>doesn't rape your electricity bill
What's not to love about the 1050 Ti?
>doesn't rape your electricity bill
What's not to love about the 1050 Ti?
the fact that it isnt a 1060
>What's not to love about the 1050 Ti?
the performance
that for $30 more you can get an rx 470
only if you try shoving it up your ass
>>doesn't rape your electricity bill
You must be live in one of THOSE countries
Do you have a limited internet connection too?
>for x more you can get y card
Literally what every fucking person says.
>hey guys, I have $120 and I need a card-
Fuck off.
Sorry, I don't like my GPU's reproducing.
Protip: Nvidia's 1000 generation is actually less power efficient than AMD's RX 400 series.
Why should I get an rx 460 over the 1050 ti?
Is there a reason why you shouldn't?
71watts vs 144watts
It's not even remotely close.
Note the gtx1080 using almost identical wattage of the rx480.
The 1080 is twice as fast.
It's merely ok performance wise. A 470 would be the sweet spot and a 480/1060 as the most money you should be spending on a fucking GPU unless you're rich or enjoy wasting money on high end.
See that RX 460 60 Watt performance?
75w is the max TDP for both the 1050 and 460.
If the 460 is consuming less watts, it's because it's slower than the 1050.
>doesn't rape your electricity bill
t.third worlder
OP doesn't have cheap electricity. SAD! Nuclear power all the way baby.
actually 1st worlders are the one who whine about electricity
t. 2nd worlder
also this cons of being ecocucks
nuclear power safer than everything non nuclear
Are the 1070 & 1080 that expensive still? hm idk
user, I know you want to save some cash but you kinda can't do that too much with video cards. they know you PC users need a good one and basically checkmate us all as a result.
The sad thing is that a well binned Polaris 480 can match the efficiency of the 1060, and even surpass it if undervolted.
The problem is that most of the good Polaris chips went into MacBooks (460) and server applications (480).
AMD literally used bottom of the barrel Chips for most desktop GPUs.
probably cause we're the only ones with electricity
also with solar panels, I don't pay jack shit
What is this low tier card Ti-version -meme?
Who would need an option between 1050 and 1060?
>I don't pay jack shit
Except for the price of panels and their installation, right? And you'll have to change them in 20 years.
non Ti 50 series is a complete cuckery, just name it GT 1050 or whatever, it's never worth a buy
>What's not to love about the 1050 Ti?
Its nor RX 470.
If you think prices in USA are fucked because you can get something 20% faster for $20 more all the way up to 1060/480 just wait till I tell you about UK.
With the exception of 1050 Ti being 20-30 quid cheaper for 180 quid I can buy non ref mini 1060 and any non ref 470, then for 5 to 10 quid more I can buy a ref 480 4gb. I honestly don't know which one to get for my dad.
On paper when we talk about chipsets? yes.
But you don't account for the fact that AMD had to factory oc 480RX to the point where some reference cards were crashing on stock clocks just so they could compete with stock 1060. Polaris is another design failure.
What's more wise for a budget oriented cuck? an i5 with 1050 ti or g4560 and 480rx/1060? I've heard that with faster ram speeds (2133 for Sky/2400 for Kaby) the cpu bottleneck isn't really visible.
>Polaris 480 can match the efficiency of the 1060, and even surpass it if undervolted
No, it can't, not even remotely. GTX 1060 can be undervolted too, resulting in 75-80 W peak power consumption.
the pentium and a better card
>power bill
Electricity's 10¢/kWh, why the fuck would I give a damn?
470 is cheaper and faster.
Rx 470
What's the AMD equivalent of a 980 in performance? I don't care about power consumption.
Bought a 1050 Ti for an eGPU setup but ran into driver problems so I purchased a used 970 instead. It does OK on most of the games I play but it struggles on Watch Dogs 2.
Since the recent driver update the RX 480 is like 95% of 980.
Oops, meant to say I purchased a 960, not 970.
Buying anything but 470 4Gb if youre poor is a waste of money.
>it's not rx460
>not making a home made windmill
i never thought i would find someone worse than me at arguing on this board
thank you, user, for encouraging me!
I've been seriously eyeballing that card from the OP
What enclosure did you get? That GPU is half of the enclosure in terms of cost.
can I pair the 1060 with my 8350 or will it bottleneck?
>solar panels
Enjoy your space aids
Because the Rx 470 exists
It's barely been half a year and rx480 already destroys the 1060. even 470 beats it lmao.
the best part? novidya is just gonna keep gimping it
>GTX 1050ti: 1.9 TFLOPS FP32
>Rx 470: 3.8 TFLOPS FP32
0/10 bait
At worst pascal and polaris have around the same real world efficiency.
