Did you even article m8?
Sageru daiyo
Did you even article m8?
Sageru daiyo
So? Don't use it and it will flop
>web operating system.
Jesus christ, tell me it's not real
>doesn't read article
>complains about things the article doesn't say
What a cum guzzling faggot you are OP
It is
Your files will be force synced to The Cloud, your harddrive wiped, everything replaced with a simple remote desktop client to your very own Windows Cloud Instance.
>completely seperate OS from W10
>hoping people don't read the article
>what is dual boot
>some people have fun and need office
>instead of whining on an imageboard
(I'm not )
I mean it could be worse, they could've gotten rid of local windows entriely, but microsoft being microsoft, who knows
>Linux distribution
Because all the shit I need to function on a day-to-day basis works only on windows, and the linux equivalents don't perform nearly as well, or nicely.
If they do, then some other fuckery is required.
Yes, I'm going to continue getting rammed up the ass until someone releases an actual linux compatible version or equivilent of the adobe suite, unity and some other miscellaneous shit.
Even then, its going to take some serious dicking before I'm willing to learn a whole new fucking interface.
Don't even fucking get me started on the game support. I swear its worse than 4-way SLI at its absolute best.
Why though, aren't they planning to allow full W10 to run on (new) ARM processors?
You mean the game engine that was created in Linux and has a linux native application?
Fucking pcmr cucks
I guess switching to Linux was a good decision.
God bless Ubuntu MATE
I still use pirated Win8.1 with Classic Shell on all my PCs. Works perfectly fambalam
Chrome OS, dumbfuck.
Are you the same faggot linking Gizmodo and ArseTechnica? GTFO MY Sup Forums YOU LITERAL FAGGOT
A version of windows targeted at normies and the kind of computers the normie college kids and people who can't into performance computing buy. It's not going to be for the person who browses Sup Forums on their arch Linux box or the like. I do want see where this goes.
They're testing the waters obvs
Fuck it, let everything move to the cloud. I don't care at this point. "Worst" case scenario we end up with a segregated internet where we no longer have to deal with idiots ruining actual discussion. Dedicated hardware will continue to exist for enthusiast, only people that lose from this are the casuals.
How is this different than Windows RT?
They want a chrome os competitor, and something that can work on tablets too.
This is likely going to be that initiative.
No clear indication they are going to make a cloud os yet.
because full windows 10 will cost 100$ a key, this will be a gutted version, kind of like home basic that use to be 20$
Still using 7.