What is the best/most profitable way to make money from hacking...

What is the best/most profitable way to make money from hacking. I know Python pretty fluently but am not sure what to even start targeting.

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You're an idiot.

"a hacker never asks how to be a hacker"



>I know Python pretty fluently but am not sure what to even start targeting.
good start for a ylyl thread OP

No need to be rude, cuck. Just asking for some advice

says the turbo mega ultra cuck

gr8 b8 m8

Download Tor.
Find the CP.

hack your head from your shoulders

bro there's no need for hatred. I'm asking for help for all the right reasons

You have to know so much shit to be halfway competent and pretty much nobody gets to that level if their sole motivation is money.

they're *

Mash random keys on the keyboard with shitty gabber blaring over speakers

You'll get more done doing that than "hacking" as you understand it.

Here, I'll get you started.

Which other languages are a good starting point to learn?

their *

Download kali of course

Write video game hacks. Some of the more popular coders doing this make between $5,000-$40,000/month. Specialty hacks for things like BE and EAC can rake in $1,000/month or more alone.

I'm reminded of office space and looking up money laundering in the dictionary.



I'm certainly not colored

haha same :)

Use SQL to corrupt their databases

use c to stack their overflows and core their dumps

Build a GUI in visual basic

I don't even...

Like when I seriously think about this you would need to pen a system, access sensitive data... then...?

Make a copy?
Random not releasing it for $$ and never come near a first world country again?
Encrypt it and random the key?
Sell it to the highest bidder? For bitcoin?
Do you have a fence?

Like do you know what an IDS vs an IPS is? A honeypot? How PKI works? SPI? I mean you should probably know some basic security stuff to know the basic counters that would be used against you.

My sides. If this is b8 it's 10/10.

I'm good with a hammer but how do I build a house? What's an architect?


Worse. Sysadmin.

"Sucking penis is so good aaaah mm more cum everyone should suck penis, yum"

what's this do OP?


import socket
import cPickle
import os
import sys
import signal

PORT = 54321

def handle(cs, addr):
print "Conn from", addr

l = cPickle.loads(cs.recv(1024))
s = sum(l)
cs.sendall("%d\n" % s)
cs.sendall("fail :(\n")


signal.signal(signal.SIGCHLD, signal.SIG_IGN)

s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.bind(("", PORT))

while 1:
(cs, addr) = s.accept()
pid = os.fork()

if pid == 0:
handle(cs, addr)


not OP and suck at python but it looks like a basic chat client and based on SIG_IGN, while 1: with a fork my guess would be forkbomb. :)


Does chan always strip python spacing?

not a forkbomb, and formatting is always lost unless you go that extra mile

ransomware amigo. go drop some usb sticks around schools and hospitals and hope people pick them up.


It fails to start because you didn't indent silly billy! ;^)

Ransomware and literal ad botnets but I guarantee you anyone with the skills, talent and drive to make this would never ask on /gee/ this shit.

>using the smiley with a carat nose

You're too stupid right now man. Come back in like 10 years of extensive study and coding

Python strikes again

It's harsh but true.

Mentality: Always ask, ask
Persona: They consider themselves n00b but the reality is they are lazy and have no interest whatsoever.
Wants: Answers to their every question
Located: Every corner of internet
Downside: They are fucked if no one is there to answer or lack of solution.
Issue: Laziness, Lack of interest/motivation

#Modern Hackers
Mentality: I know everything
Persona: These individuals like to think they are and know *
Wants: Anything ranging from money, fame, revenge, cause etc.
Issue: External stimuli is keeping them alive, remove that, they will die.

Mentality: There is opportunity in *
Persona: It varies depending on individuals life purpose
Wants: Challenges
Issue: Time

Get a real job.

do you mind if I save this pic?