
What does the future hold for forums?

Sup Forums and reddit are the most active and even then only Sup Forums and Sup Forums pull in the traffic. Older forums keep dying day after day. Will all discussion online 50 years from now be centralized on 1 platform I wonder.

Any memories from your teens on now dead forums? Cool stories?

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Opefully retro internet nostalgia become s a thing on the future and forums make a comeback

I want to make a site that mixes chans with forums

>Online discussion

Social media apps exist now to where you can find people to have discussions in person. That's better than using a forum.

Forum and anonymous imageboard aren't the same.

>That's better than using a forum
Try doing that with about 50 or so people all with very similar interests. Not so good now huh?

>I want to make a site that mixes chans with forums
I was trying to come up with a way to do this myself a while back

>Cancer wards exist now to where you can find people to have discussions in person. That's better than not having cancer.

I fucking hate all this social media shit

It's not just a replacement for forums, it's a completely different organizational paradigm for content, and I don't think most people realize that.
Social media organizes content by people.
The old paradigm is organized by topic.

Instead of going to X discussion and finding people who share your interests you find people and then talk to them to discover if they share any of your interests.

I'm not even talking about personal preference here, I really think there are those of us whose brains literally just aren't wired for social media. Personally I've never been able to wrap my head around it, it's confusing and tedious as fuck and yields little return.

I'm starting to think the reason the old internet never had such organizational paradigms for content is because tech savvy people are more inclined to have a brain wired for organization by topic rather than organization by people, and maybe the introduction of social media is what brought in all the non-techy people who are more inclined to naturally organize content by people and personalities in their brain.

Seriously, can someone fucking make a new discussion site/forum already and save me from this hell? I don't understand the internet these days, normalfags are fucking weird and boring at the same time.

>I want to make a site that mixes chans with forums
Why wait?

Implying that's happening.

>make a site that mixes chans with forums
Fuck it, I'm doing it

I've been telling myself it's a dumb idea because of user accounts and nobody would ever go for it, but it can't possibly any worse than reddit

sure buddy, facebook has been knows as a place where ppl gather and share their ideas.

Already mixes chans with forums.

This site depends on people replying to their own posts to direct discussion without anybody else seeing their self-(you)

Plus, you can trip if you wanted to. With archives, you have legacy threads for reference. Don't just say "fuck it, I'm doing it" without any plan, pal.


Is so sad facebook is popular, because is the greatest circlejerk known to mankind.

Forums were DOA as early as 2000 because shitty forum admins ban everyone over nothing.

Just reply to me and say "must have been some whiny bitch to get banned from everywhere". Or, go look at literally any forum and how they always put on display people they've banned, how every thread in first result of google has a public ban list. Most forums not only have a sub form for it but several sub forums for it. Banning is so furiously intertwined with forums it's amazing that they were used at all.

Web consolidation was welcomed because it was necessary because you can't be banned, literally the only way is to hurl death threats. Now you can't get banned because the car you offhandedly negatively talked about happened to be owned by an admin. That's the number one problem with banfaggots, they won't say a reason, there is no check system, you're just banned, nobody else knows why, even you don't fucking know why.

BBS, forum, IRC, and all 80s and 90s forum/"communication" falls victim to this and will or already are being eliminated. Nobody wants to deal with these turbo losers.

Stop banning everyone, and people will actually use your shitty irc, forum, etc, but of course you won't do this because banning is the only way to stay in your little retarded circlejerk.

This is the future

>Why wait?
I just started programming 3 weeks ago

I imagine it like ignorama
It has the structure of a forum, the feeling of a forum but you don't need an account like in a chan and you can post images like if it was a chan.

Yup social media is shit it doesn't follow the olde ways at all which were

>Show up first
>Say X
>someone else says Y
>ban them

In the future, web forum software will come with mass banning features built right in.

