>Current state of Windows
Current state of Windows
>being surprised that windows is a piece of shit
get the fuck
Delet dis
Install Gentoo.
>2.2TB and larger
>he doesn't have any files larger than 2.2TB
Every OS has bugs
>Current state of Sup Forums
except for gentoo
>he doesn't consolidate all his log files into one huge master log file
>he doesn't use binary logs
Also a 4064MB video memory limit for DirectX9 applications on Windows 8 and 10. A bug that has been known and reported since April 2015.
Man windows 10 is a huge piece of shit. It's unbelievable it's like Microsoft wants everyone to just run away.
Only a Panjeet would consider using Windows server outside a VM and store data in it.
It's a server OS, idiot.
delet this
>file size of 2.2 TB+
>not using a SAN with ZFS
>He doesn't have leviathanic SQL tables
Reddit is only bad on the default subs just like Sup Forums is only good outside Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums and Sup Forums
>just like Sup Forums is only good outside Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums and Sup Forums
newfag, Sup Forums was never good
>I'm autistic
He is not huehue tho, he is probably a burrito
Supernewfag, Sup Forums was good on every board. Now it's bad on every single board.
>Falling for the Micros**t scam
You should have known better
Images for VMs, SQL tables, ect are often larger than that.
Though honestly if you're using NTFS for a serious server you're doing something wrong.
>he doesn't store his pr0n as 4K quality consecutive bitmaps
Who in a sense would run windows on server?
>not using ReFS
Fucking dumbass!
Stable, open source, last letter in file systems, dedup since 2009.
Bite me, Winfags.
> inb4 the user was banned for this comment.
And then zip them?
>Ayy senpai, here's a bunch of disks we're about to pull from prod, image them, throw them on the array then make them available at this point k?
>Also, do keep backups
Found the Winbaby who doesn't actually have a job and wonders why Windows gets shit on in market share!
It's as bad as Linux then?
There really isn't muc problems with Microsoft products, the problem is the attitude. People assume Microsoft products suck, so whenever they run into an issue they blame it on Microsoft, whereas when they run into an issue with free software, they're all like "woah there don't you know about that bug? it's documented, here's the workaround".
Linux always gets excuses and then people learned how to use it, but they never learned how to use Microsoft products and just assume it must be "easy" because it's "designed for retards", and then they fuck everything up and blame Microsoft when really they just should have learned.
I've had less issues with Microsoft software and servers than Linux/BSD/whatever myself, but there's always that retard raised on opensource software that comes and fucks everything up because he doesn't know how it works and applies the only logic it knows software that follows a different one.
And then there's the day I made the mistake of teaching some of those retards how to make symbolic links on NTFS. The company has gone bankrupt since.
Komische grap vriendo
Yes, then change the extension to cbz and watch'em with CDisplayEx
this is the current state of windows
If you use deduplication on the same discs you use to store your tables, you're a special kind of retard.
>Windows gets shit on the market share
>his files are so small
>no sampling size
Next time you find out shill polls you may just as well make the size up
If i make 179 WS2003, 454 WS2008, 236 WS2010, 105 Linux server, 9 WS2000, 12 Redhat Linux server and 4, say, Gentoo Virtual machines and sample myself, i'd get your pic related as well. And that's a sampling size of 1 Server.
>Doesn't have porn mosaic
The ultimate fapping experience.
That's what happens when you turn off Aero mate.
checked, but y tho
>If I focus on a specific use case that the competitor doesn't compete in (on-premise server), Windows obviously wins!
Find me more than a handful of high traffic sites that are served with Windows.
I don't see many reasons to run windows any more. Linux has come so much further since the last decade.