Shit might hit the fan tomorrow
I hope tomorrow turns out to be fucking nothing, but I fear the worse, anons
Shit might hit the fan tomorrow
I hope tomorrow turns out to be fucking nothing, but I fear the worse, anons
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I'm not a burger, I don't give a fuck about that orange guy
What the fuck do you think he could actually do and why do you think he would?
A lot of damage in the short term, and why? Because he's a fucking retard.
He's been show to be heavily anti-privacy and anti-encryption
He refers to cyber security as "The cyber"
I think hes doesn't know what hes doing and he might do a lot of damage
A CIA Agent told me he will block access to
J-list shill plz leave
>implying j-list will stay alive with new taxes
>Using J-list in the first place
I may be an autist but I'm not that much of a NEET
I honestly don't believe he's as stupid as everyone makes him out to be. Besides, even if he was, he's not coming up with the plans for all this shit himself. That's what all the cabinet picks, appointments, and all other government officials are for.
>That's what all the cabinet picks, appointments, and all other government officials are for.
This is a worse scenario.
His cabinet has shown to be even more anti-privacy and anti-encryption than he is
Only Barron can save us.
Dead serious, do you have sources that show that?
Sessions - In November 2010, Sessions was a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee when the committee voted unanimously in favor of the Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act (COICA), and sent the bill to the full Senate for consideration.[73] The proposed law would allow the Attorney General to ask a court to issue a restraining order on Internet domain names that host copyright-infringing material.
Pence - Pence supported the USA Patriot Act on its passage in 2001,[205] and in 2005 called the act "essential to our continued success in the war on terror here at home".[206] Pence was a sponsor of legislation in 2009 to extend three expiring provisions of the Patriot Act (the library records provision, the roving-wiretap provision, and the lone-wolf provision) for an additional ten years.
And thats just 2 of them
Read this.
But, isn't this the next most likely evolution of the internet? If a crime is being committed on the internet, there are going to be attempts to prevent said crime. Yeah, we should fight this, but who would spearhead such a movement? What presidential candidate do you think would have remotely been against preventing piracy? the only one that even comes close to mind is Bernie.
We'll just find ways around it. Their powers can only extend so far.
Many companies already go into public torrents, record all the IPs of peers, then report those IPs to the ISPs to send them a fine
Imagine that as an EO on all ISPs to record all P2P connections and report all IPs involved in torrents
Who fucking cares.
Anyone that isn't a retard.
Overkill IMO.
What do you think I've been doing for the past 20 years? I'm ready.
(Even though I know nothing will probably happen)
Read a synopsis, looks really fucking cool, but
No thanks
So what? I am atheist and I like it.
Are the Christian themes the main point or is that more incidental?
Is more like a character plot trigger but is kind of interesting to see the conflict develop.
Wish I had an ebook, couldn't find it anywhere.
>tfw not American
Thank god
Anyways, this will turn into gag orders for Twitter
So who fucking cares
I am not american, but, isn't too soon to tell if he is going to be anti-privacy?
So far he has vowed to keep Patriot Act and all the Obongos extensions to those programs, (((just in case)))
He shat on Snowden, the tranny faggot, and anything related to whistleblowing
Pence has always been anti-privacy
His cabinet is full of Goldman Sachs cunts, and he got a literal Pajeet as head of the FCC
You can be sure shits going to be equally bad as Obama in the best case scenario
Oh, as if it's too soon, he has been faithful to everything he said during the campaign, so you can be sure he will be faithful in his stance against privacy
I voted for hillary too its okay friend we'll will not be divided #NotMyPresident
ITT: people who are upset that it might be harder for them to steal things in the future.
You can be conscious of your online privacy without being a pirate.
Who cares the Internet is total shit now anyway
>online privacy
There has not been any for a long time now. It is time to accept that and move on with your life.
>There has not been any for a long time now
There is no inherent privacy anymore, you have to put forth some effort to keep any amount of privacy.
People intentionally making it harder is a problem.
You can put forth a lot of effort to get the illusion of privacy. If anyone actually cares enough to want to find out who you are they can easily.
And you know this how?
pretty much. jobless losers that want to ride the gravy train forever instead of having to get up in the morning and work.
What's the best way to encrypt your disc on Windows?
Install Linux
>Un-audited crypto
Fuck off with your shitty honeypot shit
veracrypt is audited
Most of the internet is run by the US.
He literally is your President if you're an American. You can't even protest that fact. It's literally true, whether you like him or not.
Literal beta cuck
"oh gee it looks like it might be a bit difficult to be private anymore. I might as well just give up"
I might be blind, but it looks like it's fucking nothing
No, Hillary Clinton got more votes and the U.S. is a democracy therefore Trump is #NotMyPresident
Did you not pay attention in civics? Democratic republic, not democracy.
Not a resident of the U.S. and you are probably a bait but it looks to me like the only people doing any actual social division are the ones who chant those retarded fucking slogans and use those stupid god damn hash tags...
We're actually a constitutional republic
If state level actors want to monitor what you do online there is literally nothing you can do to stop them.
Is this just saying "Cyber-security's a big issue, let's have everyone look into it."?
Kind of like his other EO that's just "let's come up with a plan to beat ISIS"?
That's a reliev
Don't expect people to stop their fucking panicked shouting though
>thinks 3 blue states should carry the majority votes for all 50
Trump won the popular vote in 30/50 states
So your argument's pretty shit. California and NY shouldn't decide elections seeing that we believe that all populations of states ought to be represented equally.
