This board seems to constantly be populated with NEETS asking for tips on how to get IT-related jobs. I therefore propose a thread where we can help each other out with these things.

Also, in a previous certification thread, I mentioned that I had a job interview today, and a fellow user said I should come back and say how it went. I will do that, but please, anyone else who wants to discuss IT employment, please do so. So this thread is for
>NEETs who want advice on upcoming IT job interviews
>NEETs who want to know what they should learn
>Certification discussion
>Any Sup Forumsentoomen who actually get to hire staff, pls provide advice
>Any Sup Forumsentoomen who hire staff and want to know what autistic unemployable degenerates think about their interview styles

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm a CS dropout and right now I'm just trying to make some shit to put on my github.

What are employers looking for whenever they look at my page?

Got an interview coming up for a junior web dev job. Was told it's going to be 30 minutes long so I don't know if it's going to be a culture fit type of interview or what.

But there probably will be some technical questions. What the hell should I study so I don't fuck this up? I need this job otherwise I'll be stuck taking a shitty tech support job again, I just don't want to deal with those people anymore.

So, to get the ball rolling...
>Job interview was for pic related
>I know what almost everything in that list is, but my experience of it is limited
>I have a CompTIA A+ and a few months of experience in a similar job
>Charmed the fuck out of the two interviewers, although I have missed out on jobs in the past because apparently I am terrifyingly full-on in person and just scream friendly jovial answers to every question until the interviewer just wants to go home
>They gave me a brief multiple-choice test to ensure I knew my shit (don't worry, current NEETs; most questions were like, "What do the letters LAMP stand for?" and, "What command deletes a file in Linux?")
>I did not lie (much); if they asked about something I knew nothing about I would say so (fucking web hosting)
>Also asked basic friendly questions about what sort of films and TV I like
>I even pushed my luck and said I liked anime; they responded with stony silence
>I even told them about OP pic related because it's fantastic; I doubt they are watching it now though
>All in all, very informal and enjoyable; no idea if they're desperate to hire me or if they are just nice people

Employers: if a guy is really loud and outgoing and friendly and cheerful, for a job which involves answering phones all day, that's a good thing, right? Right? Because that's how I am and it's unacceptable if people like me get screwed out of those jobs as well as all the autists who don't want to speak to anyone.

It'll be similar stuff to whatever they do, probably. Make sure you use current methods (maybe a meme language too), and include lots of comments so it's easy to understand.

How old are you?

This isn't meant to be in response to your story but just a more general question

29 ;_;

I'm fairly NEET, but I used to do shit telesales and hated it so I decided to move into this field instead. Even if it's too late to rise to the top, anywhere that's higher than where I am now is good.

Well you gotta start somewhere, I feel like in yurop it's easier and far less reprehensible to be a neet anyway

23k/Year in Manchaster. What the fuck dude? You gonna get ripped off. How are you planning on paying rent with that laughable income.

I've never heard that before. It's possible that all the YuroNEETs are on Sup Forums in the middle of the night, when the Americans get home from work, so you always see them/us posting here.

My company will apparently provide lots of training too if they hire me, which is better than just reading a script down the phone.

just show them your HTML's and you should be good to go

Hey there's these websites like Freelancer, Upwork and similar, which are really a great starting point for your careers (and some people turn freelancing into their careers).
Whatever skills you have (if it's not hardware related), you can probably start there with some easier projects, there's usually many projects available, and if you keep trying you'll get awarded one.
My advice is find someone to freelance with. You'll get 50% less money per project, but you'll be able to take on more projects, plus it's a lot more enjoyable working with someone you click with.

Then after some time you'll probably have these skills mastered which will allow you to more easily qualify and get hired for a job at that big company you always wanted to work at.

At least that's how I did it.

I've heard that those sites are garbage now

Manchester is a pleb ghetto. It's in Wythenshawe too, where the most popular type of car is "on fire". The average income is definitely below £20,000 here. My old job paid £25,000, and I had £500 a month to just throw around. I also live like a monk in a tiny flat.

