Crit tv

>new direction is to focus on hardware & games but not too overly "nerdy". Recently mentioned that hardware reviews is actually on its way out. More game focused channel because that's unique...
>Video output retreating.
>View count receding.
>LOLxD Randumb thumbnails and titles.
>Former colleague Wendell is hitting success with his channel and just did a show with Linus.
>Logan has done nothing but dig his own grave.

The channel is like watching a tire fire.

Other urls found in this thread:

>>The channel is like watching a tire fire.
That's youtube in general.

I love in Portland.
I know where his studio is located, should I drop by, ring his doorbell and record his reaction?

His reaction to team members leaving is just to replace them with equally nerdy looking neckbeards with bad senses of humor

Wendell's new channel is chill as fuck. What the fuck happened with Logan.

That's a shame, there aren't enough youtubers out there who voices I don't fucking hate to hear.

>What the fuck happened with Logan.
Well nothing really happened he was always a talking head but managing a channel and content? Completely inept. Wendell handheld him through a lot of videos regarding tech news it's so god damn evident now.

Remember when this idiot was actively shilling AMD on Sup Forums?

>8350 vs 3570k
They had a point with that one

Logan, you fucked up

Always knew he was an unlikable twat.
Turns out hes an impotent control freak and a degenerate homosexual furry too. He single handedly killed TekSyndicate by throwing a man baby tantrum in front of his entire audience. All over an ugly trap furry.
He is that guy in the guild that brings in his girlfriend and ruins everything.

Based Wendell now makes comfy informative videos perfect for background noise while working. No shitty chiptunes music either.


he actually does a full review going over the technology, talking about the PCIE lanes n shiet

this is exactly what i need when deciding on mobo it's so hard to tell the difference normally

Wouldn't trust anyone who dresses/styles his facial hair like that.

He was the kid in school with the JNCOs and chain wallet, smoking clove cigarettes and listening to Korn.

Learn not to be a hater.

Eat a dick, Logan

The great thing about Wendell is that people are watching the most obscure videos he releases. Wendell won so hard in this whole ordeal and he is only going to grow as a channel and excel over tek syndicate. Pistol is gonna dump Logan once that YT money is up. If you're reading this Pistol I have a lot of money and don't mind you have a penis.

Logan does do well at what he does. His greed just killed him.

Is he still with his qt3.14 trap furfag gf?

Is he fat now, or is it just a bad photo?

Has he ever been not fat?

Do it faggot.

I tried to like them after the split but for a while but just can't stand what's left. I was tired of them for many reasons even before the drama surfaced. Now we get nothing bu the worst aspects from before, no tranny segments luckily, with no Wendell so there is no reason to watch. The weird voice guy sucked and the new gay guy is just as bad for being too spastic and has no skills like Logan. Previous hosts were shit and their gaming opinions are garbage. Hardware is the last thing they should do since they're worse at that most of all... They're idiots but I guess they have no choice but to try and keep it up for as long as possible. I haven't even been to the Tek Syndicate site in forever but it was shit for awhile as well.

Forgot mention I'm actually listening to this right now.

Let the emo faggots rot.


i know you lurk here you fucking weasel.

still cant believe you fucked up your friendship with The Brain, you useless sack of shit!

i wonder when pistol will leave your sorry ass.

too bad she already fucked that other guy from wasd you cuk

We get it. Intel has bigger numbers. Now fuck off Pajeet. You have a cow to usher out of your office.

What's wendl's channel?
Is it level1linux or does he have another one with more broad subjects?