You forgot to mention the moderation that constantly baits you into getting aggressive if they happen to dislike you, and then ban you once they get what they want. Sometimes the community is aware of such thing and accept it mostly because it would be too hard to build the community from scratch and isolate the mods.

The only way to fight back against these niggers is by doxing or ddosing the forum.

yep this. Forums are such an amalgamation of every hollywood police framing scheme there is. It could be over something as small as you picked a forum name or nic that is too much like some asshole the admin knew. You will never, ever know.

Forget that, since you completely silence the accused, you can make the proof up yourself.

>Why did you ban him?
>He was trying to incite hate on the forum via notes
>He was just a troll
>He spammed me with shit

Can't the exact same thing happen on any discussion platform, be it imageboard, IRC, or even social media sites?

Sure, but how many people give a shit about banning random anons vs some butthurt dude angry you stumbled in 'his' little club? Much stronger sense of ownership in one versus the other.

Spent my teens on usenet and telnet BBSes. Really wish we could go back.

Man, I remember old star trek forum.
>Get back on it a while ago
>see sign saying "it's dead, Jim" by forum owner, he killed forum because of low traffic

Please build a website that allows anonymous posting but has voting for threads. It should have NO voting on comments though. This will make good threads float to the top but contrary arguments won't be voted into oblivion.

What was the communication format on usenet like? I've always been under the impression that it was basically like joining mailing lists.

Seems like it would be a pain in the ass to keep track of conversations.


Excellent and valid question, it comes up all the time. Right at home example: Sup Forums and /vr/ are ban on sight for a lot of topics. For Sup Forums it's anything outside the 5-6 repeated circlejerk comics of the month, and /vr/ it's emulators.

I don't mean the anons there will just shitpost. I'm talking within 180 motherfucking seconds,

>Thread not found

The concept of an admin is not fundamentally flawed but it's best to use a light touch. The real way to make some real ban horny tier shit is to mix this with a wrong opinion that the forum is holding onto. Touch on that and it's instaban because it's the only way that such information can exist on the web, to mass ban anyone that disagrees so that it looks like the information was presented openly and then everyone was quiet in response. Quiet as in, couldn't find a way to counter it, but they are really quiet because all the posts have been deleted.

we need GW back to tell us how to think

>Hey y'all, I got this number from a fellow friend on here. Looks like a fun place!
>heh hehehe, hi... (inside circlejerk joke that only 4 people in the whole world get)
>Thanks for the welcome but what was that last part about?
>(*** U have been banned 4 lyfe ***)
>muh zine
>muh huge ass phone bill
>muh forum games
>muh MUD's

Sorry if this is slightly off topic, but it seems somewhat related to the current conversation.

I was thinking that if you could create a discussion format where _ignoring_ is considered to be the default of all users then I think that would bring back a lot of the old internet feel.

By contrast most discussion formats pretty much have _responding_ as the default. Meaning any asshole could walk in at any time and challenge you, and if you don't respond it's reasonably likely a lot of people with think you didn't respond because you were stumped or something.
I think this is, at least in part, caused by all of our "convenience" features. When everyone gets alerts to new replies to their posts, and auto-updates, and when the site moves so fast, it creates an atmosphere of everyone reading shit in real time so lack of replies looks like lack of comebacks.

I wish there was a way to flip that around where posts that get 0 replies naturally look like they've been ignored. Where stupid posts that get 0 replies actually look embarrassing rather than making everyone else look bad for "not knowing the answer to my simple question" or "not having a counter-argument".

>not realizing that the real purpose of "social media" is Orwellian mind control and surveillance of the population

What makes you think that user doesn't realize that?

Because he's debating the merits of content based vs relationship/people based structure, as methods of information dissemination.

My point was, the purpose of (((social media))) never was for information dissemination (other than propaganda, ala legacy media) and analyzing it from that perspective therefore is useless.

