> BST - HermemeMillerEmbodyEdition <

> BST - HermemeMillerEmbodyEdition

Other urls found in this thread:

aliexpress.com/wholesale?catId=0&initiative_id=SB_20170131181510&SearchText=5050 RGB LEDs


early for once

I finally fixed my Erica Hartmann figurine.

You austrian/german?

Jawohl! German.

The old thread is only at 200 posts you fucking faggot attention seeker. Fuck off

i love anime tits

That monitor is too orange
Nice, those gloves hanging bother me for some reason though
Comfy corner desk set up, thats not where ypu actually use your keyboard at is it?

>That monitor is too orange
f.lux, friend. It's great for not getting eyesore at night. I turn it off for editing photos and when watching movies, of course.

Other than that, you might wanna get a new tabletop, don't you think?

>Jawohl! German.
Dachte ich mir. Figured from the can of Gösser in the last pic.

Shit photo, will take a better one later :^)

embody + envelop > *

Wo kommst du denn her? Norden, Süden, Osten, Westen?

I love anime dick

yeah m2 anime dicks are the best

La Capital


Oh you poor soul


Nice cowe

What's wrong with the other thread?
Fuck it here's mine, got a nice shiny black SDL cable on the way for my model m, looks dank

sauce on the ds game in that picture.


OP you faggot, the old thread is only at 200 replies.



Mein Beileid.

Pretty based actually. Country living in germany isn't for me.

really not digging the led's mate.
could be really nice though if you got a different keyboard and put the keyboard and mouse on the desk

could use a nicer keyboard but its a pretty nice messysetup


looking pretty nice man

pretty cool room actually

>taskbar on all three monitors

cute drawings

ill just post separately so the r8's dont get deleted

Nice socks :p

new monitor yada yada

thanks :3


>really not digging the led's mate.
Yeah it's not for everyone and my use of them is far from subtle, but that's how I like it.
>could be really nice though if you got a different keyboard
Like what kind? Had a G510 before and so far I was really satisfied with the Corsair.
>and put the keyboard and mouse on the desk
I do that sometimes, but more often than not there's some other stuff there taking up the space, like my camera and lenses, laptop or MIDI keyboard. Mostly the latter.

My Unicomp Modell M should arrive tommorow, I am not even joking. Lets hope I'm awake when the postman comes.

But please don't say Sk-8825-chan isnt cute, you're hurting her.


did you seriously think u'd look cool bc u use kali on a desktop

u dum as fuck nibba

>model m
fucking nice

>But please don't say Sk-8825-chan isnt cute, you're hurting her.
i mean its kinda cute but it aint mechanical right?

kali linux
shit pc case
shit station ...

My fuckin eyes...

Just for puttin somethin on the screen, for the pic
>kali linux
yes yes ok i've understood! Everybody here hate kali users!
>shit pc case
B-but i like it
>shit station

Still feels great. They're rubber dome but bring definately the best rubber dome expierience you can get, Whn I have people over they often think they're mechanical at first.
Also, they're dirt cheap on ebay, they make brilliand Backup / secondary keyboards for systems you may not use as often.
Try to get the IBM Models with PS/2, called SK-8820 if you want one. In my Opinion they feel better than cheap-ish Mechanical Keyboards.

thanks for the info man but im cool with mine :)


Is that an LCD in that cabinet?

Forgot picture, attempt 2.


nice, I like this. You don't use the computer that close to the screen do you, where your keyboard and mouse are?

>You don't use the computer that close to the screen do you
I do, sitting straight at about the same distance as you, more or less. Screen is 4K so pixels are about the same size as your monitor if that's 1080p.

Surely with a screen that big you must bend your neck pretty hard to look up to the corners though, no?

The top of the window I have open on my screen in my photo is about eye-level. I can look to each corner without bending my head but I usually do a bit. Doesn't bother me.

oh okay

Suggestion and r8

Looks good!
I absolutely adore the Sun case, its appealing.

do you not see how stupid you look
have some self awareness

you're putting up the "im such a hacker xd" visage
this is like a bait image

What are those lights? They look pretty interesting. The keyboard and statue are cute too. That TV looks huge though, how close do you sit down to use it?

Installed some LEDs on the back of the TV yesterday. Probably looks like a nightclub in the pictures, but everything is a lot more subtle in person. The shelf lighting is working really well.

>you're putting up the "im such a hacker xd"
It was 2 hours ago, you're the one who looks stupid.
Why are you so agressive with people?

its okay to be upset user ;^)

How did that PC you were working on end up?



>Keyboard with trackpad
>Has a mouse

You could make it better user.



Organize a bit dude.

Pretty good. Not a fan of the anime mousepad though.

Fucking cool! How'd you make the arcade machine?

Simple and nice.

If you didn't have the edgy razer shit and a glass desk you could easily have a 9 or 10.

That is extremely fucking comfy user! I really like it. If you had a bigger desk or made some more space it would be even better. You have a great view there as well.

What are your PC specs?



One of my favorites! Whenever I upgrade my monitors I would get 3 of them and put one in portrait.


How's the Vive?

I wish I had more space user! I would do something just like this. I could probably do it whenever I move out.

Looks fucking great. Love the case, I would totally make a build in one like that if I had the chance.
What do you do with the other monitor?

Amazing as always user.
How could I do something similar with lighting? I could probably get some RGB lighting or LED strips.
I wish my lamp was dimmer as well so I can somewhat replicate this in the lighting department.

