Sup Forums, my older brother beaten me up again, and I'm too much of a wuss to do anything more than take it out on his property. So I've decided to fuck up his computer.
What are some good ways to fo this? He has Windows 8.
Sup Forums, my older brother beaten me up again...
Do him a favor and Install Gentoo
Install Gentoo.
Install OpenBSD. The install is easier than Gentoo.
> Windows 8
I think he's had enough.
>windows 8
Looks like your job is done.
Just "upgrade" to Windows 10, the constant forced restarts would drive anyone mad
Malware? Stole his password and get nudes of his gf?
I don't know what I've expected.
He's already fucking nuts, and that's exactly my problem.
Just boot a GNU/Linux liveusb and delete some of his system files so the install is corrupted
mine for bitcoins at login.
His shit slows down, you get monie
Boot a live linsux ISO and wipe his hard disk ala:
dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sda bs=16384
When he falls a sleep,put on some gloves (latex or think wool) grab his laptop and do following:
>Google some turrurost sites and videos
>Post on extremist forums
>Send some bomb threats from his laptop to his school and local police.
>Wave him goodbye when DHS/FBI drags his ass to undisclosed location for "enhanced interrogation"
Poweroff at boot
Put sugar in his gas tank.
enable metro
Sue him for assault and throw his ass in jail/prison.
Use a live CD to innstall piss on his motherboard?
Don't fuck up the computer yet
Install a key logger and let it run in the background for a week or two to collect all his passwords then blast his social media and email with diaperfur and change passwords.
put sugar in the gas tank
Don't you have to be 18 t0 post here
I don't know why but I assumed 22+ autismo instead of underage