>join forum
>ask question
>elite member with over 10000 confirmed posts responds
>totally wrong answer
>hasn't even understood my question
>arrogant tone
>nobody challenges him because he's royalty

Why don't they fix forums?
Hide the post count
No signatures

Thread is ruined equally on Sup Forums too the microsecond someone mentions what year they joined the site

if you stick to user only and don't trip it's completely pointless

>Try doing that with about 50 or so people all with very similar interests. Not so good now huh?

you really have no idea what facebook is capable of these days

Exactly, it's the stats that ruin everything. Hell I bet even reddit would be a pretty groovy site if it weren't for post history, karma, gold, or whatever other circlejerk shit they have going.

I mean, if you had a forum with absolutely no statistics to speak of, just a name and that's it. No join date, no post count, no post history, and if mods weren't ban happy, I think you could have a fairly decent forum

i never liked forums.

there are always faggot admins that ban you

i only post on Sup Forums now.

fuck forums

>a meeting or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged.

Yeah but reddit is hivemind and heavily moderated. Try posting a pro trump article in the "politics" sub. I dare you.


And don't be a nigger and base the forum off one topic make it a free for all

Is that a culture thing or a design flaw?

Do you belive critical theory is at play on Facebook? I certainly think it is on twitter
>all political posts seem dominated by sjws/trannys/blacks

I still sometimes post on

11 years up!


>only Sup Forums and Sup Forums
It's Sup Forums = Sup Forums >>>> Sup Forums right now.
My memories from my teenage years are on YouTube, watching Sup Forums memes. Oh how sad I was to come here and find that stuff died off.
I'll still come here until this place dies.

What about posting a pro-Trump article in r/the_donald?

it's not about mlp

You're right

people there just want to fap :o

>open thread
>people help
>mods comes
>deletes your thread and gives you a warning
>because "there is already a thread about it"
>that is actually 7 years old and doesn't answer the question

Autistic mods using their power wrong and are not able to take criticism are the worst.

I think it's just how people are.

I even had a discussion here on Sup Forums once about whether it's acceptable to say
>I think you're wrong, but I don't know why right now
and all I got were replies saying I was an idiot, and obviously if someone can't think of a counter-argument immediately it means they lose, and that to still say "I think you're wrong" at that point is considered by most people to be stupid.

When in actuality there is absolutely nothing wrong with not agreeing with something or thinking someone is wrong, even if you can't come up with an explanation for why.
In fact, that's basically a requirement for every scientific breakthrough we've ever had.

So yeah, I think that's just how people are, and that mentality has just been dragged out more and more as Sup Forums got faster and as we got features like alerts.

I really wish I could think of a way to make a discussion format that flipped that expectation around

>not gives you a warning but bans you as this was your first thread after registration
>to unblock your account, please PM administrator
>PM is not available for banned
If some of them dies in a car accident, that is a good thing.

Like I said here

in the future, the only surviving forum software will have mass banning built right in. Like autoban on saying a certain phrase. It won't be a plugin or a script, it will be part of the system.

Generally speaking, if you have to have an entire format where you need to ignore a shitload of information and people, you have quite badly fucked up

You could stop web consolidation's advances tomorrow if admins would stop being pieces of shit. They aren't going to do this anytime soon.

The catch 22 of this is that you can't regulate this, so even if you had proper forum software, they're always going to choose the one that doesn't even keep a record of the ban. Everyone else who actually wants to talk could see the giant ban list for just this week and steer clear, but they can't make that decision if the information isn't there. Forum software can exist to show how shitty the admin and site is but they're always going to turn that part off or make it invisible.

Somebody do something about this.

Sure as hell won't be me though..

>centralized on 1 platform
No, denizens of the net will always have their niches

Not for scientific discussions

Sounds like you need to UTFSE

Yes and no. Often really good posts are complete as is, no discussion necessary

Sup Forums of course solves this

>I think you're wrong, but I don't know why right now
Putting it like that is stupid; try the phrase "counter intuitive"

Slashdot and SoylentNews comment systems are near perfect. Every comment is rated individually, but with an important upper ceiling of 5 points, not like Reddit where a post can get 9000 upvotes.
Slashdot Karma only slightly affects your posts by giving you 1 bonus point, but Anonymous posting is allowed and they're frequently voted to +5.
Self-moderating, usually zero intervention from "above".

