So, I use the fortune command to generate a little blurb on my desktop occasionally. But...

So, I use the fortune command to generate a little blurb on my desktop occasionally. But, sometimes the fortune command will just be pretty casually sexist. (women amirite? ughh.)

Long story short, does anybody know of any good places to draw quotes from that's basically not as... well... casually sexist?

end yourself
and stop shitposting with yotsuba

Isn't there an option to use only the non offensive database?

Why should I have to manually specify that? Why would they make the sexist, offensive option the default?

Because the world is sexist and offensive
Harden up little faggot

What was the quote?


That's hardly misogynistic.
I was expecting something more along the lines of "why did the woman have two black eyes? Because she didn't listen the first time."
Have you considered that you're too sensitive?

Don't try to just gloss over this because it's "not that offensive", it shouldn't be there in the first place and I won't allow this on my computer.

This. Men can be understanding too.

Kys OP

I heard gentoo's repos contain a fortune that is very accommodating for people like you. You should install Gentoo.

You just don't understand because you're not a man.

Stop trying to oppress men.

thanks for the laff op

it's not a joke

Good try OP but your bait is stale.

What do google and women have in common?

Neither let you finish before making assumptions and giving you unrequested suggestions.

One could argue this is offensive towards men

This is a problem with almost everyone. I swear I can't complain about some programming issues to my friends without them trying to give me solutions without having seen the code I'm working on.

Has it occurred to you that reading code not written by you is torture? And that they can save themselves from this torture by suggesting the most likely solution to your problem based on what they think is most probable?

>go outside
>men are visually different than women

Sigh, when will this casual sexism end?

This isn't me talking to people who look at this code, it's me chatting with my friends who also work as programmers at different companies. When other people complain about stuff, I make it a point to never propose solutions unless asked, but it seems this is uncommon.


Is this bait?
Do you know where you are?

Ok orrrrrrr stop being a lil bitch and grow the fuck up