So I couldn't sleep last need and decided to actually fry that niggas shit. I read a bunch of replies and made a plan
>I'll connect my ceax to his splitter directly
>found a circuit tester screwdriver
>found a soldering iron
>found a radio with removable AC cable
>found solder
>Decided to create the fucking shit and fry his equipment somewhere around 6 a.m
He can't be fucking awake than
Neighbor stealing my cable - UPDATE
Keep us updated.
So I took the cable, and a excess piece of coax that I had lying around to test it. I plugged the coax into one contact and a piece of wire that a found into the other, then I just tangled the outer contact of coax with the piece of wire
good luck user
Dis gonna be good. Please video record if possible.
I plugged the thing into the wall and tested it with a circuit tester
>oh boii
>it works
>240 V of pure happiness
By this time it was already 5:50 and the sun was up
Бoг в пoмoщь.
>tfi he does it
Please record this
Inb4 opie gets done for murder
Five seconds for blown circuits. Ten for melted plastic. Fifteen for fuck this guy and his possessions.
Not much will fry out unless you use a high power on a high frequency. And even then not much will happen.
OK, a fuse will blow, but not much else.
These things are all connected through transformers and very well grounded. I'd be surprised if you blow up much more than a cable splitter.
Godspeed user. Have a blunt weapon or gun ready just in case he goes full cheeki breeki after you fry his shit.
good OP
>living in a building that still has coax
kill yourself :^)
So I said, fuck it, I'm doing it, I don't have much more time, the neighbors are going to head to work soon.
First I stripped the coax running from my wall and connected the wires to it. Then I went outside and quickly disconnected my cable and his splitter and connected them together, I did it as fast as I could, took me about a minute, went back inside, plugged the "Frankenstein device" into the wall and let that nigga roast
I even fucking accidentally touched the wire with my thumb and got shocked so I had to put the thing back again
>ain't nothing putting this smile off my face, not even electricity
I let the fucker roast for good 20 seconds and pulled the plug, went outside and quickly connected things back again
Now I don't know if I fried everything in his house
>Best case scenario = dude has a nail in his fuse and I fried everything
>Worst case scenario = I just fried some component in his house with a fuse (another splitter, TV, amplifier ...)
It doesn't really matter now, because I destroyed something and this time it's not on the outiside but on the inside of his house, it will take that nigger days to figure out what went wrong, and after he gets it he will believe he was the one who wired things the wrong way and fucked his TV up
>smoked a cigarette and went to bed
>best goddamn cigarette in my life
feels good man
Volim te anone.
this is amazing, i am saving this thread.
t. america
worster/bester case scenario, you start an electrical fire and burn the place to the ground.
>20 seconds
good job. hopefully 20 seconds was long enough.
god bless user, if he does it again burn the whole fucking building with no survivors
volim i ja tebe
Jesus Christ user, god bless that nigger's tv I guess.
i love this thread
I guess you're right, but the important thing is that this time the damage is inside his house, even if it's just a fuse. And I just realized I cand do this over and over again, it took me total of 20minutets to create the "device" fry his shit and connect everything back, next time it could take me ten minutes. I could destroy his fuses and cut his splitters weekly, he will quit at one point
I neeed back storyyy
You forgot he's in Serbia. Not sure if it matters too much but it's also 240V
you absolute fucking madman
Of course, had to be Serbians. No wonder he said the police were ineffective.
OP, pa vi živite na pravom divljem zapadu.
Država koja propada iz dana u dan, bar me boli kurac kad mogu komši da ubijem TV kroz kabl a da ne odgovaram za to. Čak i da je moguće da iko dokaže da sam pustio struju kroz koax, državu jednostavno boli kita
Today OP was not a faggot.
Be sure to keep an ear out for anyone going CYKA BLYAT for maximum rustlepoints.
Start filming his arrival at home so we can hear the screams
This pleases me
Could someone explain to me what happened why is OP doing this?
Score one for the good guys
Thanks for delivering, serbiabro.
read the fucking thread
Short version:
Some nigger stole OP's internet with a splitter.