Not sure if you could design a forum after Slashdot but I would try at least

Also Slashdot has no avatars and the name is displayed in a rather small font. I rarely pay attention to the names at all.

How would you prevent political bias like this?

We dont look at usernames because we're on an anonymous imageboard

Why is everyone trying to fix Sup Forums? If you don't like it, leave.

one rule to always remember: internet moderators are faggots. always. I only post on forums with minimal to non-existent moderation and it's vastly preferable to places like plebbit where peoples feelings rule over discussion.

The topic of politics on reddit is irrelevant, when EVERY single last board has "heard it all" on their topic, and the #1 thing you can't discuss is the topic. It doesn't matter if it's trump, politics, videogames, or chess. There is no set of circumstances that will let you satisfy the quantum bullshit. If you posted opening strats on chess, you'll be banned for pissing off all the black color players. If you open with a pawn, you'll piss off all the knight openers and you'll be banned. Only thing that survives is shitty jokes and puns wherein no piece would move or you opened with something impossible like a queen or something.

Take this concept and apply it for any topic on the site. It's not just a circlejerk, it's literally hundreds of gigabytes of FUCKING NOTHING. Nobody can say anything because at least one person will downvote it so the ONLY thing that survives is anti-topic information like "that queen looks so hot I want to bang her" and shitty puns. It's not trump, it's not hilary, it's not ANYTHING.

I haven't post this in years

what's killing forums nowadays is all these shitty nu-age web 3.0 designs that fucking NOBODY can navigate in an efficient manner. Forum software pretty much peaked in ~2006.. Since then all the forum software devs have cut a body part off with each new """"update"""".

This is an interesting point
Arbitrary point/rating systems only ever have a negative impact. Simply by existing, most users are more inclined to post responses they think will generate points (which makes them feel validated).

We should make a new forum. There are plenty of open source forum platforms, we would just have to fork one and modify it to fit our needs.

Some ideas for changes:
1. No username or email: just randomly generate a username so that people can't try and use username to dox and to prevent people from trying to reference their past EBIN INTERNET WINZ. Intead of email for password recovery just generate a recovery key at account creation and tell the user to save it or lose their account at their own fault.
2. Re-vote for mods every so often. Maybe every month or even every week make all current mods no longer mods and vote for new ones to prevent power abuse. Also have a facility to report mods for misbehavior.
3. No post statistics. Don't keep track of any sort of post statistics and don't have different bs user levels based on number of posts. Only user 'levels' should be user, moderator and owner (if central server)
4. No signatures. Prevent the cancer that is huge signatures showing off bs stats of steam and other shit.
5. Maybe have a distributed feature based on something like diaspora of ipfs

Anyone have any other recommendations? If enough people are interested we can create a github and an irc to work on it.

I have nostalgia for forums, but let's never forget these faggots:

1. That one guy with a huge ass signature that takes a few scrolls to pass. Extra points if the sig includes a '''funny''' quote from another member.

2. That one guy who is 10000% sure he is correct, and doesn't listen to reason or every other member calling him out on his shit.

3. megaupload/mediafile links

4. VIP members who can do whatever they want because they gave the admin $5 one time.

5. 'PM me for the answer'. Just fucking post it nigger.

You have to go back

I am definitely interested.

As for your first point though I think email should be required (but never displayed), simply because it makes ban evasion much more difficult. Instead of having to resort to shit like IP range bans you can ban email domains (on new accounts). Most of the big email providers already have their own protection against mass account creation so basically by making them register an email you're piggy backing on those systems as an added obstacle for people making multiple accounts.

