>tfw upgraded from the shitty fx 8350 to the GOAT pentium g4560
amd, never again
>tfw upgraded from the shitty fx 8350 to the GOAT pentium g4560
amd, never again
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw still stuck with fx 6300 that I've had for nearly two years
soon, I WILL BE FREE!!!
>have 8350
It's been four long years.
I don't think it's a shitty CPU necessarily, just long in the tooth. Going to repurpose it as a server CPU. Dat multithreading.
the fx 6300 is not a bad cpu, it just sucks for modern AAA gaming, I'm probably going to put it into a build that I'm going to give to a lower class girl I know that has been giving me free weed for awhile. she has been looking for a computer for awhile, least I can do.
she sounds qt why not domesticate her
well wouldn't that be a nice thing in a perfect world.
Damn. Those were amazing when they came out, if you had the right workload (not much of a gamer). I'm pretty sure the i3 6100 runs rings around it now though.
AMD Zen when? Gonna see how long my i5 4690 lasts but they are taking their sweet fucking time especially vega
should be around a month or two. god have they really not released an official release date yet?, god damn.
Playing catch-up does that.
All I want is a comfy amd PC to replace my old 390x i5 rig but it's too reliable and AMD keep fucking up.
The g4560 is only just better though, will you really see that much of an improvement? And the 8350 will still do better for other kinds of tasks.
You literally had a month left until Ryzen, AMD would have sold you a true 4 core part for $99
>AMDrones still believing AMD won't disappoint
flopdozer 2.0 incoming.
screencap this post
ryzen will be a flop.
Fx 4100 and still going strong.
It still handles everything I throw at it quite well, why Upgrade?
my fx8320 still works fine for what i do, dont really need anything better
My 8150 cant oc for shit. Ill be getting the 6c ryzen at the least along with 16Gb of RAM for dat sweet futureproofing
4690 you should be fine for a while, 3ven non-K
>not waiting for zen
Boy you are in for a world of deep buyer's remorse
And when it doesn't you'll be a cuck.
Why are you proud of sidegrading? I'd understand being happy about having a i5 or something, but a Pentium?
>he can't afford an i5
The 2500 and 2700 are still competitive and powerful CPUs and are older than the AMD chips you cited. Face it, bulldozer was a hot mess.
I mean, obviously i hope Ryzen is better.... but you know.... AMD
Why are you proud of downgrading ?
OP is probably just happy that they can buy a 1070 in the first 6 months from the energy savings alone for switching to Intel.
>mfw upgraded from c2d e7400/radeon hd4770 to i5 7400/radeon rx470
Ryzen will be doa
Ryzen was delayed to Q2 2017
>end february =Q2
Yeah, about that.
>Most of the stock price can be attributed to what can only be called the speculative premium. The fact that Ryzen will be landing in Q2 2017 as well as the Vega GPU means that the company is all set to be competitive again not only on the GPU front but on the CPU front as well.
Have fun waiting™
>tfw 4670K
>Still want to upgrade to Zen anyway
2nd of March
yeah right
>Lisa Su directly states they will be launching early march
Yeah no.
Mfw still using i7 2600k @ 4.4ghz with a 1070
It runs well but i feel like im due for a upgrade.
Sucks that i cant do anything without changing my Mobo though
Is there a lga1155 cpu better than the i7 by a significant margin??
The 3770k is a pretty good upgrade to the 2600k
It's a sidegrade but now at least you have an upgrade path
It's fine
>it just sucks for modern AAA gaming
Not really. Mostly sucks for games from two years ago.
Keep it for now. Maybe get a high end board and second gen of Ryzen.
You could at least upgrade to a better FX CPU. The 4100 is only ok for the absolute least CPU intensive games and will bottleneck most halfway decent gfx cards, even at the 960/1050Ti/280x tier
No. If you really want something cooler you could sidegrade to the 3770K. Not worth it to go from one i7 to another though. You'll have to wait til the end of next year to get a 6 core consumer i7. Of course there's a die shrink right after that.. and then a year or two later, Intel will completely revamp their arch, so you will either die of old age before you get the end all be all CPU or just settle somewhere along the way