Current state of windows

Current state of windows

You deserve this for updating to 10.

Actually that's also an issue with Windows 8

Pretty shitty attempt at trolling tbqh OP, but I expect this level from a GNUmale Lincuck playing pretend real computer in a VM.

Forgot pic.

> Garbage OS being garbage
What else did you expect?

I don't even get that. Can install it with no problems (both from the install assistant and from the web installer). OP is a cuck who managed to fuck up on a retard-proof OS

Man... Must be nice being ignorant

>let's block windows in my firewall
>hur dur it can't install
fuckoff shitface

Wincuck shill LOL
Are you pretending not to see how manual installation failed?

>implying he's using the actual offline installer
fuckoff lintard

>Implying he isn't
Fuck off parjeet hehe

Here, I got one

works fine on my machine, must suck to be too retarded to use windows ;^)

>Windows consistency

I think that second manual file you downloaded was a service pack for 3.5 and not the base 3.5 installer. I remember doing this shit on my XP machine a while ago.

>it works for me so it should work for everyone
that's why you're using retard-proof OS

nice try, it's explorer.exe :^)

this happened to me also, but it was my fault when i tries some shady debotnet ps script from github :D so user error

>oh damn it works on his machine
>better switch to a completely another field of mockery

I had the same problem. You can install it offline, but you will need the Windows 10 installation disc.

How many times will you make this thread? I have never had any issue installing framework through Windows features on both 8.1 and 10.

It only happens if you deactivate (((Windows Updates))).

Because it downloads all the features and drivers from Windows Update servers.

why would it just fail like that without saying it requires an internet connection? God damn you guys...