My company is moving us all to India if Trump bans H1b visas

My company is moving us all to India if Trump bans H1b visas.

Any advice for living in India?

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Kiss your toilet goodbye

Get your shots before you go.

get a qt indian waifu

Look where you're stepping.

>Nu-Male faggot "friend" says he is moving to Mexico if Trump wins
>few weeks later call me to come pick him up in Tijuana well since I live in Orange County
>he got robbed of fucking everything including cell phone, passport and wallet
>still haven't tried calling the payphone he called me from

lel good luck

>Any advice for living in India?
Buy a gas mask. That whole country smells like a giant toilet. I'm not even kidding... smell of shit, urine and sewage is everywhere.

Enjoy being a dalit.

If white, call everyone you see a dalit.

Seriously, fuck with the caste system for shits n gigs. A truly backwards culture.

He'll be fine as long as he's smart enough to get to the US Consulate. If he isn't, than it's just natural selection at work.

>things that never happened

fill your nostrils with caulk

>Will decrease the quality of his life if it means staying on his moral pedestal.
Please leave, when your company goes bankrupt because 100% of your employees are incompetent another company will take its place.
America is going to be made great again and the pain train is coming for the rest of the world.

You'll still be loser either way so I don't know why you poltards get so worked up. The only day of the rope is you hanging yourself.

>toilet paper
>do not eat their diarrea food
>stay away from dark alleys unless you love violent anal sex from pajeets
>prepare for a world of shit, literally.

get used to the smell

You will be located in a pretty high class place (for India) where most people will be white or not street shitters
Just don't try to check on the designated shitting streets, and don't go bathe in the Ganghes or whatever else for """"spiritual"""" reasons, and you will be fine
>just leave your job fella you will absolutely get hired in the US 100% guarantee
I'm not a wagecuck like OP, but most people are wagecucks

> I'm gonna move to X if Y wins
> Y wins
> haha just kidding lmao
> gonna protest instead
> by sitting at home and sharing Occupy Democrats memes on Facebook
> #drumpf

youre going to get taken by ISIS and beheaded if you go there


Buy a plague doctor mask and fill it with the herbal plants used to prevent the black plague.

Since your immune system is not accustomed to a country with shit everywhere, you may suffer deathly illness without it.

find new work.

you don't wanna be in India when Pajeet gets fully activated

Enjoy your new cultural experience.




she's attractive

anyway, don't worry, you're not going anywhere. and i'm not a trump supporter either, i just think people are blowing this out of proportion.

Don't eat street food if you're not accustomed to it, seriously, you've got to build up resistance to that shit. Stick to the fancy restaurants and shit if you want to stay clean. Cook your own food, always get your groceries from the farmers market, it's cheaper than getting it in a store and you can haggle.
Roommates in India are a fucking meme, just buy your own apartment if you have the money. I think a good going price is about 50 lakh, so roughly about $75,000. If you have the money, you can buy a decent house at about 1.5 crore.
India's decimal system doesn't go by powers of 1000, it goes by 1000, and then 100s afterwards.
For example, 100,000 is a hundred grand, but in India, it's written as 1,00,000 and read as one lakh. You can have up to 99 lakh before you spill over to crores, and you can have 99 crores before you spill over to hundred crores, thousand crores, ten thousand crores, and finally a lakh crores. I think people are starting to use million/billion/trillion more often now, but it's not widespread yet. It's retarded, but try to wrap your head around it, especially if your salaries are gonna get a direct conversion from dollars to rupees. It most likely won't, but whatever.
Almost everything is cheaper in India, except for electronics. Don't be surprised if even the cheapest chinkshit is more expensive by roughly 5-25 more dollars over there.
The fares on pic related are always gonna be hiked up. Insist on paying the driver about 1/2 to 3/4 of what he asks, that's usually more reasonable. Don't try to drive all by yourself, don't even consider buying a car.
Don't ask "what about muh brown gfs" or some shit. If I could get with a chick, brown or not, I wouldn't be spending my time on a Taiwanese moving picture forum.
All tax is inclusive. Learn the language of the region, or at the very least learn Hindi. Hindi is spoken almost everywhere except for Tamil Nadu because they're assholes.

>be American
>get shot

Find a nice spot on the designated shitting streets and immediately mark our territory, or you will be dodgy pajeet piles the entire time you are there, and they will shit all over you.

Also, eat lots of curry, it kills all the parasites form the faecal mater in everything you eat.

Remember, wipe with your left eat with your right, and don't mix them up.

Have fun

indian "businessmen" also think they're rich once they own a cheapass hyundai. and calling evereyone "sir". fucking pathetic, worst country.

>it's cuck to not be a cuck

I heard girls get gangraped all the time in India.

Why aren't the celebs who publicly stated this and never followed through being shamed?


Tell your boss to move you to Ireland instead.

Find an Indian qt3.14




go swim in that putrid lake with poop and bodies floating around

id go to india right now if it included that cutie

omg the aunties

also food is cheap

and its hot-as-fug and you will have to pay extra for using air conditioner

also when you see Swastikas everywhere it has nothing to do with germans, they stole the symbol from india, its been there for thousands of years.


I mean if they wanted to hire cheap india programmers then why the hell didnt they just go set up IN India

Their overhead would be alot cheaper too and they could probably pay them even Less in their own country.

The internet is a big place and india has access to it... anything you wanna be selling on the internet is gonna be just about as easy to sell there.

with 1 billion population I wouldnt be surprised

> if you're a woman just relax and give it up, they'll get done at some point, thankfully contraception is a major thing there so if you're on the pill at least nothing will sprout

Eurobeat version, when?

You gonna live in aryan race birtplace, be happy

It's baffling to me how libcucks can't see that they're acting literally the exact same way that conservatards did when Obama was elected.

>when obama was elected

"elected"? you mean when the liberal media elite conspired to install their illegitimate puppet?

Almost all muslims do this. My muslim American born suitemate did the same in college. They use their left hand to spread water like a poor mans bidet and think TP is unclean because youre not washing it off like with water.
They dont shake or eat with left hands for this reason.
The Qu'ran or something says to do this

get a chained walled and phone case also carry a fixed blade knife

They're all the same people. If you're just learning that now, you're probably one of them.

avoid the streets, they are used to shit and cook food at the same time!