Will Linux ever support vidya?
Will Linux ever support vidya?
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No. Only the jews will say it does.
linux is a meme OS
god damn, i wish that was me.
This is now a cat thread
>what is sudo apt-get install steam
You can get most basic games working on linux. Any new AAA games are pretty much garbage, anyway. Wish there was more MMO compatibility, but we're doing okay so far.
Only with a Wangblows virtual machine
Nice cat. This is pasta but relevant:
Not him but the no games argument is not true anymore. Windows is the best os for gaming mostly due to most game developers are trained into developing for it with microsoft's closed APIs, so the simple process of porting a game that was developed for windows to any other platform will affect negatively the performance of the game. This with the fact that the marketshare is small compared to windows there's hardly an incentive at the moment to optimize for linux, making look as if the platform were worse for games than windows when in fact to flip the situation you'll need to change the idiosyncrasies on the industry itself.
The fact though is that the situation on linux is not nearly the same than two years ago and now those who prefer linux over windows now can play games on it, helping to break the vicious circle, but still there's a lot of things to do for linux to compete in the gaming side. I anyone wants for this to change i recommend to play the games you can on linux when possible and ask for linux ports.
I notice some people doesn't want's for this to happen but if that the case let me ask (not directed specifically to the person i'm replying): how are any of you benefited in a meaningful way with the current situation? because i consider that keeping the statu quo just to have a tool to win an argument on what OS is better is not a meaningful thing. how having less options and practically being locked to MS products benefits you?
Some links:
that... that isn't cat
linux has come a long way. just two years ago my list was like 15 games for linux. as long as more people adopt linux, more games will get ported.
i personally ditched windows completely because i have enough games to keep me satisfied.
>Using apt-get
Not all of them, but I'm up to 112 games on Steam with Linux versions. Works fine for me, I have a backlog as it is, I don't need every single game out there.
Apt-get distros have the most software support and general support you can get.
>general support
When will the user friendly meme end?
You got it backwards. Vidya needs to support Linux.
I sure hope not. The toxic Sup Forums communty would be the last nail in the coffin for linux
>needs to
But why?
So hardmode:
Can you get games running without Steam?
//no steam installed whatsoever on the comp
just testing to see how dependent you have to be on something to run your stuff
> a pathetic marketing attempt by valve to have half life 2 downloadable, which has bloated to epic proportions
I think the correct question is
>Will vidya programmers ever learn how to code using OpenGL?
Huh, seems like a weird thing to ditch Windows for games when it's the desktop environment where it's most efficient.
i think you mean "will vidya programmers bother to port their games to an OS with a relatively tiny base of potential customers, most of whom are smart enough to already know what bittorrent is"
>denying steams existence
>PoL Blizzard games is a thing too
Stop spreading lies, uneducated fuck.
It does.
>just testing to see how dependent you have to be on something to run your stuff
In this day and age, you pretty much need Steam unless you're pirating every game. It's possible to download the games through Steam, then just run the executable files without Steam running, but even then that's only for some games and you still need to install Steam to download the games in the first place.
Also, Steam was a means to force CS players off WON servers and register their copies of Half Life 1, HL2 wasn't even released when Steam was invented.
It does have vidya, just not all vidya. All you gaymers need to do is move to Linux and the problem of having supposed no games will be solved instantly. That or forever wait for Vulkan since devs are incompetent shit.
My crippling video game addiction prevents me from switching to GNU/Linux because I need to have every game available at all times or I'll die
You do know other package managers exist on debian based distros right?
Will DirectX ever die? No.
Has DirectX always been shit. Yes.
Will changing the name of OpenGL to Vulkan change anything. Probably not.
Do all console gaming systems use DirectX? Fuck no they do not.
Do any ARM/android devices run DirectX? Hell no.
DirectX is and always has been a steaming pile of shit that is a pain in the ass to work with. It's also a bitch to port anything DirectX to a non-Windows/Xbox system.
OpenGL games exist, but why the hell would anyone take time out of there busy day to port them to an open platform that is not consumer driven?
You have to convince these game companies that linux users will buy their heaps of closed source shit and submit to DRM fuckery.
The best you're going to get is a closed garden locked down linux based platform that runs games.
Stock Ubuntu seems to game just fine as a passthrough VM and as a normal desktop OS.
wine also doesn't suck.
I also like the business model of Feral. It's like "We'll port your game to Linux for you". I see it helping a lot for games that wouldn't otherwise make the jump.
Because Linux already supports vidya. It's literally as user said, vidya doesn't (always) support Linux. Or rather, the developers don't.
