ohm speakers?
You retarded or something?
they are passive speakers and need amp
output from your PC will go in to the amp
but I don't have an amp because I'm a cheap nigger
And my question is
Yes, my mobo's Line Out jack doesn't provide enough juice for passive speakers
does it provide ⅓ of the juice required?
Because if so, it stands to reason that combining all 3 jacks would provide the juice required (since amps in parallel sum)