President de facto = President de jure = Donald J. Trump
Thank fucking god, it really is fucking nothing
False alarm guys, everyone go home
Although, I think the 2 most interesting parts is that it says they will invest heavily in the private cyber security sector and in the Dept of Education to create more people in cyber security
It almost sounds good???? How can this be?? Trump doing something good? I thought he was literally hitler!
Everything hes done so far has been good, but I'm still skeptical of what he will do in the future
Its always good to question the authority
Oh absolutely. People had fucking better not let him get away with the shit Obama pulled. Nobody seems to give a shit when a democrat chips away at our privacy.
Hi JTRIG, enjoying sucking Trump's cock instead of just the establishment?
Veracrypt, but you would be better off just running some *nix distro, or something with source code available and popular
Veracrypt builds upon the audited code of Truecrypt, the changes are minimal and you can easily check they're sane yourself
If you're a citizen of said states you can stop them from legislating privacy into oblivion
Why would you answer unironically to bad quality b8
>Everything he's done so far has been good
The worst thing he's done is just building on what Obama put in place already.
What has he done so far that's bad?
Still not tired of wining. First president in my lifetime that has actually done what he promised to do.
Not to be an SJW but the whole ban on muslim majority countries is absolute horseshit, it won't prevent a fucking thing. It's just a major inconvenience to a ton of people.
It must suck to be underage
Don't agree with him but damn does he fulfill his promises, got to give him that
He temporarily restricted countries determined by the previous administration to be terror hotspots. 60 days restriction to analyze things and figure out what the best course of action is.
its not all just about piracy.
Trump and the new head of the FCC are completely against net-neutrality
Still waiting on the wall proposal. want to see him try and do that shit mostly the Mexico paying for it part though. I don't care about him giving a bunch of kickbacks to his buddies in the construction business.
If he chose terror hotspots then why is Saudi Arabia not on that list?
Beats the hell out of compassionate conservatism and The Most Transparent Administration in History.
Saudi Arabia are our friends user. Just ignore the terrorists behind the curtain,
Not determined by previous administration to be a risk (definitly not because of all the money in Saudi Arabia).
He is going to make Americans pay for it by imposing an import tax on products coming from mexico meaning that you will be taxed to import his own companies ties which are made in Mexico
Also "AMERICAN MADE" ford vehicles and many more.
Yeah, terror hotspots by how Muslim the country is. Besides most terrorist attacks recently have been white autists shooting up their schools.
Its honestly fucking disgusting, He even listed 9/11 as one of the reasons behind the ban.
Even though 15 of the 19 highjackers were from Saudi Arabia.
I'm just trying to say that spinning this as a race thing is fucking stupid unless you also want to say that Obama's administration is racist for picking those countries out.
Truecrypt 7.1a you fucking shill. Veracrypt isn't safe.
See thats much more boring then the debacle I'm picturing in my head. I want some dubya tier antics damn it.
>terror hotspots
interesting how Saudi Arabia didn't make that list. also I look forward to those Syrian "free zones" that the Saudis definitely won't use as recruitment grounds
Truecrypt has known vulnerabilities that are fixed by Veracrypt
>free zones
Trump stopped Making America Great Again for a second to save Europe from the muslim hordes.
What are you even talking about they got audited a few months ago and patched their shit.
It's susceptible to evil maid attack like veracrypt.
they got the amerishekels
>California and NY shouldn't decide elections seeing that we believe that all populations of states ought to be represented equally.
And how will that happen exactly? Currently only the 5-10 "swing states" ever matter in the election. Making it so that only cousinfucking redneck retards choose the president is just as stupid as NY and Cali deciding the election.
A raw popular vote means every vote is equal and that the president will never be delegitimized by the fact that most people voted against him. I live in a state where its never even close and my vote has never mattered. That fucking sucks. Try it some time.
Agreed. Good for ISIS, good for China, etc.
Everything is susceptible to attack when the attackers have physical access to the box.
>Good for ISIS
>Good for China
>doesn't take cmos battery with him when he leaves the house
He restricted anyone who was born in those countries even if they arent citizens of those countries and havent been there in 50 years and are permenent residents of the US and are war heroes and literally are more american than donald trump. What a tool.
Heres a crazy idea, for a year hes been advocating a freeze until we "figure out whats going on". How about he fucking learns our vetting process 6 months ago without fucking up everyones perfectly legal travel? Maybe read a newspaper or book for once in his life (fun fact: trump does not read, he exclusively watches tv).
The obama-era restrictions only kicked in if you travelled to those countries in the last 5 years (because maybe you went to terrorist training) and the restrictions just meant you had to get a proper visa (i.e. be properly vetted) rather than be banned altogether.
I assume they're referring to the Muslim band which obviously would be good propaganda. I'm not sure about china though. Pushing their own trade deal since the US dropped TPP?
Who cares? Nobody has the right to come here.
Your vetting process clearly does not do what it is supposed to.
>Muslim band
I was going to fix that typo but I like it better this way
China hasn't moved so far in response to Trump, aside from slight shows of force in the shitfest that's the disputed areas in the south Chinese sea
>Your vetting process clearly does not do what it is supposed to.
What did he mean by this
Did (((Alex Jones))) made a series of supposed terrorist cells in America?
Are is it about the shootings made by people who adopted radical ideologies through the internet?
>Are is it
are you ok