>I've heard that those sites are garbage now
I have no idea what you're trying to state here. You heard they're garbage? So what? They are garbage, everything's garbage. I just meant use them to train your skills and earn some money while doing it.
I personally had a great time on FL, and I'm still in contact with some of my clients, earning %s of the software I made for them, while doing no work for it at all anymore.
Plus I started doing that while I was studying for my MSc, so it was a great starting point when searching for jobs.

I just looked at them both. The Pajeet quotient is high and they try to get you to sign up before you can look at any jobs, but if you want to make websites, there's a neverending list of people who need them.

Is that a meme, cuz it seems like you're memeing me.

>tfw you see a job listing that appeals to you, and it turns out to be advertising a training course

Can we make this a general?

It's better if it's not run into the ground and just ends up being a thread every few days

Just use JavaScript and make a frontend with react

this is azusa not mio you fucking retard

I think I should rephrase, I meant my github profile

They're looking at your coding habits, the types of projects you are capable of doing, and whether or not you are capable of working with other people's code.

So as long as my stuff isn't batshit spaghetti code, looks proper, is well commented and not glaringly stupid I should be fine right?

OP here. I think it's a good idea if the thread is popular enough (there are always a few threads about this, after all, so it would be good to keep it all together) but I won't be making any more.

Did you go right from the A+ to the job you currently have? Also, what was your experience from hiring time and what were you tasked with?
I'm curious as I'm currently unable to find entry level work with just the A+, and am thinking that I'm maybe just not looking in the right place or properly at all.

I did like 100 interviews for android developing role, basicaly, if you don't have any real experience and don't at least know the basic interview questions everywhere on the interwebz, and don't research android in your free time as a hobby, I wouldn't hire you. Also if you asked too much, but thats more of a company policy.

AMA if you want

anyone have a youtube link to that NEET jap movie?

>tfw freelancing jobs online pay more than local jobs but they are more unstable
fuck my life

did you do the fizzbuzz test?
did you hire a Pajeet?

Once I got the A+, I got a job almost straight away. In fact, I went to an interview for a worse job, and they asked me to come back to do an interview for a better job, which I got.

However, I think I got lucky there because after losing that job (not through anything I did wrong; they hired me as an underqualified but passionate guy who wanted to learn, and the new CEO decided he didn't want someone like that in the company any more), I have struggled to find another job. There are hundreds of people out there applying to every entry-level job. I lost the previous job in May 2016 and have had maybe 5-10 interviews since then, none of which have led to a job. But maybe this one will!

My old job gave me hardware shit (replace this hard drive), Windows reinstallations and creating virtual machines according to specifications, mainly.

as android developer your role is to develop apps in a timely manner, maintainable and readable by other developers, thus if you don't have any representable code I'll give you a task to create an app that downloads some data from stackoverflow.

The best is an app that is:
>using architectural patterns
>design patterns
>is testable
>has at least one unit test
>has no brainfarts in it
>no logical errors

doesn't matter who comes, old, young, women, dogs, if you can comply with stuff above, you can get hired

Did you look at everyone's GitHub pages?

if it's linked in your linkedin profile then yes, with senior developers we often exchange our snippets and ideas

>was hired as a web programmer
>mfw they actually have me doing customer support 90% of the time, for the past 7 months

They complain I'm not good enough at coding but I don't even have time to actually do anything because they assign me so many fucking TICKETS that by the time I'm done, I have an hour left if even.

>inb4 get another job

I have been trying for the past 6 months, but no luck, getting this one took 3 years of search and sometimes I hate it so much that I think of quitting but then I know it could take forever to get another one, I hate my life :(

Now I'm thinking of getting into networking or something, I just don't want to deal with customers anymore, I fucking hate them.

man, just use linkedin and research stuff in your spare time.

Sacrifice to get ahead is important when starting

Pretty much.

Radical, thanks for the input

Yeah no problem sorry for the late response. Had to eat dinner.

Would it be unrelated to technology to post cover letters that we send with job applications, along with whether or not they led to an interview? I am convinced there must be a key to how to write them, but you never see anyone else's so I can't know.

What were the qualifications required by the previous job you were in? I've noticed that most places are looking for some guru who knows everything from network equipment to Windows Server to the Microsoft enterprise applications, for an entry level position.

