x86 Assembly edition
Old thread
High-level losers, take your abstractions and get out
x86 Assembly edition
Old thread
High-level losers, take your abstractions and get out
Thank you for not using an anime image.
>thread stays empty lol
Thank you for not posting an animu picture.
Working on BasicTV's statistics engine for network data requests, and it's getting pretty heavy-duty
I'm also working on a ToxBot for that podcast idea, but the Pi i'm using is pretty slow
OOP? More like POOP!
rewriting haskell in C#
just rendered 3000+ objects with collision detection at 60fps. What have you done today user?
you're telling me that modern assembly is still like the 8080?
Image is retarded because there's no description of what x is or why it would be unsafe to assign it directly. It's not criticizing OOP, it's just criticizing a retarded, arbitrary use of OOP.
is there a takeWhile equivalent in common lisp?
How many of those 3000 were moving at the same time and how dense was the population?
>Image is retarded because there's no description of what x is or why it would be unsafe to assign it directly. It's not criticizing OOP, it's just criticizing a retarded, arbitrary use of OOP.
it doesnt matter what x is for you idiot
any other bios/uefi devs on Sup Forums? i always feel so lonely here...
It does matter.
Where has your reading comprehension gone? If x is unsafe to assign for then your image is false. At the moment it's a shitty strawman that would never be seen in reality.
>cherrypicking this hard
You can write the C code as C# and it still compiles you imbecile
Finally finished dockerizing an app for my teache, hopefully tomorrow I'll be back to programming
>What have you done today user?
I was writing some 'idiomatic' C++ code to make a snarky reply to an user in the previous thread, but then I got bored.
God damn, it's a fucking terrible language.
1000 moving, 2000 static, encapsulated in (-30,-30) to (30,30) rectangle
Does PHP 7 has a way to write this shorter?
$x = isset($someArray['key']) ? $someArray['key'] : null;
Was going to make a macro in racket lisp that optimizes out intermediate lists in comprehensions, e.g.
(foldl + 0 (map sqr (range 1 5))))
; expands to roughly
(let iterate ([i 1] [acc 0])
(if (= i 5) acc
(iterate (add1 i)
(+ (sqr i) acc))))
$x = $someArray['key']
x will get null, but you'll also get an error in your log.
Stupid people will dispute this.
you know there's cases in C where programmers use hidden structs or typedefs so as not to have the client rely on implementation details and instead use an interface that doesn't change. Usually used for crossplatform stuff. encapsulation isn't an OOP thing and isn't what OOP is about.
There are many bad things with OOP, but this one isn't one of them.
Should I learn racket or common lisp?
I set up the ToxBot groupchat, but I won't be releasing the ID until tomorrow.
>isn't what OOP is about
Actually, OOP is all about encapsulation.
That's kind of the whole reason it exists: to try and encapsulate shared state.
Too bad it fails at that poorly.
>Too bad it fails at that poorly.
>Opaqueness and accessor functions are not good in themselves. The reason we have them for things like pte_t etc. is that there really is absolutely zero portably accessible information there.
Is a for loop considered a function? Asking for a friend.
It's a statement you fat nerd
Guess who has two thumbs and is never touching Rust again?
common lisp is ugly and confusing
>his language doesn't have for loops as expressions
enjoy having to do EVERYTHING from scratch
If it's all about encapsulation then there's no reason for it to exist since encapsulation already exist.
There's a billion elements to OOP, it's a bloated paradigm reflected in the programs pajeet writes. criticizing OOP over encapsulation would be like criticizing haskell cause it has polymorphism.
holy shit they have a different political opinion
fuck them and their language, i hope they get gassed or hanged at rope day
bar muslims from coming and genocide the ones that are here
Racket is batteries included, and isn't even considered a scheme
It has lots of cool features famalam
Some neat Racket gems you might not know about:
>pattern matching
>for loops
>advanced object orientation
>channels and threads
Their using the language as a platform to push their political opinion, you dumb tit. That's the issue. This is not the first time they've virtue signaled, either. It's completely unprofessional.
Nice strawman, though. Steve is that you?
Guys. I don't like using var unless I need to because I like it being clear what container is supposed to be used.
This guy sounds like his only knowledge of OOP is from some anti-OOP professor and that he has no experience actually programming in it.
They're. Fuck me, this is why I need to proof-read before I post.
hello rajesh
what happens if you use the language but don't share the same ideas as them, does the compiler shut off on you or something?
You have to interface with those who use the language. I really don't want to program with a bunch of politically motivated ruby faggots.
Keep shilling, though.
You still haven't provided any reason why you're against encapsulation.
Working on reverse engineering a huge Java library in order to reverse engineer an encrypted, binary file format it reads.