As for moderation, I don't know if that's such a good idea. When internet voting has high value to people it becomes very corrupt very quickly, and fucks up everything else in its wake.
I really think if you just get some mods who've been around the block for a long time, who are maybe in their late 20's, 30's, too old to give a shit about "meme magic" and "epic happenings"and you tell them that the forum isn't really about "quality discussion" just ban illegal shit, spam, and move completely off-topic threads to the correct board then it shouldn't be a problem.

I've also been thinking up some ideas for this: to create an overall culture of ignoring things

Does anyone have any name ideas? Not memeing, just need a name to make the github and irc.


I don't know, but I'd say it should be coded from scratch.
I fucking hate all the web2.0 forums and sites that have their modern sleek boring 2 color theme that all look the same. I'd rather it be incredibly simple with almost no javascript at all and a really unique theme

Does it to be accessed through a program type raidcall

Sorry, google translation

>I'll make the logo!!


I understand why you dislike social media but that logic doesn't translate to needing a new site. What is wrong with Sup Forums/reddit that necessitates a new place?

And don't say hurr memes hurr shitposting durr normies because that sir can happen anywhere.

>What is wrong with Sup Forums/reddit that necessitates a new place?
What's wrong is reddit is basically an ad hoc humor aggregator and imageboard culture was created before the era of humor aggregators and social media so it was never prepared for dealing with all this modern bullshit.

reddit has a generic point system. Point systems always draw in a lot of people who want to basically "farm" points. That's not always bad though, take Stack Exchange for example, it rewards points specifically for useful and correct solutions to problems so what do point farmers do? They try to solve your problems in the most concise way possible to beat out the other solutions.
Reddit can also cause that kind of environment at times too, which is good. However, because the point system is generic (unlike stackexchange) there is also another side to reddit which makes it basically act like 9gag or funnyjunk since people can try to farm points for humor or various other reasons.

Now, what's wrong with Sup Forums?
Well most of its early users were coming out of forums, and there were no social media sites or humor aggregators. Sup Forums did have much more of an easy going culture of ignoring things instead of taking things seriously.
But now thanks to reddit and social media everyone has been taught for years now to judge everything. To like/dislike upvote/downvote every post. That every little thought is to be taken at face value and assigned some kind of worth.
Thanks to social media "ignoring" is a thing of the past, because of crap like likes and shares internet arguments have taken on this weird atmosphere of public debate in which people feel like "winning" in the eyes of some imaginary 3rd party audience is more important than having a rational discussion with the person you're talking to.

All of that has been rubbing off on Sup Forums, and I think it's time to create a new site that is actually designed from the bottom up to re-create the older attitudes of ignoring and having fun.

Everything you said was wrong with Sup Forums is what I said not to say. That's a result of culture, it's not anything to do with the format Sup Forums has. And all of those complaints you have have manifested in literally every arena of discourse. Yes, even those beloved forums of old. Actually, forums have an even bigger problem with taking shit too seriously and devolving into lalala I can't hear you or outright banning/deleting threads for autistic arguments

Making a new forum won't change that.

just like/pol/ but this

I guess one thing i like about Sup Forums is how no matter what dumb shit i say, it doesn't haunt me. Even it's green text-ed nobody know it's me.

I guess i'm oldschool. IRC, Forums, Sup Forums/image boards.

Honestly i kind of resent social media for killing most of the platforms i used to socialise on.

Why do you even care if you get banned? It does nothing. It's as effective as some Sup Forums mod banning you. Literally make another account and post whatever the fuck you want.

If you really want to fuck them over: that shit is written in PHP. It's natural state is security hole. Have fun.

Those fuckers are the ones running the site you dumbfucks. They can literally create posts linked to your name if they want.

>Sup Forums and /vr/ are ban on sight for a lot of topics

Please elaborate. I could picture /co doing that but /vr? I've had lots of emulator discussion on /vr some emudevs even posted there at some point.

