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I had the Zalman in my p4 rig.









To be fair, is a fridge magnet strong enough to fuck a floppy?



It's not just about field strength, exposure time is a factor too. As the floppy was left with a message, you can assume it has been there for some time, so it's 100% fucked up.

...I don't get it.

That's brilliant in a sense although I doubt he will get enough heat in there.


Unless he's heading into world record level overclocking

....or he's cooling Bulldozer and Fermi in the same rig


Same. Probably some Reddit humor.

How are the comments 7 hours older than the article?

From New England and 100.7 is the frequency for classic rock station WZLX... but that's quite a specific reference.

You know how people throw the word "autistic" all the time for any reason? You're the real deal.

It's like a guessing game to see how many things are going wrong

Neither do I? Is it because it's huge? It IS a 100 ohm resistor(color code)

are you fucking kidding me?

Le face qr code

I don't have anything to add, but I just wanted to let you know that this post was really stupid, dude.


oh dear god, did they put the thermal paste on the wrong side? is that what that is?

yes, and crushed some pins


why is there a lightbulb in the psu?


Eyy thats me

you're a fucking white male!

no its not

Whats the actual number on this for someone who cant find their glasses?

that is so glorious and I don't even like the guy but goddamn






maybe the article has been updated/edited

i dont get it

>back io with a 24 pin atx socket

that would be possible isn't it ?

delet this!!!!

Why a Raspberry and not a µC? Would be cheaper. What am I missing here?

Man I would kill myself if something like that happened to me, how the fuck do you live with something like that?


maybe they needed the performance, especially if it has a cam or something.





made me lol





if only


>g's technical knowledge in a nutshell




That's the stock 9590 cooler

sign me the fuck up

hell yeah dude that station is the best i love their 7:15 senseless survey


He has a 300k net worth as of 2012. I'd say he's doing alright compared to some.

wtf the dude's 82 yours old and only has a net worth of $300,000 that's abysmal

what the fuck man


Is it though? Really though? How much are you REALLY going to have at that age?

That's better than most 82 year olds.

I love it how they charge $250 for spraying the room with Ozium.

well what did you expect


This one, yes. It's powerful enough to hold the floppy

What's the 240GB version look like?

Tfw no qt (or gtk) gf to give me a toejob with these.


what happens if you close the screen?

Fucking Ken m Is a master troll

Is there any one that looks like that? I would buy

i don't get it, why would someone 3d print a save icon


it would be very painful

god fucking dammit, i wasn't trying to bane post

so then what's the next step in your plan?

Holy shit

>When the receiver downloads the attachment, the electrical current and molecular structure of the central processing unity is altered, causing it to blast apart like a large hand grenade

I don't get it