Perfect keyboards don't exi-

>perfect keyboards don't exi-

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I sperged out and bought a bunch of IBM trackpoint keyboards - the 8845RC ended up being the best.

- No windows keys
- insert/home/etc keys in the normal spot
- the ones lacking trackpads feel weird without palmrests

This is also the keyboard used in my server consoles - so it makes for a consistent keyboard 'feel'.

The M13 (Model M, in black, w/ trackpoint, and 10key) is a close 2nd.

protip: use thinkpad keyboard with tobii eye tracker.

it's on amazon 43% off @ $79

never looked back.

>windows key

you keep posting the worst version.

y tho

what's that media controller on the left?

this bait right? fuck chichles


It's a 'Spacemouse Enterprise' - basically a 6DOF input like those used on surgery robots targeted towards CAD and 3dfx folks. Has lots of buttons like a gayming mouse - but for changing perspective and shit. The display is contextual so you really don't need to use the keyboard. It also makes flying helicopters really easy in FPS games - but haven't tried it myself.

Lastly, it's really immersive using both hands to do tasks. Pretty impossible to goof off.
It's a 'Spacemouse Enterprise' - basically a 6DOF input like those used on surgery robots targeted towards CAD and 3dfx folks. Has lots of buttons like a gayming mouse - but for changing perspective and shit. The display is contextual so you really don't need to use the keyboard. It also makes flying helicopters really easy in FPS games - but haven't tried it myself.

Lastly, it's really immersive using both hands to do tasks. Pretty impossible to goof off.

No middle click though (right?)

It's timeless - but really too big to use on your lap comfortably and annoying to some ears. I plan on modding mine with a bluetooth module soon - then it might be better for my uses.

>thinkbrick poorfags


thanks user, nice double reply there!

Stop making this thread.

That thing is a PoS.
It feels like straight rubber dome, not scissor mechanism. It's horribly spongy.

The perfect keyboard might be a straight T430 Keyboard with a custom controller board to let you plug in a mini USB cable.

>that fucking disgusting top row
mah niggah

>Fn as the leftmost key
Into the trash it goes.

>protip: use thinkpad keyboard with tobii eye tracker.

explain please. How is browsing and shit posting with it?

what about watching porn

>Fn and Ctrl swapped
>tiny arrow keys
>PrintScreen next to AltGr and Ctrl for no reason

sexy as fuck


That is how you are supposed to have it.
Don't you use Ctrl more than fn?

>these bezels
christ, delet this

>no numpad
>that retarded key shape
>scissor switches
>ISO return key

I have a mechanical keyboard and I can't get used to it like chiclet keys. Maybe I have weird waffle faggot hands, or black cherry switches are wrong somehow, I don't know.

Its a 13 year old monitor you doof.

MS ergonomic board and mouse are not that bad.

I'm not even shilling, I got em on sale on a whim and I really needed it

That and not having to take up 2 USB ports is nice since it's all wireless. Pain in the ass that it's also AA and AAA batteries but they seem to be okay

I don't use the plastic thing to elevate the board but I do find both nice. Now if I could just type better...

is it mechanical too?

user, your mother told you many times about eating at the computer. Now pick up that jube.

Man that stoke is coming on early.

Fuck me. Quoted myself twice..
Meant for Bye guys. Off to kill myself. Was nice knowing you's.

>implying it's my photo
I've got a TrackPointless one for now


Sadly no, but its the only TKL with a 3 button trackpoint that isnt based on a laptop keyboard.
IBM RT3200 if you want to look it up. I really like mine and its sort of cheap, especially when compared to the non-chiclet laptop based ones.