How does Sup Forums feel about piracy?

How does Sup Forums feel about piracy?
On one hand
>copying is not theft
>people wouldn't have discovered/watched/used this thing if it wern't for file sharing

On the other
>while it may not technically be theft, it is still morally wrong
>why would people pay when they could get it for free
>illegal in most major countries

Other urls found in this thread:

Piracy is theft


by your reasoning lending a lawnmower to your neighbor is illegal.
I mean, why would he pay for it when someone can just share his with him?

>morally wrong
Is helping poorfags wrong?

Blame old people in the government, record studios, hollywood and every crappy content producer who is supremely assblasted by one guy downloading shit for no money

>while it may not technically be theft, it is still morally wrong

Read the EULA of Windows 10 brul, if that shit is morally OK with Microsoft then Daz Loader/KMSPico are morally OK with me.

Don't care, I just do it. Wouldn't pay for it anyways.

>while it may not technically be theft, it is still morally wrong
IMO it's only immoral if you can show some harm is caused by it, which is far from a safe assumption. Consider an individual who pirates something they otherwise can't pay for - either because they can't afford it, or it's not legally available in their country, or it's no longer commercially available. In all of those cases, it's not at all obvious that there's any harm to anyone.

>why would people pay when they could get it for free
Depends very much on what it is we're talking about. For software you might want the latest updates. Finding good torrents can be a crapshoot sometimes, and depending how much something costs, it's often simpler and easier just to pay for it.

I pirated for a long time because I couldn't afford to pay for a lot of things. I still pirate, but now I use it more as a means to check something out, and often if I like a game or something I'll go ahead and buy it. Piracy is still one of the best ways to discover new music that you would never even know about otherwise, and I think supporting artists by going to their shows/buying merch is better anyway.

Is piracy actually illegal in the US?


Looks mostly like it's illegal to upload, but not to download or stream

I don't care. If you don't want your data to be downloaded, then don't put it on the internet. If it's there then it's free.

property is theft nigga

Don't care about morals.
I want entertainment and I don't want to pay for it.

Traditional constructs such as "ownership" and "theft" do not work in a post-scarcity context such as piracy.

It's ok as long as you donate to the dev(s) if you enjoy the software. You're a piece of shit if you use someone else's software every day and you don't stop to throw them $5.

tpb down for anyone else?

If you legally buy media and then circumvent drm to use it as you see fit, you are a criminal.

If you download an unauthorized copy of previously drm'ed media, you are a criminal.

If the media comes drm'ed then by all means go for the cheaper alternative. You are a criminal either way.

If the media doesn't come with drm, then pay for it if you want to do the right thing.

I'm poor, I wouldn't have bought 90% of the things I've downloaded. Once I graduate and get a stable job I do plan on buying my music and game libraries.

Most don't have donation systems, I'm not paying +100 dollars for an Office suite, so it is replaced with a new version 2 years later, fuck those greedy motherfuckers.

*Leans into mic*

Spoiler alert: No one cares.

You know you can keep using old versions, right? Nobody is forcing you to upgrade.