Why don't you own one yet?

Why don't you own one yet?

because it looks gay

because from the looks of it, it's a volume hog and I don't have that kind of space on my desk.

Why would anyone need 4 drive bays?

I'm poor and all i could afford at the time of building my pc was a secondhand cm storm scout 2

Can it play Crysis?

Some of us take what we can get.

Because I built my own computer in a better case

For four drives?

>Not buying an 8 TB SSD

It's 30% off, too. Literally no excuse.

>SSD for storage
>implying 8TB is enough

Because I don't want to be assimilated

It's inevitable. Join or die.

Can you explain why you have a 980 and a 720? (try to be smart answering this)

Not that guy, but can you try looking at the given information and drawing a conclusion from it ?
He's likely running 3 of his monitors off the 980 and the other 2 on the 720.

The 720 isn't running anything currently. If it had 2 monitors hooked up to it, would be at at least 36c+

No, it wouldn't.

Bruh... lol

Bruh... You have no idea how little it takes for a GPU to run a desktop environment with a few windows. Maybe you should try monitoring your GPUs clock speeds and usage statistics while idling on your desktop.

>GTX 980
>GTX 720
>5 monitors

A gt720 while on just a windows desktop (having a monitor running on it), Idles around 40c. This is on Nvidia's website forums...

Sure, a passively cooled model would idle at those temperatures.
But you know that there isn't only one (1) GT720, right ? You know there are actively cooled variants as well, right ?