Cable company fixes it, niggerfaggot keeps planting splitters and fucking with OP's internet.
Longer version:
Pa to. Divlji zapad. :D
Samo se nadaj da ti on ne dovede svoje komšije Dragana i Zlatana iz teretane koji su već ludi od steroida.
Based Serbia is removin as usual. God bless.
>libertarian society
Ma ne moze znati da sam ja, koax od SBB-a se deli na 4 placena korisnika + komsiju pedera, ako uopste skapira da je neko pustio 240V kroz kabl ne moze znati tacno ko je
>dez clear fingerprints
jel nisi ostavio otiske?
Druže, nije ti ovo Američki film pa da hvataju ljude preko otisaka. Ovo je Srbistan-Srbija gde ni za teško ubistvo ne bi uzeli otiske a kamoli za podjebavanje komšija
Bitno je da uradis sve sto je do tebe, da smanjis svaki moguci rizik. Ako si mu sjebao svu elektroniku u kuci logicno je da ce biti iznerviran, A kad je u takvom stanju logicno je da ce da posumnja prvo u lika od kog krade internet
two lowlives doing lowlife shit in a shit country
I think we need a cable guy version now
Aдoпт caйpилик плиз, пaйн тy pид.
First thing I read on Sup Forums today. Not disappointed.
Greetings from neighbor Romania. Would do the same to the fucking gipsy.
Kosovo je Srbija and stuff.
aиииииии лмao
Maч бeттep, нay cтик тy ит :ДДД
When can we expect update OP?
Nisam čak ni ljut
Don't know if anything intersting will happen to update, if the neighbor flips out and does something worthwhile I'll update. But I'll just keep frying his fuses everytime he fixes them
Say what you want about Serbs but they sure know how to deal with pirates. Fry 'em.
assuming that you had it connected long enough to even fry anything
Bumping for great justice!
Do you even know how your neighbor looks like?
How else do you get cable?
We're on Sup Forums, of course not.
Damn it Op, i like you! I hope hope your electrical justice rains all over the fucker's TVs!
Thank you, OP. Thank you for not being a faggot.
i love you op.
god speed!
If that's the shitty hack-job he did with the wires, he probably wasn't smart enough to strain-relieve the cable. Yank that shit as hard as you can until you hear something crash in his apartment too.
I am not an english, please forgive me
I wouldn't mind neighbor stealing the cable, after all he isn't stealing the internet he is stealing TV signal (since internet signal is coded and the modem in my apartment decodes it, but the TV signal isn't). But the fucker has three cables attached to mine and he is really weakening the internet signal up to point where I have daily internet blackouts.
+ The dude won't stop, I took 4 splitters and the dude won't stop. Why doesn't he just pay the cheapest TV package, it's like 5$ a month. Cheap nigger would rather waste money on splitters and keep stealing the internet
I don't think he'll be stealing anything anymore anytime soon user.
Best fucking thread I've seen in a while. Godspeed you beautiful Serb
I believe the normal voltage is 3 volts or something like that for COAX.
Not 120 or 220... hahahahahaha
Enjoy your apartment fire OP
No fire so far
I need to know the outcome of this
I crave it
Think I found the sparky related to this
Looking through that thread I think it's 60V. But what do I know. But OP's voltage is 240 so It should have done some damage.
Have you thought of the possibility that he finds out and you and does the same to you ?
A real human bean. Thanks for making Sup Forums great again.
Not OP, can you defend from something like that?
Lightning arrestor for outdoor antennas. Also exists for lan cables btw.
include me in screencap
>Also exists for lan cables btw.
That makes me realize, why doesn't anyone do this for lan cables?
Plug into etherkiller, fry the entire network, unplug and walk away.
carefull, if his shit cach fire and burn his house the fire can get to your house/apartment. and the police can link you to the fire afterwards.
Then he fries your arrestor, what are you going to do then, buy a new one each time?
I guess the only thing he can do is leave the coax the neighbor has access as a dummy and use another one entry line.
>cable tv
>2017 aka 0AT (after trump)
I just found out about this shit too.