There's also rumour that if you include the job posting in your application (ex: hidden text in the pdf), you're more likely to make it through automated screening.
Anyone have any clue if this is real or not?

no you idiot html is part of web dev and if yourenot using html5 standard shit they are gonna think you're a dumbass

Well obviously if you include all the posted preferences/requirements in the listing the places that filter everyone without them are more likely to accept your application

Just go over Cracking the Code Interview user

how would you accomplish that? through the metadata? or steganography?

metadata or as an arbitrary tag in the PDF file that won't render. Other option is to include the text as another layer and make it white.

e.g. some of the solutions here:

It's not hidden anywhere; just put it in the text. The software reads the text to find everyone who mentions SQL, and anyone who doesn't mention SQL doesn't get through. The trick I think you're thinking of involves copying and pasting the entire job description (because you never know which terms they will scan for) and putting it at the bottom of your letter in a tiny font, then changing the colour to white so it's invisible. The software will still see it, because it reads everything and doesn't care, but the humans will hopefully never catch on to what you've done.

>include the text as another layer and make it white

I presume its like Photoshop-- once you merge all the layers, you're good? It wouldn't be highlightable or anything?

text in hidden form fields are searchable via advanced search. I'm sure there's a way to have it work better by using an arbitrary, unused tag outside of the pdf standard that would still allow the document to be seen as a standard pdf.

this is exactly what I meant-- fooling the applicant tracking software

I never saw that job advertised anywhere, so I have no idea. Once I had joined, though, I was on a team that did 1st, 2nd and 3rd line support all together, so every day the boss would go, "Hey, can anyone migrate this database today?" and every day, it was something I had no idea how to do.

The company did, however, demand that all employees be graduates of one of the top 20-30 universities in the UK, which I am, so it's possible they didn't care about anything else and just needed anyone who fit that admittedly absurd criterion.

By the way, if you're getting interviews, you are clearly qualified enough for those jobs. Just make sure you know the shit you claim to know, and keep trying. Ask recruiters for feedback when they don't hire you if you're really stuck (they won't necessarily reply, but if they do, that's great information).

Also, I've been hit with a worrying thought that one of my old colleagues might post on Sup Forums. He used to shill TempleOS a lot and insult Reddit.

scary. I'm literally shaking.

Seriously Sup Forums, don't do this. I'm getting second hand embarrassment.

Any user from the NYC area? How is the job market there for entry level work in IT?

Hey do I stop looking so beta? I'm not talking about clothes or personal hygiene.

Raise your chin.

Are employers for entry-level positions lenient on people who didn't get many internship or project opportunities in school (since I had to keep a paying job to stay in school), but have a good work ethic and a well-developed resume? Just graduated in winter and trying to land something with little success so far. I have a lot of good work experience, just not in the tech field. To be honest, I don't feel like my education has properly prepared me for work yet: I know the basics and have like a years worth of experience at least for a bunch of languages, but not much to show for it aside from a senior project (a small vr game done in unity). I don't have a github or any personal projects to show off what I am capable of yet either, which worries me since I see a lot of other people eager to show off their work to potential employers. What would you recommend for someone in my situation? Please note, I have bills like everyone else, I can't really do much in the way of unpayed internships, and my current job doesnt quite pay me enough to support myself anymore so I can't quite wait it out much longer before seeking serious work

CS grad btw, forgot to mention. I'm not really picky right now with what kind of job I do desu, as long as I'm qualified and can make the $60k annual or close to it within a year I was seeking when I signed up for this degree

Close your mouth
Stop hunching your back and shoulders
Stop staring

This. I do hiring at a mega-ish corp. However, most people i hire don't have public stuff listed on their resume. I would really like it if they did though. Really depends on your target company but for corporate shit, I just want to see clean code that works. Not fancy patterns, not esoteric shit, just clear practical shit because guess what? that's what you're writing at mega corp.

Big projects showing off your skills instead of small programs that print "Hello World".

They're garbage for a long time now. You can't compete with the prices of Third Worlders.

you guys gotta post your:
credentials (B.S, associates, certs, w/e)
years experience
relevant work experience
size of company interviewing
where you are looking regionally.

I know we're on 4channel but shit

A guy with a masters in CS with a background in biology is way different than a self trained web developer, jesus.

what's the size of the company and have you had a prior phone interview?

>Degree desirable

I'd make more from flipping burgers.