Zero voting integrity guarantee. The botnet can and will vote threads up when it has vested interest in doing so

>anything but a mailing list

You people fail hard. It's like you enjoy being as far away from the smart people as humanly possible.

Then again, perhaps the reason smart people are there is because you guys aren't.

>An Internet forum, or message board, is an online discussion site where people can hold conversations in the form of posted messages.[1] They differ from chat rooms in that messages are often longer than one line of text, and are at least temporarily archived.

Kids don't even know the difference nowadays.

→ In fact I've had several ideas lately involving mailing lists. I didn't bring them up in this thread because the OP is about forums.

You didn't bring up mailing lists for discussion either, you just brought them up to be a douche, so you're no better than anyone else

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little newbie? I’ll have you know I'm a top member of my class in the forum, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret threads on the class-restricted forum, and I have over 300 confirmed posts. I am trained in gorilla posting style and I’m the top poster in the entire forum member base. You are nothing to me but just another OP. I will banish you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over PM? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of moderators across the board and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your account. You’re fucking banned, kid. I can post anywhere, anytime, and I can block you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare keyboard. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed trolling, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Administration Control Panel and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the site, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking banned, kiddo.

Not really I'm actually a lot better off than you lot. I'm regularly in touch with a LOT of smart people who don't shitpost about anything and do amazing shit together.

The fact you people seem to be only now discovering the awkwardness of forums speaks volumes -- a LOT of research has been done on that topic already. It's the reason stuff like StackOverflow came into existence to combat.

Being this new

Sounds like real life. Why don't you try fixing real life while you're at it? Makes sense to me that the communities we create on the internet mimic the communities we've naturally found ourselves members of in the "real world".

Nobody cares

Then don't reply you noob. Still haven't figured this forum thing out, huh? Continue "not caring" for as long as possible, please. Would be a shame to have sudden influx of new people in MLs

I never said anything about shitposting or normies.
In fact I want a forum where people can shitpost.

>That's a result of culture
Exactly. My entire post was about how posting formats influence culture.
>it's not anything to do with the format
I completely disagree. Posting formats have a very heavy influence on culture.
Are you one of those people who honestly thinks the only reason Sup Forums hates reddit is because it just so happens to have a culture we don't like? No, we hate it because of its _posting format_ which generates its cancerous culture as I explained in the other post in more detail.

>Making a new forum won't change that.
Who said anything about making a forum? I thought everyone talking about making a new site was trying to come up with something totally new.

Just fuck off.
>I'm actually a lot better off than you lot.
Literally the only thing I've heard from you that separates you from me at all is that you're incredibly full of yourself.
I know what mailing lists are, I've used them
>I'm regularly in touch with a LOT of smart people
I'm probably in touch with a LOT more smart people than you (in a PhD program)

>The fact you people seem to be only now discovering the awkwardness of forums speaks volumes
No, it only speaks about more fucking ASSUMPTIONS you keep making to inflate your own ego.

You're using Sup Forums. I'm using Sup Forums. Why the fuck do you assume you're enlightened about all this shit and I'm not? I've known about problems with all discussion platforms probably longer than you have.

So again, just fuck off.

Reddit is shit because it has upvotes and content is sorted based on Super Fair Algorithms and response nesting

>Reddit is shit
Because the Baby Ducks on Sup Forums didn't find it before Sup Forums.
It's all about imprinting. Same with OSs, vidya cards, cases, keyboards and whatever.
You kids should wise up before you live your whole lives based on a first impression.

The baby ducks you speak of are just the memers jumping on the bandwagon who never understood why reddit was bad in the first place.
Reddit is shit for the exact same reasons 9gag and funnyjunk are shit It has nothing to do with their communities.
It honestly baffles me how people can look at crap like karma and "reddit gold" and honestly not think that site is completely broken. That's about how the site works, not who's using it.

Lurk more before you start calling others baby ducks

>Nobody uses forums anymore because they're dead
>They're dead because nobody uses them