Can any of you Sup Forumsents reccomend a good dishwasher?
Can any of you Sup Forumsents reccomend a good dishwasher?
Your mom
Your hands and a sponge.
Brillo pad as necessary.
I would like to see some recommendations aswell.
However, you can't flamewar over dishwashers to Sup Forums won't care.
try /diy/ maybe they could help
Go to Sweethome or something.
>Reply to this post or your dishwasher will break tonight
Anything Whirlpool is typically decent
Just don't get anything with some shitty touchscreen or some shit
Wash your dishes after you use them. With a high pressure faucet sprayer and hot water, you can clean your dishes in 30 seconds. It's much less annoying than putting shit in the dishwasher and taking it out again.
Uses a lot more water too, for nothing better.
But I don't have a gf
Anything else is trash.
I remember the Bosch line doing well in Consumer Reports.
Find the consumer reports issue that rated them and download it.
Also Consumer Reports is now a shitty social justice warrior magazine.
Anything Beko.
Anything that has a Linux command interface
>sudo -rm grime
>good dishwasher
No such thing exists. Use your hands.
You would be surprised.
Maybe, I haven't seen many. But from what I've seen they're crap. I get the dishes out just like I've put them in. I still had to wash them by hand. It's also time consuming, I do the dishes faster than it takes to have them placed nicely in that washer.
Dishwashers are just a meme. If you don't wash the plates beforehand they don't get clean. You end up washing them manually and then putting the semi clean stuff in the dishwasher, defeats the purpose
This. Most of them last 10+ years.
This. It makes no sense. You have to put them in the dishwaser already clean.
Those aren't valid flags for sudo, user.
I don't have one, but I really don't want my hands broken if this is some kind of sick joke
We had a Bosch that worked very well since 1995 but this year its plug burst into flames. Then its timer mechanism started skipping sections of the wash. Then it burned two replacement plugs.
Thank you for reading.
I've heard of a few Bosch's burning down people's houses.