It needs support for:
World of Warcraft
Diablo 3
Starcraft 2
League of Legends
Dota 2
Team Fortress 2
Rocket League
and I'll have no reason for windows
Aren't CSGO, TF2 and Dota2 kind of supported in Linux? And Rocket League is also on Linux at the very beginning, too.
Not saying those games aren't but they're all part of that "esport/pc exclusive" kind of genre and probably the most played stuff
Already Done
Already Done
Already Done
Already Done
I've always wondered why LoL hasn't ported but adobe air I guess.
I think you misunderstood. Why should the devs support linux?
Is Overwatch gonna be ported to loonix>
I'll be happy if it does
It has Cs support
there's some patches to make it work with wine, we can expect it to go mainstream in a few months
Idealism, programming bravado and I understand their business decisions when they don't. This is why I pay money for steam games that release on Linux.
I think it's more the Engines that will have to make supporting it easier and then the devs have less to lose. Also see Feral's "services".
Let's get the desktop up to par before we talk about getting games support.
The market for Linux is too small for any dev/publisher to give a shit. The only reason Valve tried to jumpstart it is to get away from Microsoft, but it failed and they even acknowledge that.
This. The key isn't to to port games to Linux, it's to build a userbase by making a distro that has usability for the average consumer. The problem is, developers are too proud and arrogant to give up their secret club mentality and as such will never make an OS that the lowest common denominator can wrap their head around.
I have no FSF delusion and am grateful for the streamlining of Engines supporting it natively and Steam selling that version. The walled garden is good enough for actually playing the game with reasonable performance and gives the platform breathing room.
However the Linux market is non-zero. 3rd time I'll bring up Feral again because the "Linux isn't big enough" broken record isn't completely true anymore.
Maybe it's a bundled free service for VIP steam games but based on that list of games those companies had to have had SOME business reasoning that their title would move nix copies or they wouldn't have signed up.
What I notice most is the ever increasing tool support. The closer we are to a dropdown in engines to build for nix the more it becomes a "why not" business decision.
Even 2 years ago I didn't see this happening.
So I remain optimistic that the rate of change is still positive and will translate into more game software 1-2 dev cycles from now.
Didn't he said the opposite? He likes linux more but he was obligated to boot to windows due to game availability. Now he can play most of his games on Linux so he's can use an OS he likes full time.
It's sad that this is unironically the logic a lot of people uses to bash linux.
They already influenced he industry a lot with a minimal investment an they still support linux well. A lot of parties would be beneffited to not be locked to MS ecosystems, not only valve. Also valve's move was intelligent: putting all your eggs in one basket is already bad, putting all your eggs in a basket controlled by a competitor is plainly supid, putting all your eggs in a basket controlled by a competitor with a huge record on being anticompetitive and with practically a monopoly is... you know.
Have some self control. I love videogames but to a certain extent. Besides, there is so much backlog from earlier consoles that just having emulators will keep you busy for years.
everything on that list except overwatch runs just fine, either with native versions or theough WINE
When will Sup Forums grow up
Sup Forums is a time capsule that keeps everyone between the age of 12 and 16
To make actual PC games instead WC (windowns computer).
Go to rutracker and download unreal tournament, myst 2 and other games for linux.
Speaking of "exclusive", are there any good linux-exlusive gaems.
>when you're too mature for simple entertainment
Okay I'll take the bait.
Here you are OP, you deserve it for creating this top quality thread.
When the 'I'm so edgy because I've invested years of learning the features of an OS that I probably won't use ever because I'm a basement dweller neet who does nothing but shitposts all day on Sup Forums' meme will end.
Not OP but not restricting this to just *nix is more accurate. 8/25 of the top 25 sellers have linux or mac support (3 just Mac, 1 just Linux, 4 both). Obviously all 25 also support windows.
Same here, I'm at 160. My backlog is enormous. I also run some VNs through Wine. Add emulation to that and I have no time left in the day.
Who fucking cares though? The only games worth playing are like 10+ years old or more, and all work fine under WINE so what's the big deal?
Dwarf Fortress is native on Linux, this is one of the only new games worth even looking at for more than a second.
Can Linux run Depression Quest?
I dont get it, gahnoo plus loonix is the manchild OS of choice yet it has no games?
no its a cuck os
>but not mature enough to stop shitposting on tibetan wall scroll imageboards
>Games? Linux doesn't have any gam--
Yes, there is Desura. There is also DRM free games you can purchase on various websites like GOG. However, most of the DRM free stuff are indie titles. I personally prefer indie titles, so this is not a problem for me. Hpowever, I do think it is worth mentioning.