What's the best mitx case Sup Forums

What's the best mitx case Sup Forums

not that one

Zalman M1, hands down.

Ncase M1

All the overpriced crowdfunded ones.


because it has no downsides other than price

even then it includes a fan hub which would cost you at least $20 normally



Basically, it's like this.

Manta - Really solid build quality, get a ton of room, great cable management, easy watercooling options, great noise suppression (Which is a problem for mITX cases) and solid air flow. It lacks a lot of drive options though, it only has one 3.5" drive bay in the back and of course two SSD mounts.

It's a great case if you're willing to spend the money. I'd recommend it if you're paying $1000+ and don't care too much about prices.

Ncase M1 - Literally a meme. It looks really nice. It's made solidly. It lacks a lot of airflow options though. You can't fit a good sized GPU or CPU cooler. It's $180 too. While the Manta is a bit overpriced, the Ncase is super overpriced and lacks a lot of things that make modern ITX cases great.

If you live in an apartment in Tokyo and have little space but a lot of money, then get the Ncase. If not just get the Manta if you want to overspend on an ITX case.

Define Nano S - This is probably the most low key non-gaymer ITX case out there. It seems like a case a lot of Sup Forumseniuses would buy due to it's minimalist look. It's basically a scaled down Define R5, but it's a really nice case.

I'd say it's probably the best buy overall. The air flow is superior to that of the Manta, but it lacks a lot of features the Manta has. That said if you're just looking for a performance case and like a basic look, then I'd get the Define Nano S.

Phantek Enthoo Evolv ITX - It's super popular because it's so cheap. I hear good and bad things about this case. I hear from some people the air flow is really good but read reviews, people are constantly complaining about overheating problems. It's a shame because in my opinion it's the best looking ITX case out there.

The price of the case has also climbed with the recent success of Phanteks. I personally would get the Define S Nano over this case due to the inconsistency of reviews.

Zalman M1: Manta + great drive options and still smaller.

The NCase isn't a meme;

Only when you try to watercool actual high end hardware like I did. The air temperatures were a bit worse for CPU and GPU, but the drives and board had healthier temperatures.

Manta is a meme, because it's basically a compact ATX or mATX case.

Nano S is a good case. Evolv ITX is a good case.

: |

Full size cards definetly fit in the Ncase, I have an evga 1080 ftw in mine, and running a 4690k at 4.6ghz without any thermal throttling. The Ncase is a premium case though so it is expensive. If on a budget I guess other options like nzxt, phanteks, or fractal design are okay, but those might as well be matx considering how big they are.

The issue with the Define Nano S is the GPU is cucked by the PSU. Look up pictures of finished builds, there's like a quarter inch of clearance.

At least NZXT added a vented shroud.

I actually have this case.



My uncle who works for a company making boats gave him this PC case when he got his promotion.
he had no idea how to assemble anything so i had to do it, did not look good.

Mine doesn't look too great right now either, have to get a modular PSU and work on the cable management

A modular PSU is the only thing he didnt get... looks like a spider nest coverd with sawdust last time i saw it, dusted it off and made god damn sure it wouldnt start a fire

fractal define r5

What's the point of white cases when most hardware is black

For people who just want a white case or also have white peripherals.

But it wouldn't match

Not everyone gives a damn. I've got a black monitor next to an aluminium case right now.

Manta, Nano S or Evolv?

>Evolv ITX is a good case

good taste user