>calls me messy
>posts an image over 1000px x 1000px in scale

Suggest how I should do it then you fucking faggot? I have multiple images there and a Speccy (which I need to be visible)
Don't be butt hurt because I say your setup is messy.

>Nice cowe
>looking pretty nice man
Thanks user.
>How did that PC you were working on end up?
The one with the parts I got from my cousin or the Dell optiplex (I finally put a low profile agp card in it)?

tfw you wanna fuckin die

The one that you were gonna put some RAM in and the AGP card.

First of all, I downloaded your image and opened it to-scale.

This is how the speccy output looks. Do you see an issue? Now, I'll fix your image for you, so you don't have to. Just one second.

And fixed.
Look how fast it loads the web content now!

Stop fucking wasting bandwidth just because you can, you fucking faggot. Take a trip to /p/ for more information.


not sure if you're being ironic?

iktf my man nice keyboard though

Turned out pretty good. Dualbooting XP and Xunbuntu for now.

i use it to see movie or use pc with a wireless keyboard on my bed

I'm not the guy, but he was right, a lot of people feel the need to be condescending and agressive with arch, black arch, kali, cyborg etc...users.
So they are always hiding.
Sup Forums is not very friendly sometimes.
I'm a debian user, so a "kali without tools" user, am i still welcome here?

Not that guy, but just the fact that it triggers you so much makes me want to upscale my image the next time I post.

I'm only aggressive towards idiots who run Kali as a home system. It doesn't make sense. The principles behind Kali don't make SENSE to be run as a home system. At best, it should be on laptops and virtual machines.
go ahead faggaroni

ty, noppoo choc mini is decent, I'll try something different once I finally kill it tho

Dude fuck off with that bullshit. It's literally the same fucking file size....
Anyways chink moot lied about the bandwidth usage, so who fucking cares, really.

You're a homosexual. How am I being ironic? Your setup is actually very good but I hate the attention whoring.

Shoot that is great user! Specs are actually pretty decent.
What do you plan on doing with it?

That is cool man. I wish I could do something similar.
I would really love to play some games on my TV from bed and maybe browse the web.
I have a wireless keyboard as well.

Who knows. If I ever build a new PC I can retire my old one for use with the TV.

Read /p/ sticky mongoloid

I don't give a fuck, I can do whatever the fuck I want. I am breaking zero rules. Go fuck yourself cunt.

Go ahead and be a faggot, I didn't say you were breaking any rules, faggot

>How am I being ironic?
yeah nah i get it.
i was just asking cause you're usually cool with me is all

>What do you plan on doing with it?
Old school gaming or I might turn it into a media server or NAS.

Ok you're still on the "kali thing"...
You know it's literally debian with extra tools right?
Why don't you agress all debian users who use their system like home system? It's my case, and it's stable, it works fuckin fine and never crash. So what?

what the fuck is the point of these threads

>hey nerds check out where I sit all day I changed my wallpaper WOW!!!1 look at my speakers

ignore him, tech illiterate neo-Sup Forums Sup Forums don't understand what linux distros are and typically get mad whenever someone isn't using a "conventional desktop" linux distribution because they have no idea that it's all the same under the hood.

what is the point of anything user?

do you like azusa?

I never said that you said I was breaking rules. Now please fuck off :)

I am cool with you user. I have nothing against you. But please don't be doing sock posts. Usually people do it for attention. Sorry man, shouldn't have been such a dick about it.

Those three options are great! You can't go wrong with any of them. You can do old school gaming with your main rig though, so a NAS or media server might be more useful.

>it's all the same under the hood.
Exactly, it becomes what we want it to be.

>Sorry man, shouldn't have been such a dick about it.
no offence taken dude. i was just wondering.

>old school gaming with your main rig though, so a NAS or media server might be more useful.

Your setup is amazing though user. Did you raise your right monitor?

It's up to you user! Could you fit some drives in the PC?

>Could you fit some drives in the PC?
Maybe if I took out the floppy and cd drive.

thanks man.

>Did you raise your right monitor?
nah i just put it in landscape. had it in portrait before. i think i might go back though, its just more comfy for what i use it for.

No problem bro. Portrait is awesome! Especially for shit posting or browsing Sup Forums. If I could I would.

You should! They aren't really needed nowadays anyways.

>What are those lights?
Lamp I bought from a company called Qazqa.
Photo makes my desk look narrow but I sit a fair distance from the screen. And thanks, you've got a nice fig collection too.

>How's the Vive?
Couldn't be happier with the hardware, but still needs some more games. Been mostly playing Dirt Rally and Superhot VR on it. Demo'd it to a few dozen people and they all want one. I want those framed posters though, nice. That a DK1 on the left?

Love the lamps also, look cool as hell, never seen anything like it. I might buy into the VR meme in the future when it's much better.

It is a DK1 in the left! Virtual boy at the right.

>How could I do something similar with lighting? I could probably get some RGB lighting or LED strips.

You can try just having a strip at the bottom of the desk for some underglow mood lighting, which can look nice, and maybe something similar behind the TV, but if you don't use it then I wouldn't really bother. I mainly just set it up to light my shelf and used the leftover strip on the TV. You can get some cheap kits on AliExpress. Just look for 5050 RGB LEDs I think and 44 key controllers.

And thanks user.

aliexpress.com/wholesale?catId=0&initiative_id=SB_20170131181510&SearchText=5050 RGB LEDs

There seems to be some good ones here. I would really like some because they do help set the mood like you mentioned. Some purple or blue lights would look pretty fucking sick.

No problem bro.


You're getting nothing out of those speakers with them sitting like that.



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