Help me

Help me

No, fuck off.

How do I help?

my .jpg will explain you

Stop posting new threads you fucking dipshit.
Its already been explained. Do it with grep and sed.

Please explain what your goal is on a higher level. Do you want to remove identifying metadata (such as location, camera used, etc) from several image files?

Yeah, but what can exactly can I do to help?

Delete System32

Do you want to find specific ASCII strings inside multiple binary files and overwrite them with spaces? If you know any programming languages, it should be quite easy to write that. If you don't, go to a shitty outsourcing site like freelancer or upwork and pay some Raj slave labour rates to do it for you.

you are righ bro.... all i want is for example tell some tool to remove 2 values of thousands of files so they are destroyed and then apply some shredder to the files to try to remove them

You're a real fucking pice of shit, you cock you fucking double nigger. All I was trying to do was help your sorry little ass with this stupid fucking problem of yours, but you're apparently too stupid to even clarify your pathetic problem. Kill your self you fucking reject.

yes bro.... for example if you open a rar file or jpeg file with notepad in windows it will show a lot of text.... all i want to do is to remove some 3 or 4 letters of that text of each file to corrupt that code so it wont open....

install gentoo

whats going on with you.... im going to call trump to get u out of united states bastard

You have CP don't you

If you will be shredding the entire file afterwards, you don't need to overwrite parts of it first. Use any secure deletion program that can overwrite/zero the file.
Do you a) want the files deleted forever, or do you b) want them to stay almost-intact but unopenable due to corruption?

Thanks for your help...

All i planned to do was..

1-Rename all files in the folder removing the file extension "1.rar" --> "1"

2-Then remove some parts of the code of each file opening them with the notepad but it could take 2 years to do that to all the files...

3-Apply some tool for the folder and files that delete all of them overwritting them with some secure deletion methods and algorithms...

All i want to do is to disappear those files that if someone has access to them they are damaged because of the change in the plain text code

fuck off depravado latino

What is the point of renaming and corrupting the files if you are then going to securely delete them anyway?

securely deleting them via OVERWRITTING wont secure me forensics wont have access to them.... thats the main reason bro

Hopefully this is a lesson on using FDE in the future.

youre too stupid and unimportant for anyone to ever do "forensics" to try to get ur datas

Three issues with that:
1. This is what you are doing when you're corrupting it- you're overwriting part of the file. Overwriting the entire file skips this issue completely. You don't get any extra security by doing the corruption step.
2. If forensics found the file after you applied the mild corruption and before you completely overwrote it, they wouldn't find it too hard to fix and read it.
3. I won't speculate on the reasons you think forensic investigators might look at your PC. I will say that, if I somehow had something on a drive that would send me to jail and thought it might get examined, I wouldn't be satisfied with anything short of overwriting the entire drive, and then issuing an ATA SECURE ERASE command if it supports it (SSD), and then physically destroying it.

itt: op attempts to corrupt his cp collection

do a 25x pass deletion and then destroy your drive you pedophile

no fil has been writted in the C:// hard drive.... every file is insida a usb kingston sd.... there is a chance that securely deletion will help me without destroying the usb?

Is a $5 flash drive seriously worth more to you than ensuring your data is actually fucking ruined

Op is so tech-illiterate it hurts.

Not only illiterate, I cannot imagine from which n-world country he is. Sage.

>all this idiocy to securely erase a USB thumb drive
CCleaner would do the job for you easily but if you want to be paranoid you could just smash it or burn it.
Probably Brazil. The old p2p file sharing communities still use emule down there. Want to guess what they share?

No. That is actually worse. USB/SD cards and other cheap flash storage use extensive wear levelling. It is possible that parts of files could remain in unused portions of the NAND even after you overwrite a file. I wouldn't even bother with software overwrites. You need to disassemble the drive and destroy the hardware completely.

Smash it apart with a hammer, shoot it if you have a gun and it wouldn't attract too much attention. Grind the chips down until they're in a million tiny pieces, scatter them over a wide area far away from where you live.

That sounds overly dramatic; maybe it is. You need to decide how important it truly is that your data never sees the light of day.

You might have meant a USB HDD, in which case the above wear levelling problem does not apply but either way you still need to physically destroy it.

Sent :^)

Where are your tabs?

>just the tip :^)

im going to destroy my usb i will put it in chemicals
thanks bro