This is the first time I've used Eclipse since 2009. I can't believe how bad it still is. I've spent more time unsuccessfully Googling all the issues I've had trying to setup OSGi and making it work, than I've spent writing actual code. Not to mention they package an old dinosaur version of the JRE, probably because every new version of the JRE breaks something else, which says a lot about the whole pile of ass language.
In short, fuck Java. If you use this shit, I am so sorry.
I've never seen a convincing argument that OOP is even good in the first place.
im not
i just memed
im against enforcing it too much, like in java
seems excessive
The error messages and documentation are still written by them. You're still reading their words.
The idea of capitalism and the free market is if you have a problem with something the developer or retailer is doing you just don't use the product anymore.
If they're shitters and it really bothers you then don't use their product. If you continue to use their product then you obviously don't actually care.
You do? When I use Rust I can just get the libraries and program on my own without needing to talk to anyone.
Do you find this issue with GNU as well? Stallman has a lot of hot opinions on politics you know, so I'm curious if you get locked out of using GNU utils or something.
Try IntelliJ IDEA.
GNU software is a pretty small niche, I don't think I've ever met anyone who uses it.
>"""""advanced""""" object orientation
no thanks
>Do you find this issue with GNU as well?
I don't use GNU shite
> When I use Rust I can just get the libraries and program on my own without needing to talk to anyone.
So in other words, your programs are useless and nobody but you uses them. Okay.
>Do you find this issue with GNU as well?
GNU exists FOR those political reasons. I don't remember social justice as a feature of Rust.
What you've never met a single emacs user or user of a GNU/Linux distribution? Or do the Linux users you know avoid the majority of the GNU software packages? Do you not know a user of GNUCash, or any of GCC?
Does it work with this goofy Equinox/OSGi garbage? The actual coding in Eclipse isn't the worst, I'm mostly irked because I had to figure it all out myself, all the issues I tried googling got me nothing.
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I've literally never met a Linux user.
I have. I don't recommend it.
Like GCC, make, ld, emacs, etc?
>So in other words, your programs are useless and nobody but you uses them. Okay.
This doesn't follow, I said I don't have to interact with other Rust programmers in order to program in Rust, I have no idea what your statement here means.
>GNU exists FOR those political reasons. I don't remember social justice as a feature of Rust.
oh ok it's fine if one organization does it but not the other.
I've never tried it but judging by observation of the user base it turns you in to transgender diaper furry. My guess is this functionality is in the garbage collector because that's something that doesn't have any purpose in a systems language anyway. It's the perfect place for it.
>when you're the Linux fag in class and know you're probably pissing someone off just by existing
Why do they even call it a systems language when it has a garbage collector? Did they learn a single thing from Go?
He is trolling.
Stop speaking to trolls.
Where is your code?
Rust doesn't have a garbage collector it uses RAII like in sepples.
That's suprising, you must not go outside much. My neighbour is a Linux user and we had an interesting discussion about how much we hate arch users the other day. Though he's a JS/web app fag himself.
Rust doesn't have a GC.
It's not a garbage collector.
It doesn't have a memory allocator, but a memory borrower.
I tried using Rust but was too annoyed by the 'lifetimes'
C is easier honestly
It's hard to tell the difference between trolls and rust users.
If you aren't one of them why are you supporting their product? Fork it and make it explicitly non-SJW if you like it so much.
I must object to your characterization of Rust users. I've been using Rust for just over a year and I have no desire to wear a diaper.
>using memory
When the Sun Hits?
explain anime poster what is this supposed ot mean
>It doesn't have a memory allocator, but a memory borrower.
Because "allocating" isn't politically correct. Got it.
Wait, how can it be a safe language if it uses manual memory management? Can't you just dealloc a pointer?
>being a sissy faggot
>GNU exists FOR those political reasons.
GNU doesn't exist for all of Stallman's political idea just the ones surrounding the 4 freedoms. In fact the GPL prevents people from using GPLed code in projects that don't want to allow the end user to use it to remove kebab. This is comforting to cis scum like me.
>Can't you just dealloc a pointer?
Not unless you can statically prove that it's safe to do so.
Employed Haskell programmer reporting in
it's supposed to make fun of you for using memory in the year 2017
explain non-anime poster what is this supposed ot mean
Tell us about your job user.
Poor user. I feel this.
Yes, if you choose to eschew its safe memory-handling features (much like using raw pointers instead of references and smart pointers in C++), you can write unsafe code and do all sorts of nasty things. The point of the language is to enable you to avoid doing that for the vast majority of problems by providing powerful, safe abstractions.
Who pays you? The department of labor?
Yeah, i feel your redditry too
>powerful, safe abstractions
Nice read, Steve.
No, the department of defense.
This just sounds like a bullshit salespitch about how it can be all things to all people.
Is it safe or unsafe? Just tell us.