Man, they're really raping nvidia with these driver updates. Never thought I'd see the day...
brb going to sell my gtx 960 and go buy an rx 480
You need at least i7 7700k for that
But the 470 isn't the 1060.
The 1050 equivalent is the 460
the 470 is above the 1060
use dx12 i get 15 mors fps witha rx 480 8gb and a fx 6350 at 4.3 ghz
RX 480 is extremely close to it in performance and has lower power consumption
Fury (x) outperforms it by quite the margin but uses a fuckton of power
your choice
don't worry the next driver """update""" will fix it
You must be poor as shit to be worry about your computer electric consumption OP. But meh, I don't care... The card is great but I prefer 1060 more and I don't even play video games.
>hurrr cherry pickiing
Enjoy your gimped "hardware".
>le "game over 60fps" meme
>le "144hz monitor" meme
From the looks of the the extra bucks are no worth it to get a 480 over a 470
>the nvidia shill who can't write RX480
When is pascal going to be replaced? 2 years?
Probably late 2017 or mid 2018
AMD finally WON. Next-gen consoles are also all using their chips.
Only the PS4 and Xboner
How well does the 1050ti play with wayland? I think they recently added egl support, so it would work with nvidia gpus, but how well?
The Switch is Nintendo's first console to not use ATI/AMD graphics since the N64
I'm running a gigabyte 1060 6gb I got for 200usd
Thinking of buying the 4690k and am upgrading from an i3 4150
How much can I oc the new i5, and will it bottleneck my GPU?
Any other CPU reccomendations? Not looking to upgrade mbo or ram, so devil's canyon line.
Additionally my Mobo resets to current day/2085 every time I power it off.
That's the Mobo battery right?
Pic obviously not related
I agree. Non-ref 470 is almost indistinguishable from ref 480. 8GiB is a meme even for 1440p. +Some sales in US offers 470 for 115-150 bucks.
But 480 is much better for mining rigs.
>11511 °C
made meh smile
No enclosure, just an EXP GDC BEAST ($35). The 960 is a 4GB mini that I paid $150 for used on eBay.
Ok, I have Sapphire NITRO+ 480 4GB in my Amazon cart. It's only $210 right now and there's a $15 rebate. So it's either $195 for this or like $250 for a used 980.
Any objections before I complete the order?
I hate intel (CPU) the dirty tricks they pulled back in the day to corner the market and push AMD out of manufacturing chips has soured me to them. They make a good GPU though.
I have researched it, It shouldn't be a problem since I almost never go past 1080p gaymen, but I do like to occasionally edit video compilations and am interested in VR.
I'm thinking might just be better to get better ram, a 1060 and a 8350 for my existing setup and wait and see how Zen pans out.
will consider it
its low video memory and the fact its slower than my 780
Lol, it's a literal piece of shit.
This is for a bandwidth limited eGPU setup and I only play at 1080. My 960 barely goes over 3GB in the games I play.
Get RX 470 4Gb then. Thats it if the price difference is normal.
>spend 120 now on a shitty product and have to upgrade in 2-3 years
>spend 150 now on a good product and dont have to upgrade for 4+ years
money spent per year decreases significantly if you get a product with good performance/$ ratio from the start.
470 is X% more expensive, but you get far more % performance increase over a 1050
The NITRO+ 470 is actually $3 more than the 480 right now. The regular NITRO 470 is $180. I'd rather pay $195 for the NITRO+ 480. $15 is nothing to cry about.
What about other brands 470?
Sapphire is the cheapest on Amazon. I don't have any clue which brands are top tier or not. This is the first time I've messed with desktop hardware in a decade.
8GB 480's start at about $230 (XFX, VisionTek, PNY, PowerColor, Gigabyte, Sapphire).
Durr... you said 470. Seems like $180 is the lowest on Amazon anyway.
Newegg has them for 155 inc rebate.
>still using Furmark
Thanks. There's actually an MSI 480 for $140 after rebate. I just don't want to buy a 470 and then wish I just spent a little more for the 480. I'm not poor, just frugal to a fault (it usually bites me in the ass).
Fuck.. I meant MSI 470
>if it's not a 1080 then it's shit!
Get the 480.
Though from what I know the only significant difference between Nitro and Nitro+ is that the + has leds
Idunno, man. If youre going for 480 then go for 8Gb version. There is two options. 470 4Gb = best value to performance for 1080p. Then there is 480 8Gb = better for 1440p, but within 10% performance from 470 most of the time. From all of the test ive seen 480 offers basically the same performance as 470 not counting the cases when 8Gb matters (which is very rare).
It's shit for the price.
Name a better card for that price.