How were foreigners able to take over the biggest tech companies in America...

How were foreigners able to take over the biggest tech companies in America? We have a pajeets and the likes becoming CEOs of Google and Microsoft. WTF happen?

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cmon OP.

Pic related

A big portion of whites decided they wanted to become minorities in their own countries.

something to do with white americans feeling they are superior and better than anyone at everything for no clear reason.

it's okay though, it looks like you guys are on your way to a full-on race war, so have fun with that.

*posts race and IQ stats*


Well, its funny because avg murrica really belives that their country is about """freedom""" and that war in iraq, libya, syria is about "freedom" and not about USA fucking every single country that was trying to change their oil accountable currency from petrodollar.

>If the Americans lacked money, they would probably be the most despised people in the world. Superiority is nowhere as annoying as with them.

>We really have the wrong image of America. Hollywood films are mostly to blame, since they present the life style of the upper ten thousand, which most Americans themselves experience though films. American observers waver between unlimited admiration and deep contempt. Superficial observers admire it, real experts always hold it in contempt. There is certainly much that is at first glance impressive in this new part of the world still in its adolescence. The height of the skyscrapers is, however, no measure of the level of culture. This land that wants to protect intellectual freedom in the ancient cultures of Europe and Asia itself has no permanent theater or opera. A private concern like New York’s Metropolitan Opera survives in peacetime only on German and Italian operas, and had to close its doors for financial reasons once the war began.

>The U.S.A. has no poets, no painters, no architects or composers of world stature. Whatever culture it has is borrowed from Europe. The land lacks its own language, culture, and civilization. It has borrowed everything, generally debasing it by Americanizing it, never improving it. Americanization is a kind of kitschification that gives every cultural value an American stamp, turning a mature language into slang, the waltz into jazz, a work of literature into a crime story.

hmm well this is all interesting but despite how you view america as the cliche of a fatass riding a walmart automobile, the average iq of america is higher or equal than most of europe, despite an ever dwindling white population. sorry kid

i didnt read anything in the green text because it's meaningless "MURRICANS BELIEVE THIS BECAUSE I WATCHED IT ON TV" or whatever. sorry amir, second generation muslim of the UK, but most don't concern themselves with global matters

You are illiterate and this quote described it prefectly

>If the Americans lacked money, they would probably be the most despised people in the world. Superiority is nowhere as annoying as with them.

Its common fact that east asians have the highest iq, then north europe. Difference between north europe and south europe is pretty big.

Avg iq of american is lower than in europe because 40% of your nation is spain and black.


*Smacks lips*

"How have pajeets managed to take jobs?

*Posts another thread on Sup Forums*

"Where are all the jobs?"

*Stays home in his bed and plays video games*

Really makes you think

I suspect that the majority of Sup Forums are pajeets and LGBT faggots.

American's greatness has been piggybacked off foreign brainpower ever since the world war.

>WTF happen?
The same it happen with the auto maker industry. They're better than you.

a lot of example I dont copy and paste due to it not being what I need, but it helps me go in the right direction.

Nobody cares achmed

Guess that means asians and jews are better than whites

in b4
>b-but we're more creative
>t-they wuz keepin us down n shit

Maybe Pajeets are better at their jobs than you.

That's not the case with the auto industry. The foreign car companies just don't have retired UAW leeches sucking up all their profits.

Yeah especially when I had to train my pajeet replacement to do my job.

Sure you did. I totally believe that happened to you and it's not just some story you read on

stack overflow CEO
Joel Spolsky
doesnt sound too asia to me.

xD Like a week ago I was sent a picture at Sup Forums claiming europeans are the smartest. :/

>Superiority is nowhere as annoying as with them.
Don't be afraid my fellow.
Comparing the american vs europeans economy is laughable.
Also, majority of the european cities have no skyscrapers, because it is banned to build skyscrapers in cities like Barcelona etc.
Europe has everything it needs, without saying its the best. :)
People come here on their own from all over the world.
I just purely love europe. (Been for some time to asia to work - never fuking again. I dont say its bad, i just love europe)

Typical murrican superiority complex
>look we are superior
>someone point out that there is another part of economy where other countries are better
>b-but but its because "here some shitty excuse"

its always like that when you are talking with murrican.

The best is when you ask him why his internet speeds suck a dick.

He is not going to admit that few companies monopolized market and they can do whatever they fucking want because murricans have no other choice and just use theri shitty internet with data caps and other weird limitations.

They are not going to admit that jew companies will not improve their infrastructure because there is no reason. This is free market in murrica kek. Getting fucked by cartel that is such jew that will not build new fiber based infrastrcture (daily remainder that fiber is made of fucking plastic or drawing glass and is cheap as fuck)

You are going to hear.

>b-but our internet was first, that mean we are superioru
>it would cost billions to upgrade our infrastructure (yeah right, billions for a fucking fiber)

UHHH what is the reason exactly please?

the difference between asian and white IQ is like 2 points

the difference between blacks and whites is like 1 standard deviation which means only like 16% of blacks are as smart as your average white

indians are even dumber than blacks i think so that's not too great

t. dumb gweilo

Could you explain why you have such high amount of crimes with guns?

I mean you are first world nation, why would you shot each other instead of talk like normal civilized people?

There is more people killed with gun in one week than in whole EU in year

because america literally doesn't produce anything of value except weapons, and they only have value because of quantity, not quality.

all the tech companies in SV were always friendly for foreigners, because they can help invent shit what the US couldn't do on their own because your education system is a fucking joke, your financial system is a fucking disaster. that's why you import engineers and scientists from all over the world, otherwise your GNP would probably be that of north korea

Because there's 1 billion Indians and 1 billion Chinese.
Whites make up a tiny fraction of the world's population.
Just by sheer numbers, there are going to be large pools of intelligent people among these populations.

The Indian world pretty much revolves around putting students through sub-par courses and handing out degrees that qualify them to work overseas.

An America without blacks is as violent as European countries.

Really makes you think.

>80% of violent crime in the US is committed by 18-25 black males who account for 6% of the population

really activates my almonds

That's not true.

50% of violent crime is committed by 6%-13%

Something like 80% of homicide is committed by 6%-13%

>An America without blacks is as violent as European countries.

>Really makes you think.

As you see americans have excuse for everything

So few murricans claimed in this thread that usa has the highest iq and is superior.

With all your national superiority you did not manage to make black people noble minority of your society?

Yep, and the Nine Goddesses.

Is this a response to that h1b thread earlier? KYS pajeet. the honeymoon is over.